标签:口语突破 相关文章
I'm writing to you in regard to your letter of March 15. Do you know what the boss wants to see me about? He wants to speak to you with regard to your financial situation.
5. Be at fault... If my memory is not at fault, it was Thursday. Which of the 2 drivers was at fault in the car crash? It's hard to tell. It all happened so fast.
ten with the exception of 除。。。之外 With the exception of my best friend,I don't know any one from BeiJing. With the exception of the weather,It was a perfect vaction.Well, you cannot control the weather.
7. What's wrong with...? Top 1: What's wrong with George W. Bush? Top 2: What's wrong with this world? Top 3: What's wrong with your phone? What's wrong with you? Are you out of your mind? Nothing is wrong with me. What's wrong with you? What's wrong