时间:2019-03-16 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语-遇见比尔


   [00:03.54]Oh. 反正他也从来不上网

  [00:05.02]He can barely use the internet anyway.
  [00:05.10]Oh, my God! Oh, my God! 哦,上帝!哦,上帝!
  [00:18.58]Did my father see it? 我爸是不是也看过了?
  [00:19.30]No. John Jr. - 没有 - 约翰二世呢?
  [00:22.06]Not yet. 还没看到
  [00:25.94]Oh, please, I know where your stash 1 is. 拜托,你的小粮仓早被我发现了
  [00:26.02]Where’d you get that? 你从哪儿找到的?
  [00:32.18]My life is ruined. 我的生活彻底完了
  [00:33.42]Don’t exaggerate. 别那么夸张嘛
  [00:36.18]I’m in a sex video. That’s porn. 我是性爱录像的女主角,那是黄片
  [00:38.66]Chip is gonna go into cardiac arrest. 奇普会休克的
  [00:42.22]Screw Chip. 日他的奇普
  [00:42.94]He’s a celebrity 2. This could ruin his career. 他是社会名流,这事儿会毁了他的前程
  [00:46.74]On the Scene News 11 doesn’t exactly qualify as celebrity. 在11频道主持“现场报道” 并不代表他就是社会名流
  [00:53.34]Stop eating that. It’s not good for you. 别吃了,对你身体不好
  [00:56.90]Where are you going? 你要上哪儿去?
  [00:58.06]To talk to Chip about your little tape. 把你拍录像带的事告诉奇普
  [01:10.42]# Come in close, come in tight #
  [01:14.54]# Taste my neck and take a bite #
  [01:17.86]# Be the vampire 3 saints you are #
  [01:18.94]# Stab it right into my heart #
  [01:23.22]# Cut my skin upon your teeth #
  [01:23.78]Bill, what are you doing? 比尔,你想干嘛?
  [01:25.50]Put the gun down! Hey, news guy! - 把枪放下! - 嘿,新闻主播!
  [01:30.50]We’re on the scene. It’s your house! 我们正在现场,在你家门前!
  [01:34.50]Won’t be the first time. 反正又不是头一回
  [01:35.86]Bill, you’re gonna get arrested! 比尔,警察会来抓你的!
  [01:41.02]Bill, you go home! 比尔,给我回家去!
  [01:42.70]This is not about you! 这事跟你没关系!
  [01:46.38]Get... 给我…
  [01:48.14]Yeah, let’s see what Chip has to say for himself. 让我们瞧瞧,奇普有啥要说的
  [01:53.06]I don’t know why you’re blaming Chip for your tape. 我也搞不懂,你拍的带子,关奇普什么事
  [01:54.74]How long you been lying to me? 你对我撒谎多久了?
  [01:55.14]Oh, please. What about you? 帮帮忙同志,你能比我好到哪儿去?
  [01:56.78]I never lied to you. Really? - 我从来不对你撒谎 - 真的?
  [01:58.82]Well, you’ve never managed to clip a feather, let alone bring home a duck, 一个苍蝇打不死,野鸭打不中的人
  [02:00.02]Yeah. Oh. 当然
  [02:01.30]but you just hit two 4-inch targets from 30 yards. 怎能从30码外连中两个4英寸的目标?
  [02:03.62]Who’s the liar 4? 到底谁是骗子?
  [02:05.26]What the hell’s going on out here? 究竟他妈出什么事了?
  [02:08.22]It’s me. I can see that. - 是我呀 - 我看见了
  [02:10.38]I filed a restraining order against you. 我已经申请了一道禁令,禁止你接近我
  [02:12.86]Well, then, congratulations. 太好了,应该恭喜你啊
  [02:13.26]Looks like you got your top story for tonight. 看来你今晚的节目又有热门新闻了

