标签:办公室工作 相关文章
Asking for a clients information A: When would you like me to send those plans over to your office, Mr. Montgomery? B: It would be good if you could get them to me by Thursday afternoon, Ms. Barkley. A: That shouldnt be a problem. What is the exact a
Self-introduction Hi, everybody. I just want to make a brief introduction. I dont know how many of you know me. Ill be taking over the marketing division when John Jacobs retires. Ive just come over from American Vendors, Inc, where I was the Directo
Asking for a fax number A: Excuse me, Mr., Macmillan? Could you tell me the fax number for Mr. Winthrops office, please? B: Sure. I have it right here. 232-2453. If that one doesnt work, try 232-2456. A: Okay thats 232-2453, or 232-2456. B: Thats rig
Trying to get adjusted A: Hi, how are you? B: Im fine, thanks. Just trying to get adjusted. Its hard to keep track of everything around here. A: Thats for sure. Youre new, too, huh? B: Yeah. I just got here a couple of days ago. How about you? 努力适
Schedule ahead A: Well, Mr. Brooks. Im sorry, again, for the delay, but we should have everything completed by the time you get back. B: I certainly hop so. Can we arrange to meet on the 27th? That should give you enough time. A: Yes, sir. Thats more
A job-seeking interview A: Thank you for your application, Mr. Sweeney. Mr. Jacobs would like to set up an interview for early next week. Do you have time? B: Yes, maam. I could come in any day next week, except for Friday morning. A: Fine. Let me ta
Talking about child A: Hey, Philip! You wont believe this! B: What? Whats the good news? A: My son, Harvey just got into Harvard! He starts next September. B: Thats wonderful! You must be really proud of him! 谈论子女 A:嘿,菲利普!你不会
Disagreeing on a project A: Mr. Crandall, Im sorry, but I really dont see the value in doing this entire project over from scratch. It would take a lot of work. B: Thats certainly true. But, thats what this job is all about, Maria. There's no doubt t
双语:为什么你父母一份工作干了20年? 传统的养老金体系是婴儿潮一代不愿挪窝的主要原因之一,但这一体系正在缓慢消失。 A new poll says more than 40% of Americas baby boomers stayed with their employer for
Looking for a way to get your resume noticed? Need answers to those seemingly impossible interview questions? 在寻找一个让你的简历得到注意的方法吗?在为那些不可能的面试问题寻找答案吗? Ask your neighbor or your be
One of the world's most remote inhabited islands is on the lookout for a new farmer, but with just one village and a population of only 265 people moving there may not be everyone's cup of tea. 最近,世界上最偏僻的小岛之一正忙着招一位
The Requirements of the Job 工作要求 In this job we need someone who is responsible. 我们这项工作需要负责的人。 I'm the one you want. 我就是你们要找的人。 On my last job, every time anything went wrong,they said I was respo
1. Is what I do really worthwhile? In other words: Does my work make a difference to people? Does it help people? Am I adding something of value to the world? Doing something worthwhile makes us feel worthwhile and can compensate for other shortcomin
Ed:I have to look for a new job. Jenny:Why? You dont like where you are? Ed:No, not a bit.Im not motivated at all. Jenny: Would you stay in the same fieldor look for something completely different? Ed:I dont know. Jenny: When are you going to start l
So you have finally reached the point where you do not feel like working and it seems that you have had enough. Everyday seems tougher to continue your usual boring work and now you just cannot concentrate. Check out some tips here on how to work eve