时间:2019-03-16 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语-快餐帝国


   [00:01.68]Listen to yourself. 而是应该听你自己的意愿

  [00:04.04]I mean, if you wanna be like everybody else... 如果说 你想一生平平如众生
  [00:06.56]just do what everybody’s telling you to do. 那就按众生说的去做
  [00:13.20]And what about you? Are you doing what you always wanted to do? 你呢?你总在做自己想做的事情吗?
  [00:16.84]Well, if I jump back to when I was your age- 如果我回到像你现在的年纪的话
  [00:21.76]No, I don’t think I would be wildly impressed. 我估计自己不会干出什么出格的事情
  [00:23.32]All right? I don’t- l- 明白吗?我不会…
  [00:25.32]But, you know, I’m all right with what I’m doing. 我觉得自己现在干得还错
  [00:32.28]And, you know, I’m really all right with what I’m not doing. 而对自己没干过的事更没什么后悔
  [00:38.72]- Is that your move? - Yeah. -你这样走吗? -没错
  [00:40.24]Yep. So- 好的
  [00:40.84]- Thuh-bop! - Dang it. - 吃掉! - 哎呀
  [00:42.24](Sing-Song) Hello. 你好
  [00:44.52]- Amber 1, why are you still up? - Well, why do you have my poncho 2 on? - 安珀 你怎么还在这? - 你怎么穿着我的披风?
  [00:48.28]- It’s fine. - How was it, hmm? - 又没什么的咯 -怎么回事?
  [00:53.36]- (Sighs) - Well, she’s home fairly early, if that signifies anything. 今晚她那么早回家 肯定发生了什么事
  [00:54.96]Oh, no, no, no. That doesn’t mean anything. Your mother-She’s amazing. 不不不 我觉得这没什么 你妈妈真的很棒
  [00:58.72]You wouldn’t believe what she could get accomplished 3 in a short period of time. 你简直难以置信她能在 那么短的时间内完成如此壮举
  [01:02.12]- Screw you both. - (Gasps) 你们俩去死吧
  [01:03.76]- (Chuckles) - Hey, Sis. Sis-Whoa, whoa. Hey, hey. 嘿 姐姐 嘿嘿
  [01:08.08]So, what would you say? Is Cody a better town today... 你想说什么呢? 你觉得今天的科迪镇更好呢?
  [01:11.04]- or back when we were kids? - Well, I know what you would say. -还是我们小时侯的更好? -我知道你的答案
  [01:14.32]- What? - Your uncle hates everything, Amber. -什么? -安珀 你叔叔厌恶每件事
  [01:18.20]You know, I actually think it’s better now. There’s more stuff to do. 我觉得现在的科迪更好 有更多的事情可做
  [01:19.80]Oh, yeah. There’s more to do. You got the Wal-Mart, the Kmart and the Target, right? 噢 的确 有更多事可干了 现在有了沃尔玛 科尔玛(折扣商店) 塔吉特(连锁超市)
  [01:25.96]You got Chuck E. Cheese. You got Taco Bell. 还有了Chuck E. Cheese(美国连锁餐饮店) Taco Bell(美国快餐连锁店)
  [01:26.16]You got Arby’s. You got Mickeys. You got Denny’s. 有了Arby’s(美国连锁快餐第九强) 米齐斯和Denny’s(餐馆)
  [01:29.72]You’ve got, uh, Chili’s. 有了Chili’s(美式餐厅)
  [01:32.40]You got Applebee’s. You got Wendy’s. You got Hardee’s, right? 有了Applebee’s(美国牛排餐馆)Wendy’s(快餐店) Hardee’s(美国连锁快餐第12强)

  [01:36.48]You got the- the K.F.C., the IHOP. 有了肯德基(美国连锁快餐第7强) 和IHOP(非常地道的美国餐馆)
  [01:38.48]- (Shrieks) - (Groans) Do they still have that Der Wienerschnitzel? 他们还有Der Wienerschnitzel吗? (专营热狗的美国连锁快餐店)
  [01:40.44]- Oh, yeah. - Oh, thank God it’s still hanging in there. -还有的 -谢天谢地还有
  [01:43.16]I don’t know about you, but I could just piss away... 我不知道你们怎么样
  [01:45.36]a whole Sunday afternoon at the Sunglass Hut. 但要我星期天一整个下午呆在 Sunglass Hut(美国时尚太阳眼镜店) 我会疯的
  [01:47.64]- You know? - Have you ever been to the Sunglass Hut? 你去过Sunglass Hut?