  [02:15.10]This is not gonna look good. 这样给别人看见可不好
  [02:16.46]I don’t care how it looks. 我可管不了这么多
  [02:19.22]I can’t be involved in this. Take your husband and leave. 我不想搅这滩浑水,带你老公快离开
  [02:22.70]Don’t speak to me like I’m some groupie you just fucked. 别用这种口气说话,我可不是 那种被你爽过就扔的无知少女
  [02:24.26]Honey! I just want you off my property. - 亲爱的! - 我只想让你离我家远一点
  [02:27.82]I knew you dyed your hair! 我知道你染头发了!
  [02:28.02]- Give me that towel! - Get your hands off me! - 把毛巾脱下来! - 把你的手放开!
  [02:30.74]Bill, cut it out! Apologize to her! - 比尔,别这样子! - 向她说道歉!
  [02:31.46]Bill! You are gonna get arrested! - 比尔! - 等着被警察抓走吧!
  [02:32.98]Let me see that hair! 让我看看你的头发!
  [02:36.06]Chip Johnson, Action News! 奇普·约翰逊的新闻动作片!
  [02:38.58]- Phony, apologize! - Mm-mm. 染发男,快道歉!
  [02:42.02]You apologize! Apologize! 你快道歉!道歉!
  [02:42.78]Jesus Christ. 我的妈呀
  [02:45.30]Your brother’s here, Acorn 5. 你哥哥来了,小橡子
  [02:56.38]Good morning. 早上好
  [02:57.86]Good morning. 早上好
  [03:02.74]Hey, you want to come swim? 想不想去游泳啊?
  [03:04.74]The pool’s open before school. 学校游泳池早上向老师开放
  [03:05.66]Friends and family are welcome. 欢迎亲朋好友共同前往
  [03:09.54]It’s 5:00 in the morning. 现在是早上五点
  [03:11.22]So? You going back to sleep? 那你还准备回去睡觉咯?
  [03:16.22]Sergeant says you swim every day. 萨金特说你以前每天都去游泳
  [03:17.94]Don’t you remember how liberating 6 it feels to be in the water? 还记得在水中那种身心舒畅的感觉么?
  [03:22.30]The best way to drown out the noise. 将世间嘈杂抛于脑后的最好方法莫过于此
  [03:26.78]Come on. 来吧
  [03:30.54]Who needs an occasional escape from their reality? 偶尔也需要逃离现实一次嘛
  [03:31.14]I’ll grab you a suit. 我去帮你拿外套
  [03:39.02]You ready? 好了没有?
  [03:51.22]All right. Come on, big guy. Let’s rock it. 快出来吧,大个子,该活动活动了
  [04:53.26]I know how this entire debacle must look, 我知道现在情况一团糟
  [04:55.42]and I’m sorry if I have embarrassed you in any way. 如果让您受了累,在这儿向您赔个不是
  [04:59.86]Bill, you’re dangerously close to losing everything you’ve worked for. 比尔,你已经走到了悬崖的边缘 再走一步就嗝屁了
  [05:00.66]I understand that. 我明白
  [05:03.10]Pull it together and resolve your personal problems in private like a gentleman. 好好合计合计,把问题私下解决了 给大家一个体面
  [05:07.22]- Yes, sir. - We’re having a family dinner tomorrow. - 是,先生 - 明天有一次家庭晚宴
  [05:09.10]I’ll expect the two of you to be there, together. 希望你们两个都来,一起来
  [05:12.50]We’ll be there together. 我们会一起去的
  [05:12.54]- She has a restraining order. - Work it out. - 她对我签了禁令 - 想想办法

  [05:39.14]How are you? 我觉得数这儿最好,地点没得挑了
  [05:40.18]- Hey! - Hey! 你好吗?
  [05:41.10]Actually, I think this is the best one. The location is perfect.
  [05:44.26]Yeah, the traffic pattern’s great. 恩,附近的交通也不错
  [05:46.10]Oh, and you can do a drive-through. 对了,你还可以建个汽车餐厅
  [05:46.82]That’s a great idea. 这主意不错
  [05:48.50]Hey, apologize! 嘿,快道歉!
  [05:51.26]Apologize! 道歉!
  [05:55.70]Sorry! 对不起!
  [05:59.78]Yeah. Anyway... You know, that’s the space. 是啊,这块地儿可宽敞了
  [05:59.86]That was strange. 真奇怪
  [06:04.14]Oh, when do we get to meet Jessica? 我们什么时候能见杰西卡?
  [06:10.06]Uh, Jessica? 杰西卡?
  [06:10.30]Well, actually, she, uh... 她,那个…
  [06:13.74]she just called me. She’s sick. She has the flu, and it’s pretty bad. 她刚打电话给我,她生病了 是流感,蛮重的
  [06:16.46]But you’ll meet her when we come up to spend the day with you. 但实战演练那天,我会带她来的
  [06:19.58]Right. 好吧
  [06:21.74]Well, we got some time to kill. Maybe we can see your offices. 还有些时间,能不能去你办公室看看
  [06:23.14]I would love to see your operation. 我很想看看你上班是什么样子
  [06:26.86]I read about it in Entrepreneur Magazine. 我在企业家杂志上读过相关的文章
  [06:29.02]Your father-in-law sounds like a pretty amazing fellow. 你的岳父似乎是个奇才啊
  [06:30.26]Good idea, Jim. 真是好主意,吉姆
  [06:32.78]Yeah, Jim, that’s a great idea. 是啊,很好的主意
  [06:34.78]Um, yeah. Yeah, sure. 呃,那好吧
  [06:41.50]Take your time. Take your time. 慢点,慢点
  [06:45.30]Come on in. 进来吧
  [06:46.18]Come on, Jim. 吉姆,跟上
  [06:48.86]- Just come on... - You’re really fast. 你的动作真快啊
  [06:51.38]Hey, Bill. 你好,比尔
  [06:52.62]Um... 呃…
  [06:56.06]This is Jim and, uh, Jane. 这是吉姆和…简
  [06:57.74]This is my student I’m mentoring 8. 这是我辅导的学生
  [06:59.58]It’s an alumni-participation program. 是学校里的一项计划
  [07:01.42]That’s fantastic. Nice. 太好了
  [07:02.14]We love our family being part of the community. 很高兴我们的家人能和社区融于一体
  [07:04.66]You guys are family? 你们是一家人?
  [07:08.86]Well, hopefully, when Bill becomes part of SweetSweet, it’ll feel that way. 我们希望比尔能快点加入甜甜大家庭
  [07:10.94]Doughnuts? 卖面包圈的?
  [07:14.10]I love the chocolate-covered ones with the vanilla 9. 我喜欢吃那种香草口味的巧克力圈
  [07:17.54]Oh, you should visit our Madison store when Bill and Jessica come next week. 下周比尔和杰西卡会去麦迪逊分店 你也一起来吧
  [07:18.98]I’d love to. 我很乐意去
  [07:29.94]Just... Just... Just a second. Excuse me. 等一下,我马上就回来
  [07:34.38]Sarah, I’m really busy right now. 莎拉,我现在很忙
  [07:35.74]Donald told me you went hunting last weekend. 唐纳德跟我说,你们上周末去打猎了
  [07:37.42]Why was I intentionally 10 excluded? 为什么故意不让我去?

