The horn of the Pachyrhinosaurus could have been as long as a meter. 肿鼻角龙的角可能有一米长。 Many paleontologists think it was shaped like a rhinoceros horn, but much larger. 很多古生物学家们认为它的形状和犀牛角相仿,

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The fact that Pachyrhinosaurus is found in so many different areas suggests that these dinosaurs had a remarkable ability to adapt to a variety of different environments. 肿鼻角龙在那么多不同的地方被发现,说明这种恐龙对不同环

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Scientists quickly discovered that these dinosaurs had all died at the same time. 科学家们很快发现了这些恐龙全部是同时死亡的。 Finding the remains in one place could mean only one thing. 在同一地点发现的遗骸只能说明一

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Tenontosaurus was bigger and certainly heavier. 腱龙体型庞大且笨重。 Tenontosaurus didn't necessarily make a mistake. 它不一定是犯了致命的错误。 It was numbers that took him down. 它是败给了庞大的数量。 One dinosaur

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Of the tens of thousands of fossil remains, only a single Ceratosaurus was found. 在数千具化石遗骸中只有一具属于角鼻龙。 This mid-sized predator did not have the power to cause the damage to the tens of thousands of bones. 这数万块

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Because Tenontosaurus has that long tail, it's a clear sign that it is designed to be more of a weapon. 腱龙长长的尾巴很明显是非同寻常的武器。 So it's got a great way to defend itself. 所以是保障自身安全的好办法。 Tha

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One of the things that tells us that it's actually a more primitive dinosaur. 这一点说明它是一种较为原始的恐龙。 Now, the third and forth fingers are very small, probably not very functionally effective. 它的第三和第四只手指很

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The landscape of modern Utah scarcely resembles the landscape of 156 million years ago, when Allosaurus ruled supreme, there were fewer mountains. 现代犹他州的地形跟一亿五千六百万年前大相径庭,在异特龙称霸之时,那里没

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Well, the answer is amber - fossilized tree sap. 答案是琥珀,树液的化石。 We find all kinds of prehistoric insects, plants, and even small reptiles trapped within amber. 我们能发现琥珀里面裹着各种史前昆虫、植物甚至小型

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We can look at modern jaguar to see animals that sort of play the same role that Ceratosaurus does. 我们可以参考现代的美洲豹,来看一看差不多扮演着角鼻龙角色的动物。 Jaguars take on medium to smaller prey, but it's hesi

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In 2007, paleontologists of Manchester University made a breakthrough discovery. 在2007年,曼彻斯特大学的古生物学家们取得了一项突破性的发现。 By studying the leg bones, musculature and mechanics behind them, they were able

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Gastonia lowers his body to protect his underside. 加斯顿龙伏低身体保护身下。 His tail is heavily armored, but its powerful muscles are able to move it with surprising speed. 它的尾巴全副武装,但其有力的肌肉能带动尾巴以

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You really want to detect a predator before it gets close enough for you to be able to see it and so they potentially used other senses like the sense of smell. 它们确实会想在掠食者靠近得能够看见之前就探测到它,所以它们潜在

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Along with its enormous size, one feature set T-Rex apart from all other meat eaters- true binocular vision. 除了其巨大的身躯外,有一个特点让霸王龙从所有肉食者中脱颖而出真正的双目视力。 It had forward focusing vi

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Along with its deadly claws, Utahraptor relied on its teeth as an effective means of killing its prey. 除了其致命的爪子外,犹他盗龙凭借它的牙齿作为一个杀死猎物的有效工具。 And to ensure it always had a fresh set, Uta

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Over the next 90 million years, a new era called the Cretaceous period dawned. 在接下来的九千万年里,开始了一个叫做白垩纪的新时期。 Broader-leaf plants that could tolerate seasonal weather changes covered the land. 能够忍受

发表于:2018-12-28 / 阅读(141) / 评论(0) 分类 侏罗纪搏击俱乐部

What did a dinosaur look like? By Linda Baxter Can we believe what we see? Dinosaur art has a long history. Life-size models in natural history museums, paintings and drawings, children's toys, and of course, the recent spate of computer generated fi

发表于:2019-01-02 / 阅读(158) / 评论(0) 分类 英语音频杂志

King Kong faces a dinosaur in battle Cinema goers in the UK are licking their lips in anticipation of the films to be released in time for the Christmas holidays. And this year it looks like they will be spoiled for choice as fantasy films continue

发表于:2019-01-02 / 阅读(75) / 评论(0) 分类 Take Away English

Dinosaurs. Youve probably seen hundreds of them. You might think you know what they look like. But almost every dinosaur youve ever seen is a work of fiction. You turn on the television. it almost feels that we know everything about them. And thats n

发表于:2019-01-23 / 阅读(80) / 评论(0) 分类 探索与发现2012年

Oh, this is a bit different. Therere dinosaurs here. Now these guys I recognized. (Yes.) So this is your famous Thomas? (Yes.) Can we get up here? (Sure. Absolutely.) Face to face to the baby T-rex. With three T-rexes of different ages on one platfor

发表于:2019-01-23 / 阅读(88) / 评论(0) 分类 探索与发现2012年