  [01:50.20]No, I never have. I’m not trying to come off like some Polly Perfect here. 从没去过 我不是在炫耀 Polly Perfect(顶级丝袜奢侈品牌)
  [01:54.96]I’m going to make some cabinets... 我要为些富有的纽约投资银主们
  [01:56.96]for some rich New York investment banker fuck... 做些小木屋
  [01:57.68]who probably spends two weeks a year at his Montana ranch 5, so don’t listen to me. 他们一年大概只在蒙大纳的农场呆2个星期 所以不用听我的
  [02:03.16]- I’m not. - I’m not talking to you. I’m talking to your daughter. -我可没在听 -我没和你说 我在和你女儿说
  [02:06.84]I’m probably just going through some full-of-shit, early middle-age period. 我或许有些早期中年症状 这可真烂
  [02:10.40]I don’t think you’re full of shit. 我可不觉得你很烂
  [02:10.60]Thank you. She’s so nice. What happened to you? 谢谢 她人真好 你是怎么回事呀?
  [02:14.68]No, no, sweetheart, don’t contradict your mother. He is full of shit. 不不 亲爱的 不要和妈妈作对 他的确很烂
  [02:17.36]I don’t waste a lot of time thinking about this stuff. 我可不想在这种事上浪费脑细胞
  [02:21.64]- (Groans) - Democrats 6, Republicans- 民主党 共和党
  [02:22.24]- They’re all crooks 7. - This is why revolutions are meant for the young. -他们全是骗子 -这就是为什么变革对年轻人来说至关重要
  [02:26.20]If you don’t do it now, you’re never gonna. 如果你现在不做 以后就再也没机会了
  [02:28.20]Uniform- uniformity. Conform- conformity 8. 统一的才能均匀 顺从的才能一致
  [02:31.24]Monogamy- monotony. 一夫一妻制-千篇一律
  [02:33.36]No wonder you’re not still married. 怪不得你至今单身
  [02:34.96]- Stupid- stupidity. - Yeah, look- Hey, the facts are not always friendly. - 愚蠢的-愚蠢 - 瞧 事实并不都是好的
  [02:38.20]Listen to who’s giving the lecture here, Amber. 听听是谁在这里滔滔不绝 安珀
  [02:40.72]Your uncle did not finish college. 你叔叔连大学都没读完
  [02:42.72]- Jesus! Mm-hmm. Oh! - Okay? - 上帝! - 明白不?
  [02:47.68]- He lived in a camper for 18 months. - An Airstream! - 他在露营车里住了18个月 - 气流!

