标签:重要的事 相关文章
人一辈子至少要尝试做一次的20件事 So much of what we do in our lives is routine or reactive, not deliberate. Here are 20 things we think everyone should do at least once. What would you add? 我们一生中做的许多事都是例行公事
You want to be happy, who doesn't? However, you might engage in unhelpful behaviors that thwart your success. 你想快乐,有谁不想呢?然而,你可能在进行一些阻碍你成功的不良行为。 Whether you procrastinate, feed negative
The master of a single trade can support a family. The master of seven trades cannot support himself。 专心致志,锲而不舍,埃及平原上终于建起了宏伟的金字塔。 精通一行的人可以养家糊口,样样精通的人却不能
There's been a lot of conversation revolving around tampons lately. Their material components have been brought under scrutiny, and the negative environmental impact of the disposal of plastic applicators have been the subject of many-a-discussion. E
No matter how much they've travelled even the most seasoned globetrotter is still susceptible to pulling a dumb stroke. 无论旅行者们走过多少路,即便最有经验的环球旅行者,仍可能犯些无厘头的错误。 The internet's int
Employers assume that those they hire know how to perform certain tasks. For example your boss will expect you to know how to write a professional email and answer the phone properly. Those tasks are pretty simple, but others are a bit more complicat
1. The realization that the next incoming high school freshmen were born in the 2000s, meaning the high school reign of 90s babies is over and that were old 90后们意识到下一届高中新生将是00后的天下,高中由90后承包的时代结束
So, you're a college student or a recent grad and, despite your best efforts, you've got nothing going in this summer. 那么,你是一个大学生或者一个新毕业生并且,即使尽了最大努力,在这个夏天仍一无所获。 No inte
1. There's no commute so you literally just roll out of bed 10 minutes before your shift starts. But then you feel like a shitty person all day because you didn't shower/try/change out of your PJs. 1. 你以为你在家办公不用挤公交,就可以
1.You will be free from judgment. 你会免于评判。 Despite our best efforts, we all judge others. It might be over small things or even bigger issues. However, once you practice to put yourself in his or her shoes and try to understand where the
Call it life experience or the school of hard knocks, by 50 we all have the hindsight to know which decisions were good ones and which decisions were, well, a result of youthful na?vet. But whether you're a firm believer in everything happens for a r
August 13th is Left Handers' Day and this year, 2014, will mark the 22nd annual celebration. The first celebration took place in 1976 to promote awareness of left handers' and the struggles they face with the day-to-day products catered towards the r
祖籍葡萄牙,出生成长于加拿大,葡萄牙裔加拿大籍,拥有吉普赛血统,精通英文、葡萄 牙语,以及西班牙文的Nelly Furtado,一边轻声浅唱着,一边合着吹口哨的声音,流露一 缕淡淡的伤感。
1. 勤奋和持续坚持。大多数人学不好英语根本的原因是懒惰和三天打鱼两天晒网。 2. 把英语当成一门声音而不是文字来学。英语首先是一门声音,文字不过是声音的标本而已。所以大量的声音
问问你周围的人他们有没有遗憾的事情,他们会轻而易举的列出一大堆遗憾清单。由于某些原因,20多岁最容易犯错的年纪。 Life is filled with regrets. Ask anyone around you what their regrets are and they us
To be an independent woman is to trust yourself. It is to believe that your life is about fulfilling your individual potential. And while that can and often does include a happy, loving partnership, independent women do one thing -- one crucial thing
1. What are the 10 hardest things in life? To decide whether to leave or try harder. 决定是离开还是更加努力.生活中最艰难的10件事是什么? title= 生活中最艰难的10件事是什么? 2. Quit a good money job to pursue one
如果你的目标不是冲刺满分,而是在尽可能在短的时间内提高成绩,那么以下的这些技巧相信对你会有一定的借鉴意义: 单词现在背也不晚 在接下来的这段时间里,如果你用一周左右的时间每
Imagine where this country would be if all the folks who in 2010 created the Tea Party had decided that, 想象一下这个国家将会怎样,如果所有2010年创建茶党的人 you know, politics is too messy, voting is too complicated. 认为政治
It's no accident that democracy and theater emerged around the same time in ancient Athens. 无怪乎民主和剧院同时出现于古代雅典。 Both of them yank the individual out of the enclosure of her private self. 民主和戏剧都把个体从