标签:简单 相关文章
He cut open the lettuce. The lettuce had brown spots in it. He cut open the avocado. The avocado had brown spots in it. He cut open the apple. The apple had brown spots in it. He cut open the banana. The banana had brown spots in it. Everything had b
Good morning, Amanda! You look so nice today. Is that a new dress? Are those new shoes? asked Fay. Good morning. You look nice, too. No, it isnt a new dress. Yes, these are new shoes, Amanda said. I bought them at Macys. They were on sale. Fay asked
Who answered the phone? Was that really his wife? Or was it another woman? Had someone stolen his wife's phone? Was his wife okay? He called back. All he got was her recorded message. He left a message. It's 9:30. Where are you? Call me immediately,
It was a new red bike. It was a brand new red bike. He loved his brand new red bike. He had paid $300 for it. It was a mountain bike. It had 12 gears. He rode his bike everywhere. He rode up steep hills. He rode down steep hills. He rode on dirt road
Adam was doing his homework. He stopped doing his homework. He was bored. He didnt like homework. Dad, what happens when we die? Adam asked. You will go to heaven, Dad said. Does everyone go to heaven? Adam asked. No, only good people go to heaven, D
Lulu couldnt find her favorite book. Her favorite book was about a cat. The name of the cat was Meow. The name of the book was How Is Meow? Lulu asked her mom, Mommy, where is my Meow book? Where is How Is Meow? Her mom didnt know. Where did you leav
Joe went to the doctor. He had red bites all over his body. He had red bites on his face. He had red bites on his chest. He had red bites on his back. He had red bites on his legs. But he didnt have red bites on his feet or hands. Why dont you have r
Charley wanted to drive the car. Can I drive the car, Dad? he asked. You can drive the car, his dad said. Charley followed his dad out to the car. His dad opened the drivers door. You are the driver, he said. Charley got into the car. His dad closed
The boys were going to the beach. Dad was going to drive them to the beach. The drive to the beach would take an hour. Dave and Dick loved the beach. They also loved the drive to the beach. They loved to look out the window. They loved to stick their
Jenny went to the lake. She went to the lake with her dad. It was a big lake. It was a big, blue lake. It had a lot of water in it. It had a lot of fish in it. Big fish were in the lake. Little fish were in the lake. Jenny didnt see any fish. I dont
No one will ever marry me, said Paula. Of course someone will marry you, said her sister Joan. Paula said she wasnt pretty. A man wants to marry a pretty woman. I think youre pretty. Some man will marry you. Look at Mama, said Joan. Mama is not a pre
Tommy, the dog is scratching at the door, his mom yelled. Take him for a walk. Make sure you take a plastic bag with you. Tommy said he didnt hear the dog scratching. He said the dog did not need to go for a walk. He said there were no plastic bags i
She was new in town. The town was near the ocean. She wanted to visit the beach. She had a new friend. She asked her new friend to take her to the beach. Her friend said okay. They went to the beach. It was a hot sunny day. The beach was crowded. The
Kenny was crying. Why are you crying? Mom asked Kenny. The cat scratched me, said Kenny. The cat had scratched Kenny on his hand. Kenny showed his hand to his mom. The scratch didnt look too bad. It wasnt a deep scratch. Mom went to the kitchen. Kenn
The painter was on the ladder. The ladder was on the sidewalk. The ladder was leaning against the wall. The painter was standing about 10 feet above the sidewalk. He was holding a spray gun. He was painting the wall with a spray gun. He was painting
Different workers wear different clothes to work. A lifeguard wears a swim suit. Many workers have uniforms. Workers at Burger Hut wear black shirts. The managers wear black shirts, too. The managers also wear ties. Mechanics and painters wear covera
I love my mom. She took care of me when I was very young. She took care of me when I was sick. She taught me how to read. She taught me how to get dressed. She taught me how to button my shirt. She taught me how to tie my shoes. She taught me how to
The chicken and the duck were friends. They lived on a farm. They walked around together. They swam in the pond together. They talked about many things. They talked about the cat. They thought the cat was tricky. They thought the cat was dangerous. T
Elizabeth washes her hands every day. She likes to wash her hands. She washes her hands with soap and water. She uses soap and water to wash her hands. She uses warm water and soap. She washes her hands for 30 seconds. After 30 seconds she stops wash
Christopher wrote a letter to his sister. His sister lived in another city. His sister did not have a computer. Neither did he. His sister didnt like to use the phone. Neither did he. He wrote his sister a long letter. He told her the news in his lif