  [02:51.36]- This is not a role model. - (Bottles Clanking) 这可不是个好的榜样
  [02:53.64]Remind me to deprogram you after he leaves. 在他离开之后 提醒我为你洗洗脑 净化下你受毒化的心灵
  [02:56.04]Hey, Mom said you got kicked out of college. 嘿 妈妈刚才说你上大学时退学了
  [02:56.52]- Oh, well, thanks, Mom. - Yeah, your mug shots are in all the papers. - 噢 谢谢 妈妈 - 你的寻人启示登在了所有的报纸上
  [03:01.60]Yeah, with eight others. I was at Colorado University. We were the C.U. Nine. 在科罗拉多大学时 我和与另外八个兄弟 组成 科大九人组
  [03:06.84]Yeah, that notorious band of Midwestern, white freedom fighters. 对 就是那个美国中西部最臭名昭著的乐队: 白种自由斗士
  [03:10.04]No, no, no. We took over the chancellor’s office. 不是这样的 我们控制了校长办公室
  [03:13.64]All right, we were protesting the college’s investment in South Africa. 我们对科大投资南非表示强烈的抗议
  [03:17.48]- So what happened? - All right, well, so, after about four hours... -接着发生了什么? -告诉你吧 四小时之后…
  [03:21.28]- they come bursting through this barricade- - Okay, that was two chalkboards. - 他们闯过路障 - 只不是是两块黑板报
  [03:23.88]- It’s not two chalkboards. - It was too. - 才不是呢 - 差不多是这样
  [03:25.92]We had rope with some chair- They practically beat the shit out of all of us. 我们用一圈椅子把自己围起来 他们当时简直把我们打得遍体鳞伤
  [03:28.40]They treated us like a band of terrorists. 就像对待恐怖分子一样
  [03:30.40]You got your little ass 4 kicked out of college... 接着你就被开除了
  [03:32.40]- which he never finished. - Big deal. -再也没机会完成学业了 -真是件大事
  [03:34.40]- It cost our dad $2,000 in legal fees. - I eventually paid him back. -还让爸爸花了两千美元的律师费 -最后我都还给他了
  [03:37.68]Anyway, meanwhile- Cut to- 总之 在此期间…
  [03:40.24]About a year later, the college divests 9 all its holdings in South Africa... 一年之后 这所大学就 撤回了所有在南非的投资
  [03:41.96]and a little while after that, Nelson Mandela is a free man. 又过了不久  纳尔逊-曼德拉出狱了
  [03:45.12]- All because of the "C.U. Nine." - No, nobody said that. Nobody even thought that. -全是因为那个"科大九人组" -没人说过这句话 也没人会相信
  [03:51.12]The point is... that, you know, if enough people... 重点是 如果有足够多的人
  [03:53.28]start thinking about something and trying to actually do something... 开始考虑同一件事 并共同试着去完成它
  [03:55.64]you can change things for the better. 事情往往就能被改变得更好
  [03:57.64]I believe that. 我完全认同
  [04:01.80]- I hope they can change for the better. - Don’t just hope. -我希望他们能让这个世界改变得更好 -但不能仅仅是希望

  [04:02.52]You can’t sit back and hope. You have to do something. 你不能只说不做 一定要有实干精神
  [04:05.72]In a town like this, hope will kill you. 生活在这样的一个不起眼的小镇 只是希望没有任何用处
  [04:08.48]It’s your move. 全看你的行动了
  [04:12.84]- (Machinery Whirring) - (Speaking Spanish)
  [04:16.56](Man) ?Rapido! 动作快点!
  [04:19.20]- (Spanish) - ?Rapido! 再快点!
  [04:24.28](People Speaking Spanish)
  [04:40.60]?Rapido! 动作快点!
  [04:51.92](Spanish) 你觉得埃斯特班怎么样?
  [04:58.76]- Eh. - (Man Shouting In Spanish)
  [05:02.60]的确 他带我们到这儿
  [05:04.92]- (Metal Clanking) - (Man Shouting)
  [05:26.04]Ah? 是吗?
  [05:30.80]一旦偷渡成功 我会再给另外2000的
  [05:37.20]蒂尼8岁 索萨11岁
  [05:52.00]我非常肯定他们会没事 埃斯特班是个很有经验的蛇头
  [05:55.00]他们的爷爷曾带过他们徒步旅行 让他们接受训练 是吗?
  [05:59.84](Mike) 今晚见
  [06:08.00]让开 婊子
  [06:13.00]听着 骚货 不要再勾引他
  [06:15.40]-如果我非要这样呢 婊子 -那就给你好看骚货
  [06:18.08]Hey, hey. You fucking crazy, huh? 嘿嘿 你他妈的疯啦?
