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eating grass A man and a woman start to have sex in the middle of a dark forest. After 15 minutes, the man gets up and says, Damn, I wish I had a flashlight! The woman says, Me,too. You've been eating grass for the past ten minutes! Notes: 1. After
如何安排考场时间 英语考试总共时长为180分钟,建议大多数的考生按照以下的时间划分来完成各部分考题: 完型填空 15-20分钟 阅读 70-75分钟 翻译 20-25分
Wouldnt it be great to have more time? With a few extra hours a week, you could finally accomplish those goals that have been on your list for so long but your life just seems to get busier and busier. 要是时间再多点儿该多好呀!--你是不
The Bellboy 旅馆侍者 A traveler was standing at the desk in the lobby of a Washington hotel. He was in a hurry. He had only ten minutes to pay his bill and reach the station. Suddenly he remembered that he had forgotten something. 一位旅客站在
A new study shows women need 60 minutes of moderate exercise a day to prevent weight gain as they age if they consume a normal diet. 一项新的研究显示,随着女性年龄的增长,在正常饮食的情况下,她们需要每天进行60分钟
What is China ? The People's Republic of China,commonly known as China,is located in east Asia, and borders 14 nations or any other county in the world. It is the most populous state in the world with a 1.3 billion citizens,while the world's populati
医生和作家舍温努兰思索希望对人类的真义 -- 愿望让我们将自己和这个世界变的更好, 很有意义的12分钟会帮助你集中精力走后以后的路。
如何通过CET口语考试 一、知己知彼,百战不殆首先要明确口语考试的考查目的及试卷结构,做到心中有数。大学英语四、六级考试口语考试(CET Spoken English Test,简称CET-SET)主要考查大学生运用
Sarah Jessica Parker recently played a frantic working mother struggling to 'have it all'. But it seems life is imitating art as women across the country are so busy jugglingtheir work and home lives - they barely have any time to themselves. It's no
给GRE考的新手们提供几个克服GRE写作超时的几个小方法,到底管不管用关键还是要自己去把掌握好,同时还要适合自己的习惯。 1、逼迫自己45分钟必须解决一休,压根不要有为了达到你起先的
坚持1、每天的发音练习必不可少,至少坚持一个月 大家要记住:语音方面,如果不是糟糕的不可救药的话,都是可以纠正过来的,所以首先要对自己充满信心。那么到底要练习哪些音呢? 其实
主题句:I'm on my way. 我马上就去 SCENE 1 Jane: Let's get going. We're late for work. 我们走吧,都快要迟到了。 Helen: I'm on my way. 我马上就去。 SCENE 2 A: I'll meet you at the safari in a half hour. 半小时后我们
1) 词汇 1 3000多词汇水平,只有死记硬背 2 状态比较好的,所需单词量6000多一点,不超过7000 怎样背单词 1 每天至少花两个小时背单词,每次不超过20分钟。早上20分钟,重复昨天的。上午,中午
雅思听力考试中如何节省时间 雅思听力四个部分的问题类型是不同的。但是每个部分的问题类型不会超过3种,有的时候,一部分只有一种题型。听力难度会从一到四部分逐渐增加。考生在听力