卫星公司希望宽带带动非洲起飞 A new satellite system was launched into orbit last week that aims to bring high-speed Internet to remote communities across the globe. Its backers say it could have a big impact in rural parts of Africa by
美国同性配偶享受同等移民法 Last week, the U.S. Supreme Court held that the federal government must recognize same-sex marriages just as it does for heterosexuals. The ruling has special significance for thousands of gay Americans married
美国人种树纪念内战阵亡军人 The U.S. Civil War was the bloodiest war in American history. From 1861 to 1865, at least 620,000 soldiers died in the fighting. The war was fought between the states of the North - the Union, and the South - t
美国防部削减开支 承包商面临破产 The U.S. budget cuts known as Sequestration are projected to reduce government spending by $1.2 trillion over 10 years. The cuts are already being felt by U.S. defense contractors. 美国最近启动了自
土耳其为叙利亚难民设立学校 As the Syrian conflict approaches the end of its second year, authorities in neighboring Turkey have set up schools for refugee children. Most schools are in camps where some 200,000 Syrian refugees now live. B
缅甸纺织业盼望重返美国市场 Before the United States began imposing trade sanctions against Burma, more than half of the country's textiles were exported to American consumers. With the suspension of U.S. sanctions, hopes are high that U.
抗议民众在共和党大会外表达不满 More than three years after the U.S. economy fell into deep recession, protesters outside the Republican National Convention point to what they call a continuing crisis of unemployment and homelessness. A
美国好奇号将登陆火星 The U.S. space agency is preparing for its newest Mars rover, Curiosity, to touch down on the Red Planet on August 6. The rover's entry and descent will be nerve-wracking for NASA engineers, compounded by a 14-minute de
法国人的新爱好:学中文 Not so long ago, Americans and Japanese tourists were the major spenders in France. During these summer months, France's tourism industry now is courting additional clients with major purchasing power: the Chinese. F
别样风情的古城圣彼得堡 St. Petersburg was built to be Russias window on Europe. Now it is becoming the worlds window on Russia. Coming by train, plane and cruise ship, more than 6 million tourists this year are expected to visit St. Peters
政治丑闻对政治人物影响有多大? A hurricane that has slammed into the United States has taken attention away from the race for president - as both major political parties select their nominees over the next 10 days. But a recent storm o
美国总统大选前选民情绪 Outside the growing city of Charlotte, North Carolina - host to the 2012 Democratic National Convention - a different section of America watches. Kane Farabaugh looks at how people who live just a few hours west of t
泰国农产品安全令人担忧 Thailand has long been recognized as a leading exporter of rice and other agricultural produce. But tests for pesticide residues are raising concerns about whether the food is safe. 长期以来,泰国是众所周知
美军在非洲策划小型高效行动 U.S. military leaders are promising a small-scale, but effective plan for dealing with terrorist threats throughout Africa. The head of the military's Africa Command says that U.S. forces are carrying out recon
华盛顿民间艺术节 弘扬非裔文化 One featured attraction at the annual Smithsonian Folklife Festival celebrates the culture in African American neighborhoods of Washington, DC. Many residents have maintained their American traditions along
加州加紧打击人口贩卖活动 A recent U.S. State Department report says 27 million people worldwide are subject to forced labor and sexual slavery. A major effort is under way in California to fight the problem. 人口贩卖是当今国际社会
A pilot project gets underway soon to test whether mobile phones can be used to help educate the poor. Its estimated three quarters of the worlds poor have access to mobile phones. 手机在全球日益普及。据估计,将近四分之三的世界贫
A new report says Arab countries face a serious food security challenge and that poverty rates are much higher than official numbers suggest. It blames the situation on vulnerability to volatile food prices, natural disasters and water scarcity. 一项
The World Bank says regional trade barriers are blocking African countries from billions of dollars in potential earnings. It says its easier for those countries to trade with other parts of the world than with each other. The World Bank has released
If humans are responsible for speeding the climate change currently underway, it may not be the first time. Scientists say a long time ago in Central Africa, early farmers may have contributed to the disappearance of rainforests. The question is bein
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