  [06:24.00]请在私底下解决个人恩怨 不要在这里浪费我的时间
  [06:32.40]再让流水线慢下来 你就麻烦了
  [06:40.00]Everybody else, stop fucking smiling and get back to work! 可能再也无法脱身了 你知道嘛
  [06:40.40]其他人 他妈的收起傻笑 快点给我干活儿!
  [06:46.52](Whispering) Coco. 一群蠢驴!
  [07:01.40]不要气馁 没事吧?
  [07:05.80]这是怎么了? 科克!
  [07:12.16]Coco. Coco. 科克 科克!
  [07:16.00]天哪 可怜的孩子
  [07:25.88]Is she okay?
  [07:27.88]She needs to start sleeping at night. 她晚上必须好好休息
  [07:29.60]So do you. 你也一样
  [07:31.60]How’s Stan’s back doing? 斯坦干得如何?
  [07:31.84]He complains about it all the time, but he’s fine. 他总是喜欢抱怨 但情况还算稳定
  [07:34.56]Say hello for me. 帮我向他问好
  [07:36.72]As for this little lady, she got about an hour left on her shift, so- 至于这位小姐 她还要上一个小时的班 那么…
  [07:42.40]- She’ll make it. - All right. Let’s go. -她能走了 -好了 走吧
  [07:46.96]Andale. 不好意思
  [07:50.68]You’ve been a bad girl. 你可真是个坏女孩
  [07:55.20]如果你再去碰那个 Sinaloa(墨西哥地名)的骚货
  [08:02.00]冷静点 好吗?
  [08:04.60]Chill out, okay? 接着再杀了你
  [08:07.28]Touch her again... 再碰她一次
  [08:09.36]and I’ll kill you, hmm? 我就杀了你 知道吗?
  [08:11.32]I mean it. 我说到做到
  [08:19.16](Both Moaning)
  [08:28.32](Spanish) 我和玛丽亚的事和你无关 知道吗?
  [08:33.60]No? 毫无关系
  [08:39.60]我会带你离开流水线的 知道吗?
  [08:40.76]Uh-huh. 给你找份更好的工作 又容易 又干净

  [08:43.04]Uh-huh. Uh-huh. 远离那些血腥
  [08:48.40]- Uh-huh. Uh-huh. - Hmm? 好好考虑下吧
  [08:57.64]- (Oil Bubbling) - Think about it.
  [08:59.52]All that surveillance equipment they have here? 我们这里的所有监督设备
  [09:03.52]They say it’s for our safety... 他们说得倒好听 是为了我们的安全起见
  [09:05.20]but those cameras are pointed 10 right at us- 但你看那些摄像头全都正对着我们
  [09:08.20]monitoring us, making sure we don’t steal shit and stuff. 监视我们 用来确保我们他妈的什么都没偷
  [09:12.56]Yeah, you know, I always wonder whose job it is to watch those monitors... 我一直想知道是谁在监视我们的
  [09:17.64]’cause you don’t see anyone around here doing that. 因为在这你根本看不到任何人 在监视我们
  [09:20.72]I think they just record everything in case somethin’ happens. 我觉得他们肯定是录下来 以防万一
  [09:26.08]It’s probably all getting fed back to the national headquarters. 也许全都送到国家信息总部备份
  [09:29.76]Yeah, like our cash registers. 恩 就像我们的收银机那样
  [09:30.52](Timer Beeping)
  [09:32.52]What about ’em? 那是什么?
  [09:37.44]- You don’t know about that? - Uh-uh. 你不知道吗?
