标签:铁人三项 相关文章
Pursue, attempt 追求,尝试 This week we follow the training of the British triathlete team, including Alistair Brownlee. Alistair is the current World Triathlon Champion. The 24-year-old also won the title in 2009 and is one of Britain's best ho
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在上海大师赛上,费德勒再遇纳豆,二度封王,而新的NBA赛事也同样十分精彩。本周的world sports news, Steve赵越泱和Alex张桁琪为您带来一周精彩赛事。 本周的highlight game中,Colin韩文轩和William段
Archery (射箭) Individual events 个人赛 Team events 团体赛 Cycling (自行车) Road cycling 公路自行车赛 Track cycling 场地自行车赛 sprint 追逐赛 time trial 计时赛 po
An elite triathlon race in Mexico ended dramatically Sunday with one brother helping another across the finish line. 周日,墨西哥举行的一场高水平的铁人三项赛,以哥哥扶着弟弟越过终点线的方式戏剧性落幕。 At the