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斯坦福大学(Stanford University),简称斯坦福,是美国的一所私立大学,其在2014年Usnews最新美国大学综合排名第5名,2013年QS世界大学排名世界第7名,2013年泰晤士高等教育世界学排名世界第4名
本期介绍的电影《请以你的名字呼唤我》是由卢卡瓜达格尼诺执导,提莫西查拉梅、艾米汉莫、迈克尔斯图巴主演的爱情电影。 该片改编自安德烈艾席蒙的同名小说,故事发生在20世纪80年代的
你有闺蜜/好基友吗(bestie/homie)? 那么你有过worst bestie吗?ta对你做过什么过分的事让你耿耿于怀?你有对别人mean过吗?什么底线是好朋友不能打破的?(没想到Linda在幼儿园便开始了她的bull
Sexual issues always arose hitted discussion in our society.恋爱是欲望的诗歌表现形式。现代社会,观念越来越开放,早已不再是婚前要守身如玉的封建年代了。那么恋爱前sex呢?越发多的人呼吁自由与解
在上海大师赛上,费德勒再遇纳豆,二度封王,而新的NBA赛事也同样十分精彩。本周的world sports news, Steve赵越泱和Alex张桁琪为您带来一周精彩赛事。 本周的highlight game中,Colin韩文轩和William段
万圣节刚刚过去,双十一又将至 在做一期惊悚片来吓人,与做一期爱情片来虐狗的选择中 单身率高达90%的电影组最终竟选择了虐狗?! 本期介绍的电影《遇见你之前》改编自乔乔?莫伊斯(
新年的第一期节目,献给逐梦的傻瓜们 选在情人节上映《爱乐之城》,或许是一封写给梦想的情书。一个是梦想开一家爵士乐小酒馆的Seb,一个是希望能够在好莱坞熠熠闪光的Mia。同样怀着倔
By Leta Hong Fincher Washington, DC 27 February 2007 watch Genealogy report Strom Thurmond and Al Sharpton A new genealogical study shows that a prominent African-American civil rights activist is descended from a slave owned in the mid-nineteenth c
By David McAlary Washington 21 November 2006 The United States and more than 30 other nations have signed a $13 - billion agreement to develop a form of nuclear power in a process called fusion. In a Paris signing ceremony, they agreed to cooperate
Pope Benedict XVI has met privately with Australians who were sexually abused as children by priests. The pontiff held prayers and spoke with them Monday at the conclusion of a nine-day visit for World Youth Day, an international Catholic festival.
By Edward Yeranian Beirut 13 February 2008 Lebanon's pro-Iranian Hezbollah guerilla group is accusing Israel in the car bomb explosion in Damascus, overnight, that killed Hezbollah terrorist Imad Mughniyeh- wanted in dozens of terror attacks Lebanon
【Highlight Sports】S02E12版块介绍 小长假来袭!春日里速来一睹体坛快报,来听听本周的World Sports News! 纳豆再战迈阿密公开赛,赛程却一路艰辛;马术大赛聚焦迪拜世界杯;更有精彩足球比分聚
老友记 Friends S4E12 (7:31-9:49) Ross: Okay, each team will answer ten questions. The first team that answers the most questions wins. Okay, the categories are, Fears and Pet Peeves, Ancient History, Literature, and It's All Relative. Now, the
What's in your memory when it comes to TV?
It's Friday night again! We're waiting for you!
Overseas study in the U.S.!