  [09:39.52]Oh, man. Okay. 噢 天哪 告诉你吧
  [09:41.52]First thing I do whenever I start my shift is type in the last four digits 11... 我换班的时候 首先输入
  [09:45.44]of my Social Security number, then log in. 我社会保险号的后四位数字 登陆
  [09:48.36]- Mm-hmm. - And from then on, they keep track of every keystroke. 从那以后 他们对每次按键都了如指掌
  [09:51.24]- Really? - Yeah, they keep a record. -是吗? -对 他们有存档的
  [09:54.92]They know exactly how many orders of fries I’ve sold this month- everything. 能精确地知道今天卖了多少份薯条 任何数据都一清二楚
  [09:59.88]And I even have to put in a little code with each person’s order... 我甚至可以根据每个人的点单 输入一些代码

  • Would you like an amber necklace for your birthday?你过生日想要一条琥珀项链吗?
  • This is a piece of little amber stones.这是一块小小的琥珀化石。
  • He yawned and curled his body down farther beneath the poncho.他打了个呵欠,把身子再蜷拢点儿,往雨披里缩了缩。
  • The poncho is made of nylon.这雨披是用尼龙制造的。
  • Thanks to your help,we accomplished the task ahead of schedule.亏得你们帮忙,我们才提前完成了任务。
  • Removal of excess heat is accomplished by means of a radiator.通过散热器完成多余热量的排出。
  • He is not an ass as they make him.他不象大家猜想的那样笨。
  • An ass endures his burden but not more than his burden.驴能负重但不能超过它能力所负担的。
  • He went to work on a ranch.他去一个大农场干活。
  • The ranch is in the middle of a large plateau.该牧场位于一个辽阔高原的中部。
n.民主主义者,民主人士( democrat的名词复数 )
  • The Democrats held a pep rally on Capitol Hill yesterday. 民主党昨天在国会山召开了竞选誓师大会。
  • The democrats organize a filibuster in the senate. 民主党党员组织了阻挠议事。 来自《简明英汉词典》
n.骗子( crook的名词复数 );罪犯;弯曲部分;(牧羊人或主教用的)弯拐杖v.弯成钩形( crook的第三人称单数 )
  • The police are getting after the crooks in the city. 警察在城里追捕小偷。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The cops got the crooks. 警察捉到了那些罪犯。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Was his action in conformity with the law?他的行动是否合法?
  • The plan was made in conformity with his views.计划仍按他的意见制定。
v.剥夺( divest的第三人称单数 );脱去(衣服);2。从…取去…;1。(给某人)脱衣服
  • The court order divests the company of all its assets. 法院指令剝夺了公司的所有资产。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Along with the accelerated competition in telecom market, mobile services divests part of fixed telephone services. 随着电信市场竞争的加剧,全球固话业务被移动分流。 来自互联网
  • He gave me a very sharp pointed pencil.他给我一支削得非常尖的铅笔。
  • She wished to show Mrs.John Dashwood by this pointed invitation to her brother.她想通过对达茨伍德夫人提出直截了当的邀请向她的哥哥表示出来。
n.数字( digit的名词复数 );手指,足趾
  • The number 1000 contains four digits. 1000是四位数。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The number 410 contains three digits. 数字 410 中包括三个数目字。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
A-frame loader
absorption spectroelec-trochemistry
agglomeration of industry
allamanda catharticas
aluminum oxygen-silicon polymer
bascionic sensilla
be a slave to
be wanting
blown my own trumpet
bottom round
bump cutter machine
callistus i
cellular automaton
cerebriform tongue
chahar kent
control concurrence
convergent position
crooked joint alignment
dynamic feedback matrix
dynamited silk
film identification
fluouine cell
genus Thalictrum
getting lost
horse vault
instantaneous unavailability
make the
multivaritate sample
Nam Lake
nominate ... to
Old Style calendar
outboard screw
paranthostomella decaspermi
pre-recorded cassette
private house
privilege of note issue
procedure summary
R meter
rear strut
regiones olfactoria tunicae mucosae
rehabilitation scheme
rollermill throughput
semi-simple linear transformation
single skew notch
spiral-fin fuel element
splay out
steel bar straight thread rolling machine
the drop
thermal over-current relay
two-way reinforced concrete slab
Ulu Langat
variable-speed winch
varnished sleeve
warble hole
wireless music player