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The caller said she was taking a nationwide poll. She asked if he had a few minutes. He said yes. This was the first time a pollster had ever called him. She asked if he was on his cell phone. He said yes. She asked if he was driving. He said no. She
They stopped at the cookie store. His wife wanted something sweet. Buy me some cookies, she said. He said sure. He looked at the price list. The cookies were $1 each. He ordered two cookies. His wife couldn't believe it. I don't want just TWO cookies
In baseball, 27 batters up and 27 batters down is a perfect game. A perfect game usually occurs less than once every five years. In 2010, two perfect games occurred in May alone. Then in June a third perfect game occurred. But there was a problem. Th
Mark heard a noise. What was the noise? It was a steady noise. It wasn't a loud noise. It was a steady, quiet noise. He opened his apartment door. He looked outside. A painter was next door. A painter was spray painting a fence. He was spray painting
No one will ever marry me, said Paula. Of course someone will marry you, said her sister Joan. Paula said she wasn't pretty. A man wants to marry a pretty woman. I think you're pretty. Some man will marry you. Look at Mama, said Joan. Mama is not a p
The lady's dog barked too much. It barked in the morning. It barked in the afternoon. It barked at night. Every time Kevin walked past the front door, the dog barked. Every time Kevin walked past the back door, the dog barked. Every time anybody walk
Carol said they must leave early. They were going to the airport. They were going to JFK airport. We must leave two hours early, she said. You never know what can go wrong. What can go wrong? Clint asked. We get on the train. We take the train to JFK
She was 40. She was tired. She felt tired all the time. She went to the doctor. The doctor asked, What's the matter? What's your problem? She said, I'm tired. I feel tired all the time. The doctor examined her. The doctor asked her a lot of questions
Good morning, Amanda! You look so nice today. Is that a new dress? Are those new shoes? asked Fay. Good morning. You look nice, too. No, it isn't a new dress. Yes, these are new shoes, Amanda said. I bought them at Macy's. They were on sale. Fay aske
Danny's fence needed painting. He wanted to paint it white. He looked in the phone book. He looked under P for Painters. He called up a painter. How much to paint my fence? he asked. How big is your fence? the painter asked. It goes all the way aroun
Where is the mustard? asked a prisoner. There is no mustard, said the cook. We ran out of mustard. We have no more mustard. We'll get more mustard tomorrow. The prisoner looked at his hot dog. A hot dog without mustard is not a hot dog. I can't eat t
The water was getting higher and higher. The rain was coming down. It kept raining and raining. Leslie was worried. I'm worried, she said to her brother. She was worried about Moo. Moo was her cow. Moo was in the field. Moo was in the rain. Leslie di
The painter was on the ladder. The ladder was on the sidewalk. The ladder was leaning against the wall. The painter was standing about 10 feet above the sidewalk. He was holding a spray gun. He was painting the wall with a spray gun. He was painting
He wanted to wash his hands. His hands were dirty. They were dirty from the newspaper. All newspapers have black ink. The black ink got on his hands. When he rubbed his nose, he put black ink on his nose. His wife looked at him. She laughed. Why are
Jeff saw the mailman. The mailman was walking toward Jeff's building. The mailman came to Jeff's building every day. He came every day at about 3 o'clock. Jeff was holding an envelope. The envelope was for his landlord. The envelope contained a check
She got dressed. She needed to go out. She needed to buy lipstick. She walked out to her car. The car was in the driveway. She got into her car. She backed out of the driveway. She drove south on Lake Avenue. She stopped at all the red lights. She tu
Today was her lucky day. She was late for the bus. But the bus was late, too. So she didn't miss her bus. She was late for work. But her boss was late, too. So her boss didn't know that she was late. She didn't have any cash for lunch. But her friend
The man set the woman on fire. She was a dancer in a night club. The man came to the night club once a month. He asked the woman for her phone number. She said no. I don't even know you, she said. Why would I give you my phone number? He told her tha
John was very overweight. The new desks and chairs were too small for him. He complained to the boss. The boss told him to lose weight. John quit. Robert had had a private office previously. Now he was out in the middle of the floor with everyone els
Phil had bought a round-trip ticket to Miami. But he wasn't going to return to Boston. He was going to remain in Miami. He had bought the round-trip ticket because it was $400 cheaper than the one-way ticket. He was proud of himself. He had outsmarte