标签:美剧学习 相关文章
英语口译学习的八荣八耻 任何一个面临口译学习和考试的人,都会有相当的不自信,学习好的学习差的都是如此。考试就那么10几20几分钟,考什么都可能,而复习的内容又多如牛毛,还不能死
I recently read a piece about a guy in his late 30s who took up learning guitar as a hobby and actually became a proficient player. Then I read about a young man who decided to devote an hour a day learning about something just for fun - including ba
学口语就是学说话。学习英语口语就是学习以英语为母语的人是怎么说话的。在真正开始学习说英语之前,下边的问题您必须要弄清楚: 什么是口语? 学什么口语?口语学什么?建立什么口语系统
很多学生在口语学习过程中会碰到不同的困扰,不掌握一定的科学方法很难突破。正如新东方校训所言:Hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope(从绝望中寻找希望),我们要想凿下学好口语的
1、看美剧:好多女孩子的口语都是这么在大学里练出来的,课不去上窝在寝室看美剧,结果顺带把口语练出来了,by product。ps本人直男,下定决心后开始看美剧,其实老友记、飞黄腾达这些就
LUCY:This is an awfully big wardrobe. MR.TUMNUS:War Drobe?Im sorry.Please allow me to introduce myself.My name is Tumnus. LUCY:Pleased to meet you,Mr.Tumnus.Im Lucy Pevensie.Oh,you shake it. MR.TUMNUS:Uh..why? LUCY:I...I dont know.People do when they
WOMAN:Hese not weak,you know. MAN:What? WOMAN:Valuing life is not weakness. MAN:Oh.Hey,look.If youre talking about what happened in the containment( [kən'teɪnm(ə)nt] ) unit(牢房),I had everything under control. WOMAN:And disregarding
[At University Gate] SULLEY: So. What now? MIKE: You know, for the first time in my life, I don't really have a plan. SULLEY: You're the great Mike Wazowski! You'll come up with something. MIKE: I think it's time I leave the greatness to other monste
GIRL:Wow.You seriously spend a lot of time alone. BOY:What?So heres how it works.Water goes in the top,and food comes out the bottom. GIRL:When you shot it into the stratosphere( ['strtə,sfɪə]同温层) you figure it would induce( [ɪn'djuː
首先,大家不要把英语当作一门知识来学。 很多学生在英语课上花费的功夫相当多,但是成绩提高得不快甚至无效果,久而久之,觉得英语难学。其实需要认识到的是学一种语言,交流是目的
Coraline: I almost fell down a well yesterday, mom. mom: uh-huh. Coraline: I would've died. Mom: that's nice. Coraline: hmm. so, can l go out? l think it's perfect weather for gardening. Mom: no, coraline. rain makes mud. mud makes a mess. Coraline:
Hemione:You mean you- know-who is out there right now, in the forest? Harry:But hes weak. He s living off the unicorns[ˈju:nɪkɔ:n]. Dont you see? We had it wrong. Snape doent want the stone for himself, he wants the stone for voldmort. With the
【原文】 (Hey Hey Hey Hey!) Either you find my niece, or I will call the cops with their drug-sniffing dogs. 【翻译】 (嘿!)要么你们帮我找到我的侄女,要么我会叫警察来,当然还有缉毒犬。
《绝望主妇》原句: I dont see why you have her. 单词词组讲解 I dont see why you turned him down. He is so nice. 我不明白为什么你拒绝他了。他人真的很好。 发音讲解(单词,连读和吞音) 单词 See Why Have