标签:生活有腔有调 相关文章
People don't often look back on the early 1900's for advice, but what if we could actually learn something from the Lost Generation? 通常人们不会为了求取生活妙方而去回顾20世纪初的年代,不过如果那个垮掉的一代真的能
生活情景英语对话:因特网对生活的影响 Jeff: Life without the Internet is just too hard to imagine. 没有因特网的生活简直不可想象。 Joan: What do you mainly use the Internet for? 你主要用因特网来做什么? Je
Do you sometimes feel like you are in a rut and you cant get out? We all do from time to time. 你是不是常常觉得自己陷在了困境中无法脱身?我们所有人时不时地都会遭遇这样的情况。 When I was younger, I remember lyi
Ive used various techniques for goal setting throughout my career but after 30 years Ive determined that it really comes down to a simple three-step process. 在我的职业生涯中我用过各种方式来设定目标,但30后我(还是)决定把它
Live By Design, Not Default 生活是走出来的,不是默认的 Goal setting is fundamental to any type of achievement. 设定目标是获得任何成功的基础。 If you want to live a life of purpose, setting goals will increase your odds of
10 Life Guiding Decisions 生命中10个选择决定人生方向 Theres no denying the fact that our lives are a mirror image of the decisions we make. 一个不可否认的事实是,我们的生活是我们做出决定的一个镜像。 Sure there
Learn to Live in the Present Moment To a large degree,the measure of our peace of mind is determined by how much we are able to live in the present moment.Irrespective of what happened yesterday or last year,and what may or may not happen tomor
源于生活 在经历了一段时间的教学工作后,我发现在准备写作的过程中,学生的一个主要疑问就是觉得自己写的文章不够有特点,不够有意思,不够深奥。由此引发出的一个现象就是学生不敢
三、生活状态词 1、If you don’t work hard today, you’ll try hard to look for a new job tomorrow.今天工作不努力,明天努力找工作。 2、Harry found a job in the company.哈利在这
16. Face your fears. 直面自己的恐惧。 What are you most afraid of? What is holding you back? Whatever it is, recognize it, and face it. Do what you are most afraid of. Afraid of heights? Go to the tallest building, and look down over the edge
The proper function of man is to live - not to exist. -- Jack London人应该生活,而不仅仅是生存。--杰克伦敦。 Too often we go through life on autopilot, going through the motions and having each day pass like the one before it. 很多
As Maria Robinson once said, Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending. But before you can begin this process of transformation you have to stop doing the things that have been holding you back. 玛丽
Do you feel passionless - as though everything you do is a shade of dull gray? 感觉生活没有热情,所做的所有事都笼罩着一层暗灰色,了无生趣? Is work boring or empty, or just plain awful? Do you lack adventure and fun in y
Hi!everybody, this is Tod Smith with Little Things Matter.The title of today's lesson is The Critical Role Quiet Time Plays in the Achievement of Our Goals 大家好。我是托德史密斯为您讲述小事也重要。今天的题目是安静时间在
You work all day. You check email at lunch and wherever you are. And then you keep checking (and answering) emails when you get home。 你一整天都在工作,吃午饭的时候,随时随地,你都在查收邮件。工作下班了回到家,你
1. Don't be afraid to embrace change 别害怕拥抱害怕 It's impossible to keep your life unchangeable 要维持不变的生活是不可能的 2. Look at your life from a different angle 从不同的角度看待你的生活 Spiritually pure life i
1. What are the 10 hardest things in life? To decide whether to leave or try harder. 决定是离开还是更加努力.生活中最艰难的10件事是什么? title= 生活中最艰难的10件事是什么? 2. Quit a good money job to pursue one
Life is all about perspective. Your perspective. Life is all about how you frame your experiences and how you choose to physically and emotionally respond to them. Your perspective can make all the difference in your ability to live in the moment wit
All wise people know that it takes sometime before a person can reach their goals and improve their life. And while this is a an unquestionablefact still this doesnt mean that you cant make small changes to your life to make it better in few weeks if
Eradicating these bad habits 改掉坏习惯 Comparing your own life to the lives people portray on social media. 把自己的生活和别人在社交媒体上的生活比较 The Happiness Research Institute conducted theFacebook Experiment to find o