标签:面试终于结束 相关文章
很快,打字和听写测试结束了。Opal小姐将Melita介绍给Ballito先生。Melita小姐将接受Ballito先生的面试。下面是他们的对话。 MR BALLITO: Thank you Opal. Good afternoon, Miss Fagurian, do sit down. MISS FAGURIAN: Goo
fee--小费 feed--喂养 feel--感觉 fit--符合 fix--修理 finger--手指 finish--结束
1. May I know how old you are? 能否告诉我你多大了? 2. We are at the same age. 我们同岁。 3. When and where were you born? 你出生于哪一年?出生地是哪里? 4. When is your birthday? 你的生日是哪一天? 5. I was bom
一个小男孩被绑架了,在受害人家里Beckett和Castle遇到了比他们先到场的前男友Sorenson ,由于Castle不是主审人,所以他被要求一直呆在外面,知道审讯结束。就这样两个人之间不可避免的产生了
Personal Data -- Address I: Where do you live? C: I live at 221 South Renmin Road, Apt. 408, Guangzhou. I: Where are you living now? C: I'm living at 221 South Renmin Road, Apt. 408, Guangzhou. I: What's your present (permanent) address? C: My presen
Every time you have to hire a new employee, it is just like inviting a new member to join the family. They need to get accustomed to the way things work around the office, should be able to do the task perfectly and, most importantly, need to fit the
想找一份满意的工作吗 面试中面对外国老板连珠炮似的提问, 有没有觉得心慌意乱,无所适从 求职过程中面试尤为重要,回答问题,如果能简明扼要,真诚中肯,合乎老外口味,那么录取机会必定大大
When they finish quizzing you,interviewers always ask, So, do you have any questions? Thats your cue to show off your research with queries about the companys competitors, plans for growth, specific products,etc. But some questions can make you s
This list gives you some things you should do or not do, before, during and after an interview. Some are just plain common sense whilst others are dealt with in greater detail under other topic headings. 面试技巧很重要,dos和donts知多少?这
First impressions are everything, so if you're shy by nature, you need to break out of your shell if you're trying to impress someone. This is extremely crucial during a job interview and in fact, shy people need to express a high level of self-confi
面试结束后,主考官总会问你:还有什么问题吗?看似不经意的一句话,可千万别不经意地对待,以下的八个问题,你能不问,就别问。 When they finish quizzing you,interviewers always ask, So, do you h
高薪人人想拥有,但是高薪可不是天上掉馅饼的事,你得自己去争取。下面是一些谈判薪水常用的表达,注意研究一下其中的技巧哦! 范例一: 单位主管:你目前(或上一份工作)的待遇是多
在Mr. Rudy的指导下,Lisa对面试做好了充分的准备。这天,她来进行面试 Lisa arrived at Mr. Johnson Liu's office at 2:40 the next afternoon. She found that he was expecting her. Lisa: May I come in? Johnson: Yes, please. Lisa: I
英语面试,听起来很可怕的东东.第一次去面试的人确实会觉得可怕. 这里我们就来好好学习一下英语面试中会遇到的各种各样的问题: 其中最难回答的莫过于薪水和跳槽原因等问题的回答.确实是