  [07:39.26]- What, you wanna kill little birds? - It’s discriminatory. - 啥,你也想杀鸟? - 这是一种歧视
  [07:40.66]Let me tell you something. Life is discriminatory. Deal with it. 你听好了,生活本来就是歧视,你自己想辙吧
  [07:54.18]So is this where the tour starts? 我们就从这里开始参观?
  [07:55.58]They don’t give tours here. It’s against the rules. 这里不允许参观,有规定的
  [07:58.22]Oh. 哦
  [07:59.42]Well, we don’t want anyone to break the rules. 好吧,我们可不想破坏规定
  [08:00.98]Be quiet.
  [08:07.86]Doughnuts? 面包圈?
  [08:07.94]I have to go back to work now. 我得回去工作了
  [08:09.30]We’re supposed to spend five hours a week together. 我们每周该有五个小时在一起
  [08:12.26]I’ll call you. 我会给你打电话的
  [08:31.86]What are you doing? 你在干嘛?
  [08:34.02]I’m fixing your head! 我在修复你的脸!
  [08:34.58]No, no, no! You come down from there! 不要那样子!你给我下来!
  [08:36.74]You own this place! 这是你的地盘!
  [08:39.06]You can’t have your face all saggy 11! 不能让你的脸总皱着啊!
  [08:41.86]I’ll get somebody to fix it in the morning! 明天早上我会让人来修的!
  [08:43.42]Come on! Get down! 快下来!
  [08:50.18]We’ll go do something! 我们去找点事情做!
  [08:53.46]What exactly do you want from this mentor 7 thing? 你究竟想从这个导师计划里得到什么?
  [08:55.46]An A. 得到一个A
  [08:59.06]Hey, there. You guys need anything? 你们好,想要什么嘛?
  [09:00.62]Uh, no, thank you. 不需要,谢谢你
  [09:02.14]Actually, uh, we do need something. He needs a suit. 我们是想买点东西,他想挑一件外套
  [09:04.50]And, uh, you got anything besides these lame 12 plum smugglers? 除了这种难看的紧身短裤,还有别的款式吗?
  [09:11.22]I’ll see what I can do. 我去找找看
  [09:12.66]How are you ever gonna meet any new chicks if you don’t work it? 不到花丛中,你怎么采蜜啊?
  [09:17.54]For your information, I’m still married. 你别忘了,我家里有老婆
  [09:19.86]The only way to get the old one back is to get a new one she’s jealous of. 要想老婆回心转意 找个新欢吧,让她吃醋
  [09:22.58]Yeah, when you’re 15. 是哎,而且最好是在15岁
  [09:23.82]These are cool. A lot of guys are wearing these. 这种不错,很多人都穿这种
  [09:26.94]Yeah, those are cool. 嗯,是不错
  [09:28.62]Do you like to swim? 你喜欢游泳么?
  [09:32.34]Yeah. Yeah, I like to swim. 嗯,我蛮喜欢游泳的
  [09:33.50]It’s great exercise, 是种很好的锻炼
  [09:33.74]You should come sometime. 不如你来和我们一起游吧
  [09:38.34]and, you know, we can get breakfast or something afterwards. 之后我们还可以去吃早饭
  [09:40.70]Well, look, you guys decide you want any of that stuff, my name’s Laura. 如果你们决定买的话,我叫劳拉
  [09:41.50]Just give my name at the register. 在帐台报我的名字就行了
  [09:45.86]All right. Thank you, Laura. 好吧,谢谢你,劳拉

  [09:47.82]My brother owns this place, so try and behave. 我哥是这里的店老板,守点规矩吧
  [09:52.38]Wait. Wait. Uh... 等等…
  [09:55.02]"This is going to be a great program" guy is your brother? “这会是一个很棒的计划”那家伙是你哥哥?
  [09:58.94]You own a bank. He owns this place. Can I get the family discount? 你有一家银行,他有一家商店… 我能不能享受家族折扣啊?


