It's also a time for the formation of your life values 这也是你的人生价值观形成的时期 Your personality kinda solidifies in those early twenties years And that's what you're going to be like for life 你的性格基本上会在二十出头
Computers are good at doing things but not at figuring out the ways to do them 电脑很擅长做事 但是并不擅长思考做事的方法 It takes a lot of effort on the part of manufactures 这方面需要制造者花大力气解决 Now of course
The human vs. the technology, which is more important? 人类和技术 哪个更重要? Almost everyone you out there would say the human but it's very intersting when you get into companies 几乎你们每个人都会说人类可是等你们进了公
Also bought my first guitar for $25 there Music was an important part of my life And it's just so relaxing to play with the guitar every day for twenty years 我也在那里花25美元买了第一把吉他音乐是我人生重要的一部分二十年来
They have those emotional memories of the times they played jokes on somebody or smiled or what made them laugh 他们对那段时光有着充满感情的记忆 他们开别人的玩笑 或者感谢其他让他们乐呵的事情 That's creative thoug
Sort of. I'm going to explain briefly, how that happened 对吧 算是吧 我将简短的描述 我是如何飞黄腾达的 I want you to understand just how mysterious careers can be before you go out and have one yourself 我希望你们在走出校门
I wrote at nights, without much effect mainly because I hadn't the first clue what I should write about 我在晚上写作 没有造成什么影响主要是因为我不知道该写哪些东西 One night, I was invited to a dinner where I sat next to
But I didn't need to think about it 我根本不需要考虑 I knew what intellectual passion felt like because I'd felt it here, at Princeton and I wanted to feel it again 我知道知性表达的激情是什么感觉 因为在这里 普林斯顿 我曾
They don't want to acknowledge the role played by accident in their lives 他们不愿承认机会事件 在他们生命中所扮演的角色 There is a reason for this the world does not want to acknowledge it either 他们这么认为是有原因的
In front of millions of people each of them think they are an expert on what are good baseball plaers 有几百万人评价他们的一举一动 他们中的每一个人都认为 他们是成为优秀棒球运动员方面的专家 They had statistics
Exactly 30 minutes into the problem-solving the researchers interrupted each group 在他们开始解决问题30分钟时 研究人员们会打断各组 They entered the room bearing a plate of cookies. Four cookies 他们会拿着一盘饼干进入房
It's my pleasure and honor to introduce to you, Class of 2013, the Woz and only Mr. Steve Wozniak 2013届毕业生们 我非常荣幸地为你们介绍 独一无二的史蒂夫?沃兹尼亚克先生 Thank you. Thank you very much 谢谢你们 非常感
So very seldom do we really pay attention to the fact that life does have rules if you look for them 我们很少真正去注意这个事实 那就是如果你仔细去找 生活中是存在规则的 My wife and I recently went to a basketball game i
In the meantime, a lot of intellectuals at this campus had stood up for universal human values 同时 这座校园里的许多知识分子捍卫了人类的普世价值 They had stood up for... 他们捍卫了 Excuse me. There's a little bit of echoe
Thank you. President Tilghman. Trustees and Friends 感谢Tilghman主席 各位校董和朋友们 Parents of the Class of 2012 wherever they put you 2012年级的家长们 Members of the Class of 2012 普林斯顿2012年级的同学们 Why don't you
But even harder than the technological troubles are the political ones as preposterous as it might sound to many of us 但在技术难题之外 更复杂的是政治难题也许看起来有点荒谬 there are great many people claim that climate chan
I think of songs, music that influence my life a lot and Bob Dylan sang you're right from your side as right from mine 有几首歌对我的生命影响颇深鲍勃?迪伦唱到 你认为你是对的 我也认为我是对的 We're both just one too m
Once in a while driving, you'll find yourself wanting to wander go explore, dream a little 有时候你会觉得自己想四处游荡去探索 去寻梦 and visit some faraway places, cities off your normal course the normal course that everyone else
Once in a while driving, you'll find yourself wanting to wander go explore, dream a little 有时候你会觉得自己想四处游荡去探索 去寻梦 and visit some faraway places, cities off your normal course the normal course that everyone else
The television program by that name would inspire 比尔教科学这一电视节目激发了 an entire generation to become interested in science and my guess is many of you are here this morning 一整代人对科学的兴趣我猜 其中很多人今天
- 公众人物毕业演讲第11期:迈克尔·彭博哈佛大学2014毕业典礼演讲(3)
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