标签:美语英语 相关文章
秘诀92 后元音短[u]的发音技巧 一、口形解说:? (1)?舌身后缩,舌后部向软腭抬起,比[?]抬的更高;(2)?双唇比[?]收的更圆、更小、更突出; (3)?在后元音当中舌位向后抬起最高。 特点:
秘诀84 长元音[A]的发音技巧 一、口形解说:? (1)?舌套抵下齿,舌前部向硬腭稍微抬起;(2)?舌位比[e]低,是四个前元音中舌位最低的; (3)?上、下齿之音的距离约能容纳食指和中指的宽度
秘诀82 短元音[I]的发音技巧 一、口形解说:? (1)?舌套抵下齿;舌前部向硬腭抬起;(2)?舌位比 [i:]低,开口度比[i:]大;口形扁平;发音时没有摩擦; (3)?上、下齿之音的距离约能容纳一
秘诀79 咬舌摩擦音的发音技巧? 英音=美音[W T] 一、口形解说:? (1)?发音时,舌类轻触上齿的下边缘,或把舌尖稍稍伸出放在上下齿之间;气流从舌齿间的狭缝中通过,摩擦成音。? (2)?[W]是
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VOA美语咖啡屋 Lesson 71:What is a Bonfire Y: 各位听众好。欢迎收听美语咖啡屋。我是杨晨。 J: Hello everyone! I'm Jody! Welcome to American Cafe! Except today, we're not in the Cafe. Y: 没错。我们现在是树林里。不过
VOA美语咖啡屋 Lesson 65:Johns Carpentry Y: 各位听众好,我是杨晨。欢迎您到美语咖啡屋。 J: Welcome to American Cafe and today we're going to meet John who's a carpenter. Y: 真的?那太好了。我从小就向往当一个木
VOA美语咖啡屋 Lesson 51:Valentines Day Y: 各位听众好,欢迎您到美语咖啡屋。我是杨晨。 J: Hi I'm Jody and welcome to American Cafe! Y: 我想我们的听众可能觉得很奇怪,听这声音好象不是在咖啡屋。您猜的
VOA美语咖啡屋 Lesson 45:New Years Resolutions Y: 各位听众好!欢迎您到美语咖啡屋。我是杨晨。 J: Hello, everyone, I'm Jody! Welcome to American Cafe! And Happy New Year everyone! Happy New Year, Yang Chen! You know what Januar
VOA美语咖啡屋 Lesson 46:New Years Resolutions Y: 各位听众好!欢迎您到美语咖啡屋。我是杨晨。 J: Hello, everyone, I'm Jody! Welcome to American Cafe! And Happy New Year everyone! Happy New Year, Yang Chen! You know what Januar
022C 出行: 高级课程 Professor: Today is Craig's first day at his new job, but he got lost on his way to the office so he's really late. In this first section he is talking to his co-worker, Tina, about the best way to get to work. Craig: Wow, I
019B 婚礼: 中级课程 Professor: John and Carmen decided to have their wedding in a small church in Carmen's home town. Today, they are planning the details. John本想到拉斯维加斯去结婚,可最后还是听了Carmen的话,在Carmen的家
美语训练班125 B: Welcome to American English Mosaic, I'm Mike Bond! A: And I'm Lin Yang. B: Need to know how to negotiate for a business loan? We will offer you some tips in today's business etiquette. A: 完美主义会对你的生活产生什么
美语训练班127 B: Welcome to American English Mosaic, I'm Mike Bond! A: And I'm Lin Yang. B: Do you know how to shop for the best, the most unique souvenirs? We will offer you some tips in today's business etiquette. A: 在菜单上标上卡路里好
美语训练班130 B: Welcome to American English Mosaic, I'm Mike Bond! A: And I'm Lin Yang. B: What kinds of topics should you avoid in conversations? Do you know the social faux pas in western culture? We will offer you some tips in today's busine
美语训练班133 B: Welcome to American English Mosaic, I'm Mike Bond! A: And I'm Lin Yang. B: Do you have pteromerhanophobia? That is, are you afraid of flying? We will give you some tips about how to enjoy your flight in today's business etiquett
美语训练班134 B: Welcome to American English Mosaic, I'm Mike Bond! A: And I'm 蔚然. 杨琳 is on leave. 我来带班。 B: Do you work in an environment where a lot of people smoke? How do you deal with that? Well touch on the issue in today'
美语训练班136 B: Welcome to American English Mosaic, I'm Mike Bond! A: And I'm 蔚然。杨琳休假,我带班。 B: What is the word of the year for 2013? We will find out. A: 人靠衣服马靠鞍,这句话在职场是是否适用呢?礼节美
Lesson Six: 惹怒地道美语怎么说? 各位亲爱的听众朋友,这里是晨间7点档话说地道美语。我是Juliet。非常高兴在美丽的清晨和您相见了。I'm very glad to see you. How are you today? 【课前热身】 Firs of
1. Lesson 16 第一讲2. 课后功课及参考答案我的朋友,话说地道美语等待您很久了。我是Juliet。您也期待新一课的话说地道美语很久了吧。确实,我们花了很多时间在第15课的学习上。一丁儿点知