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The eight hour workday became the norm after the Ford Motor Company found that number resulted in maximum productivity at its factories. But there is a major problem with this: the idea of an eight-hour day with a short lunch break is based on the mo
Screwing up is part of life. Even great geniuses make mistakes. When you do screw up, however, what's important isn't the screwup (that's history) but what you do afterward. Here's a step-by-step approach: 生活中总有时候我们会把事情搞砸,
You have a rough start to the day. Or the week. Or the year. How do you bounce back? How do you get things back on track? Sometimes its all about bringing a positive attitude. 你今天一开始就不顺。或这一周不顺。或这一年都不顺。那
Nearly everyone is taught as a kid that lying is bad, but the truth is that society puts up with so much falsehood that many people become liars while thinking they are truthful. Little lies like embellishing your resume or being nice so you won't hu
亲爱的同学们,期末考马上就要到啦,你是否还在抓耳挠腮地苦苦背单词?每天默念一百遍,但是明天起床又忘了有木有?那都是因为方法不对!掌握了好方法,背单词so easy! 难度指数:★ 时间要
英语学习笔记: break the ice打破沉默;破冰 on thin ice 处在一种很有风险的境地 skatee/walk/tread on the ice 在冒险 tip of the iceberg 冰山一角 To break the ice,let us introduce ourselves to each other. 为了打破沉
Stuck in the 'friend zone' with that special someone who you wish could see you in a more romantic light? Here's a simple insight into getting that someone of your interest, interested. 是不是跟那个自己希望能共度浪漫时光的人还处在
Dragging yourself back into work on a Monday after an eventful weekend is probably one of the hardest things the working person can force themselves to do. Have you ever wanted to know how you can make that trip back to the work force on a Monday a l
守财奴:6招教你年关守财(双语) 1. Divvy up any unexpected income 分配好福利收入 When you have a windfall a bonus, gift, or extra cash for extra work use the rule of thirds to determine how to use it: 当你得到一笔意外之财
1 Deal with Your Fear 1 应对恐惧 Fear is one of factor that contributes to procrastination. This can involve a fear of failure, a fear of making mistakes, or even a fear of success. Psychologist suggests that challenging your faulty beliefs is im
Using hobbies as a source of cash requires a slightly different mindset than collecting as a pure hobby. Here are a few areas requiring mental adjustment. 将你的兴趣爱好作为金钱的来源要比纯碎将收藏品作为爱好持稍微不同的心
1.市况上扬: The market advances/gains/rises. 2.市况下挫: The market declines/falls/loses. 3.市况活跃: The market booms. The market is excited. The market becomes active. The ma
1. May I help you? / What can I get for you today? 每个店员都会问的。 回答:Yes. 这句也可以不答,直接点餐。 2. For here or to go? / Stay or to go? 在这儿吃还是带走? 回答:For here, number one combo. / To go, on
You shouldn't wash a bra after each wear. 不应该每次穿完都洗。 Back away from the detergent, clean freaks. Washing your bra too often can do more harm than good. Over-washing can damage the elasticity, which is essential for providing the p
如果发现,你的女票男票闺蜜基友变得胖胖哒,要如何优雅的表达,还不会被骂被打被分手呢?小爱现在就教你用英语狂拽酷炫的把你胖了说成一句情话! 你的出现吸引了我全部的视线。 Th
年份在日常生活中很常用,但是英语中年份的读法是有一定规律的,同学们需要多加练习以掌握规律。希望以下内容对大家的雅思备考有所帮助! 先来看看规则是怎么说的: 千年 读作X thous