标签:职位职务 相关文章
Wouldn't you be better off in another company? 你不认为在其他公司会比较好吗? No,I don't think so. 不,我不这么认为。 Because of what you've told me about the position and the company,I'm even more excited about the apportunit
英文简历其他有用词汇 (1) 应聘职位objective 目标 career objective 职业目标 employment objective 工作目标 position wanted 希望职位job objective 工作目标 position applied for 申请职位 position sought 谋求职位 posi
兵法中知己知彼、百战不殆,也同样适用于面试者。下面让英语培训专家用双语来跟大家分析下:面试前要如何准备呢?(How to get ready for a job interview) 在面试前,有几件事你可以准备起来,
本期重点单词阐述: applied a.应用的,实用的 He devoted his life to applied science. 他献身于应用科学。 position n. 1. 位置,地点,方位[C] The bed used to be in this position
虽然大部分的国家都在使用英文,但由于各国的历史背景和文化积淀的差异,各个国家对于英文简历的要求还是有所不同,下文将为我们作具体介绍: (一)在英语语言国家 应在简历开头就明确
要获得梦想中的工作并不只要求有一份书写精美的简历就行了-你还需要一份引人注目的求职信正式介绍自己并展示你的价值。根据这里的向导准备一份动人的求职信。 当你开始写你的求职信
兹证明***(姓名)女士自***(时间)起一直在***(公司)工作。她在公司担任***(职位),全年收入约***RMB。 This is to certify that Ms. *** (name), has been working in*** (company) since *** (year), she is working
A: Hello Mr. Jones, please have a seat. Thank you for coming in today. I have read your resume. You completed University in England? B: Yes, I went to Cambridge. After graduation, I started right away into the advertising industry. Later,
A Useful Glossary for Other Contents 英文简历中其它内容常用词汇 应聘职位 objective目标 position desired希望职位 job objective工作目标 employment objective工作目标 career objective职业目标 position sought谋求职位
1. Senator Hillary Clinton has suspended her bid for the presidency. The former first lady was greeted by thousands of supporters in Washington. She's urging everyone to support Senator Barack Obama as the Democratic nominee. 2. Residents in northern
Resume of Junjun Du -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name Junjun Du Sex Male Birthday November, 8th, 1978 Nationality Han dynasty English Name Bobo Nativeplace Beijing Telephone 010-12345678 Present Add
A: Hello Mr. Jones, please have a seat. Thank you for coming in today. I have read your resume. You completed University in England? B: Yes, I went to Cambridge. After graduation, I started right away into the advertising industry. Later,
Glass ceiling(玻璃屋顶)一词讲的是女性在职场遇到的发展瓶颈,到了一定职位就很难再上升了。而这里谈到的glass cliff与glass ceiling有着千丝万缕的联系。 A glass cliff is a term coined by Prof Michelle
Accounting Assistant 会计助理 Accounting Clerk 记帐员 Accounting Manager 会计部经理 Accounting Stall 会计部职员 Accounting Supervisor 会计主管 Administration Manager 行政经理 Administration Staff 行政人员 Administrative A
应聘会计职位该如何写求职信?看看下面这位女士是怎么写的吧!别忘了,求职信可是代表着你的写作和沟通技能哦! Ms. Doe, I was referred to you by Mr. Dave Zbecki, a partner with your New York office, who i
又到应届毕业生找工作的时期了。小叶也在忙着找工作。他是广东外语外贸大学的学生。今天他来参加一个英语秘书职位的面试。 A: How do you do, sir?I'm Ye Jinghong. I've come for an interview as request