标签:球队 相关文章
西部联盟: 1、菲尼克斯太阳(Phoenix Suns):球队建于1968年,菲尼克斯是亚利桑那州的首府,位于美国西海岸的沙漠中,年降水量稀少,阳光充足,以太阳为队名最有代表意义。 2、圣安东尼奥
No matter how hard you try, chances are you'll still be looking at some leftovers from holiday dinner. 不管你如何努力,节日晚宴过后你很可能还是要处理一些剩饭剩菜。 But you can avoid eating endless turkey sandwiches and m
Never been a writer before, but you know what? Before this season I'd never really been a point guard, either. So let's do this. 我之前从来没有写过东西,不过没关系,这个赛季之前我还从来没打过控球后卫呢。 The other
A charter plane carrying Brazilian football team Chapecoense crashed in Colombia Tuesday after reporting electrical problems, killing 76 of the 81 people on board. 本周二,一架载有巴西足球队沙佩科恩斯的包机在哥伦比亚坠毁,机
For some American fans, the World Cup is the be-all and end-all of international soccer. There is no close second. 对有些美国球迷来说,世界杯(World Cup)是首屈一指的国际足球赛事。其他赛事都远远不能与之相比。 Acr
A late comeback and a 22 point, 17 rebound effort from DeAndre weren't enough, as the Clippers fall to the Bucks. 迟来的反扑,即便小乔丹贡献22分17个篮板,依旧未能帮助球队免于被雄鹿击败。 Blake Griffin misses the pote
As a sex researcher, I've been thinking about how much the World Cup players have been thinking about having sex even if they aren't supposed to be participating in sexual activity. The team-by-team rules governing players' sexual behavior during com
The Golden State Warriors is the quickest team to 50 wins in NBA history, one game faster than the 1995-96 Chicago Bulls, who started 50-6. 金州勇士队成为了NBA历史上最快拿下赛季第50胜的球队,比起1995-96赛季的芝加哥公牛队
Russell Westbrook and Kevin Durant are both thriving. 拉塞尔-威斯布鲁克和凯文-杜兰特双双打出了高水平的表现。 It's late December, the perfect time to do some good old reflecting. 时间来到了十二月底,是时候来进行
The NBA and NBA Players Union are nearing labor peace, working towards an extension of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) by December 15. NBA和NBA球员工会即将迎来一段劳资和平时期,双方都努力在12月15日之前延长劳资协
I think we have to go into the playoffs, or why are we playing? asked the veteran center. 我们得打进季后赛啊,不然我们还为啥打球?这位老将中锋说道。 The answer to why are we playing? seemed obvious. 不然我们还为啥打
When soccers top international tournament, theChampions League, begins its group stage on September 16, it will offer a chance for Europes top clubs to show off the results of their summer spending. 国际顶级足球赛事欧洲冠军联赛(Champi
金球奖 Golden Ball The Golden Ball award is presented to the best player at each FIFA World Cup finals, with a shortlist drawn up by the FIFA technical committee and the winner voted for by representatives of the media. Those who finish as runners
导读:2010年南非世界杯开赛在即,作为四年一届的体坛盛会,亿万球迷无不心神往之。老牌劲旅,新晋黑马(dark horse)悉数登场,群雄逐鹿绿茵场上,是实力说话,还是命数已定?但是比赛的魅
He shoots, he scores! The audience stands to cheer on their team, the Vancouver Canucks. Fans in bright red jerseys and painted faces jump in excitement. People in Vancouver love ice hockey. And they are pretty good at it, too. 一旦击
Somewhere this morning, there's some pint-sized kid, shooting baskets on some dimly-lit outdoor court, his arms barely able to lift the basketball, willing the ball toward the rim. 一天早上,一个略显矮小的小孩在某处光线暗淡的室外
Basketball Cheers for Cheerleading Cheers for Basketball Submitted by CheerleadersSubmitted by: Sweet Thang S-i-n-k, sink (players name) Sink it, hey! Submitted by: Alex Take that ball and jam Dribble, dribble - slam! Submitted by: TexasCheerLove We