标签:音标速成 相关文章
Dialog 1 Mary, would you like to come over tomorrow? Er, tomorrow? I have a doctor's appointment in the afternoon. When is that? At 3, but I have to leave by 2:30 to get there on time. I guess I'll have to pass. Well, maybe you could come next week
Dialog 1 Hey, Marry, What's up? Not much, How was your trip? Pretty goog, But I got caught in a traffic jam in Atlanta. I'm really glad to see you. Yeah, it's been a long time. Too long, have a sit and I'll get you a drink. (Now listen and repeat) D
(e) 双元音 本音标符号明明是一个符号,为何却称双元音呢?原来 (e) 是两个单元音 (E) 及 (I) 结合而成的。故发 (e) 音的时候,先发 (E) 的音,再发 (I) 的音,中间不停顿,一气呵成。发出的音类
1. (I) 在下列情况要发 (i) 的音 : 字典列出的音标实际的念法 city (`sItI) 城市 (`sIti) sleepy (`slipI) 想睡的 (`slipi) Cindy (`sIndI) 辛蒂(女孩名) (`sIndi) 由上得知,只要有两个音节以上的词,字尾有 (
hard (hard) 难的 artist (`artIst) 艺术家 far (far) 远的 Thelessonisnothard. 这一课并不难。 Hissisterisanartist. 他姐姐是艺术家。 Ilivefarawayfromhim. 我住的地方离他很远。 (ar) 的音标多出现在含有字母 ar 的英文
(ar) 双元音 这个音标符号理论的写法应为 (aK) ,但实际应写成 (ar) 。 (K) 亦是个卷舌元音(类似汉语拼音 er 或汉字尔的汉语发音, (K) 是卷舌音), (ar) 故称为双元音。这种以 (r) 取代形成的元