标签:加强军事议程 相关文章
Speaking in Brussels at a meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers on March 31, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said that the United States is strongly committed to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or NATO. This transatlantic political and military
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Was there an illegal chemical weapons attack in Syria over the weekend? And what could that lead to in the war-torn Middle Eastern country? These are the questions we're exploring first today on CNN 10. I'm Carl Azuz. The ci
US, European Officials Renew Efforts to Fight Terror 美国与欧洲官员再度联手打击恐怖主义 U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff met wit
US Officials: Instability in Africa a Challenge to War on Terror At public curing, the intelligence officials said Africa has become a recruiting ground for Islamic extremists. They expressed concern
Annan Unveils Comprehensive UN Reform Plan Secretary General Kofi Annan has unveiled a sweeping plan to reform the United Nations and sharply increase its authority in world affairs. From U.N. headqua
UN Peacekeeping Troops Launch New Operation in Haiti U.N. peacekeeping troops backed by tanks have launched a new operation in Haiti's capital of Port-au-Prince, to counter a new wave of violence by a
North Korea Indicates Willingness to Return to Nuke Talks 北朝鲜表示出重返核会谈意愿 Efforts to bring North Korea back to negotiations over its nuclear weapons seem to have taken a tentat
Southeast Asian Politicians Take Action to Block Burma from Heading ASEAN 缅甸担任东南亚联盟轮值主席国受阻 A group of Singapore legislators have formed a parliamentary caucus to push f
Rumsfeld: US 'Not Inclined' to Give UN Access to Guantanamo Prisoners 拉姆斯菲尔德:美不会准许联合国与关塔那摩囚犯进行直接接触 Secretary Rumsfeld says the government is not
Homeland Security Faces Tough Questions on Katrina Response 美国土安全局在对卡特里娜飓风所伤的回应上面临严重置疑 Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff faced tough q
US Civil Rights Heroine Rosa Parks Honored with Day-Long Funeral 美国举行长达一天的葬礼以纪念民权女英雄罗莎·帕克斯 Civil rights heroine Rosa Parks, who died last week at age 9
US Lawmakers Push Effort to Counter Anti-Americanism in Muslim World 美立法者加大力度平息穆斯林世界中的反美情绪 US lawmakers have urged the State Department's top public diplomacy
Support for Military Rule Growing Among Egyptians 在埃及支持军事统治的人在增长 CAIRO Opponents of Egypts new rulers say a carefully orchestrated media and advocacy campaign is underway in Egypt to generate support for the countrys milit
Russian Weapons Challenge Ukrainian Military 俄罗斯武器挑战乌克兰军事 LONDON Experts say the rebels in eastern Ukraine are using sophisticated Russian weapons that require specialized skills to operate and could only have come directly fr
The Senate Armed Services Committee has held a hearing on President Barack Obama's nominee to be the next U.S. Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta. Panetta, the current Central Intelligence Agency Director, was warmly received by the panel, but faced
A senior U.S. military commander has announced that the United States and China have agreed to resume routine military contacts and high-level visits by defense officials, and that he expects the process to begin within the next two months. 美国军方
Israel Set to Implement Gaza Pullout Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has cleared the last major legislative hurdle to the planned withdrawal from the Gaza Strip. Mr. Sharon has won enough support
India on High Alert after Bombs Kill More than 60 自发生爆炸事件死亡60多人以来,印度高度警备 Shopkeepers in the Paharganj market sift through broken glass and debris littering the
Syrians Protest UN Report on Hariri Killing 叙利亚人对联合国关于哈里里遇害的报告表示抗议 Tens of thousands of protesters thronged central Damascus , waving Syrian flags and photo
Cairo on Edge as Military Warns of Crackdown 开罗民众静坐遭军事镇压警告 CAIRO Egyptian authorities say they will not tolerate the massive sit-ins by members of the largely Islamist opposition, but threats of dispersal are being dismissed