  • Stash away both what you lost and gained,for life continues on.将得失深藏心底吧,为了那未来的生活。
  • That's supposed to be in our private stash.这是我的私人珍藏。
  • Tom found himself something of a celebrity. 汤姆意识到自己已小有名气了。
  • He haunted famous men, hoping to get celebrity for himself. 他常和名人在一起, 希望借此使自己获得名气。
  • It wasn't a wife waiting there for him but a blood sucking vampire!家里的不是个老婆,而是个吸人血的妖精!
  • Children were afraid to go to sleep at night because of the many legends of vampire.由于听过许多有关吸血鬼的传说,孩子们晚上不敢去睡觉。
  • I know you for a thief and a liar!我算认识你了,一个又偷又骗的家伙!
  • She was wrongly labelled a liar.她被错误地扣上说谎者的帽子。
  • The oak is implicit in the acorn.橡树孕育于橡子之中。
  • The tree grew from a small acorn.橡树从一粒小橡子生长而来。
解放,释放( liberate的现在分词 )
  • Revolution means liberating the productive forces. 革命就是为了解放生产力。
  • They had already taken on their shoulders the burden of reforming society and liberating mankind. 甚至在这些集会聚谈中,他们就已经夸大地把改革社会、解放人群的责任放在自己的肩头了。 来自汉英文学 - 家(1-26) - 家(1-26)
  • He fed on the great ideas of his mentor.他以他导师的伟大思想为支撑。
  • He had mentored scores of younger doctors.他指导过许多更年轻的医生。
n.mentoring是一种工作关系。mentor通常是处在比mentee更高工作职位上的有影响力的人。他/她有比‘mentee’更丰富的工作经验和知识,并用心支持mentee的职业(发展)。v.(无经验之人的)有经验可信赖的顾问( mentor的现在分词 )
  • One of the most effective instruments for coaching and mentoring is the "role rehearsal" . 辅导和教学的最有效的手段之一是“角色排练。” 来自辞典例句
  • Bell Canada called their mentoring system a buddy-buddy system. 加拿大贝尔公司称他们的训导系统是伙伴—伙伴系统。 来自互联网
  • He used to love milk flavoured with vanilla.他过去常爱喝带香草味的牛奶。
  • I added a dollop of vanilla ice-cream to the pie.我在馅饼里加了一块香草冰激凌。
  • I didn't say it intentionally. 我是无心说的。
  • The local authority ruled that he had made himself intentionally homeless and was therefore not entitled to be rehoused. 当地政府裁定他是有意居无定所,因此没有资格再获得提供住房。
  • Daisy: Would you still love me if I were old and saggy? 当我的皮肤变得又老又松弛时,你还会爱我吗?
  • My darling, if my breasts were saggy, would you still love me? 这是女人最担心的一个问题。
  • The lame man needs a stick when he walks.那跛脚男子走路时需借助拐棍。
  • I don't believe his story.It'sounds a bit lame.我不信他讲的那一套。他的话听起来有些靠不住。
accelerating by gravity
acceleration amplitude
age-class vector
allii macrostemonis bulbus
Allium teretifolium
analog approach
artificial rain
BG (bearing)
binocular tube
blood disorders
brave the worst
buck the system
calcium metazirconate
chihsia age
component color switcher
concrete pouring machine
conductive foil
court of university
daily time report
dicyclic flower
dock leaf
double shell form
drawing lift
Edvard Munch
end stone
fibrillar element
freezing-point lowering
fully-mechanized coal winning face unit
gas permeation
George, David Lloyd
graphite-water reactor
HTML, html
in marriage
leaf burn
lindsaea cultrata
loose key
managerial competency
Mörön Gol
nasal polypus snare
nonscheduled maintenance
overhead cableway
plug-in type
printer box
product market expansion grid
rail line
rocky mountains cherries
satellite digital and analog display
sets-in-use rating
single lacing
slab cake
stabilized pinch
subaerial-laminated crust
suborder Xenarthra
table height control
texturing effect
tracer solution
undefined file designator
underground river
urinary stasis
water cooled internal combustion engine
water wave motion
weather vane
wedge beam
woollen fabric