时间:2019-03-16 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语



  [00:28.66]One minute, people. 大家注意 还剩一分钟
  [00:30.02]What are you telling me for? 那你告诉我干啥?
  [00:30.18]I still have to do touch-ups on Sylvia. 我还要给Sylvia补下妆
  [00:34.30]Where the hell is Sylvia? Sylvia跑哪去了?
  [00:50.14]Hi, Iowa. How now, brown cow. 嗨 爱荷华州 四是四 十是十(无意义绕口令)
  [00:50.54]Hey, Dale? 嗨 Dale?
  [00:53.70]It’s okay. 差不多了
  [00:55.78]Look, Dale, Sylvia seems to be M.I.A. 那个 Dale Sylvia貌似失踪了
  [00:56.82]Well, that’s not very professional. 喔 那可太不敬业了
  [00:58.98]No, no, it’s not. 是 是的
  [01:00.26]Damn unprofessional, if you ask me. 准确地说 是相当不敬业
  [01:01.74]And I agree. 深有同感
  [01:02.98]Any idea where she may be? 知道她可能去哪了吗?
  [01:04.54]Now, how would I know that, Josh? 我现在怎么会知道 Josh?
  [01:07.74]I’m not my weather girl’s keeper, right? 我又不是气象女孩的监护人 对吧?
  [01:13.38]Right? 对吗?
  [01:29.22]Yeah, it’s just that we’re on in about 25 seconds, 你说的对 不过我们只剩下25秒了
  [01:31.26]and I know you and she are close. 我知道你们关系比较近
  [01:33.30]So if you have any idea where she may be... 所以如果你知道她在哪...
  [01:35.98]Josh, my personal life is my business. Josh 我的私生活你管不着
  [01:40.02]Are we clear on that? 清楚了吧?
  [01:44.70]Are we? 嗯?
  [01:48.22]Sure. 当然
  [01:48.70]Mary! Mary!
  [01:49.86]I’m going now. 我在找呢
  [01:57.34]Ms. Miller? Miller小姐?
  [02:01.14]Ms. Miller, everybody’s waiting, and Miller小姐 大家都在等你呢 而且
  [02:03.10]we’re on in 20 seconds. 我们只剩20秒了
  [02:03.58]She’s not answering. 她还没回应
  [02:06.46]I don’t really... 我真不...
  [02:08.98]I got her. 我找到她了
  [02:25.10]Jesus Christ, Sylvia. 你可来了 Sylvia
  [02:27.66]Not cool, Syl. 这可不好啊 Syl
  [02:29.86]Not cool. 一点都不酷
  [02:31.62]All right, we got her. 行了 她来了
  [02:33.54]All right, 10 seconds. 好 还有十秒
  [02:37.98]with Dale Waters, Sherry Warren, 以及麻辣气象女孩Sylvia Miller
  [02:42.26]and sassy weather girl Sylvia Miller. 共同为您播报的早安 西雅图
  [02:47.62]Count it off. 倒计时
  [02:48.62]5, 4... 5 4...
  [02:49.70]3, 2... 3 2...
  [02:55.66]What a great morning. 真是个美妙的早晨
  [02:56.06]Not too shabby, Dale. 确实不赖哦 Dale
  [02:58.06]Good morning, Seattle. 西雅图 早安
  [02:59.74]And good morning to you, Sherry. 你也早 Sherry

  [03:02.22]Good morning to you, Dale. Dale 早
  [03:04.02]You look great this morning, Sherry. 你今天看起来真美 Sherry
  [03:04.66]Stop it. 别这么说嘛
  [03:05.70]You’re making me blush. 我都脸红了
  [03:06.54]You look great, seriously. 你看起来真的很美 真的
  [03:07.62]No, seriously. 不 我说真的
  [03:08.10]Doesn’t she look great? 她美吧?
  [03:09.10]Come on, you. 好了 你
  [03:11.30]Let’s say hello to our sassy weather girl. 来跟我们的麻辣气象女孩打个招呼
  [03:16.46]Good morning, Sylvia. 早上好啊 Sylvia
  [03:23.70]- Did we lose Sylvia?  - What? - 没录到Sylvia吗?  - 什么?
  [03:25.50]The rain is sure coming down out there, Sylvia. 外面一定下起雨了 Sylvia
  [03:26.10]What’s going on? She’s not talking. 怎么回事? 她没开口
  [03:30.18]How long is it gonna go on like this? 这天气得持续多久?
  [03:33.14]Forever, Dale. 永远 Dale
  [03:34.34]This is Seattle. 这可是西雅图
  [03:35.34]In case you haven’t noticed, 我得提醒你
  [03:36.74]the weather here sucks. 这儿的天气向来这么糟
  [03:45.18]Well, I think it’s romantic, Dale. 我认为这很浪漫啊 Dale
  [03:45.86]Go to camera 3, please. 切到三号机位
  [03:47.50]A stroll in the rain with your sweetheart. 跟你心爱的人在雨中漫步
  [03:48.86]God, shut up. 天啊 闭嘴
  [03:50.66]Shut up, shut up, you squeaky little bitch. 闭嘴 闭嘴 你这吵死人的小贱货
  [03:55.02]"our sassy weather girl" for nothing, folks. 真不是白叫的 观众们
  [03:56.46]We don’t call her "我们的麻辣气象女孩"
  [03:57.70]Let’s go to a commercial. Okay. - 我们来看一段广告  - 好的
  [03:59.90]You know what, Dale? 你知道吗 Dale?
  [04:00.90]Before we do that, 进广告之前
  [04:02.70]there is something that I would like to share 我有些事情 想跟我们的观众
  [04:03.78]with our viewing audience. 分享一下
  [04:03.90]Well, I don’t think that’s such a great idea, Sylvia. 呃 我想这不太好吧 Sylvia
  [04:06.18]I don’t care what you think, you arrogant prick. 我管你怎么想 你个自大的王八蛋
  [04:09.66]In fact, why don’t you just sit there 说真的 你最好像个傻子一样
  [04:10.06]and look stupid. 呆坐在那里
  [04:15.14]Whatever you do, do not cut. 无论如何 别切
  [04:18.30]Do not cut. 千万别切
  [04:20.46]So this is a little segment that I like to call 那么 我愿意将这个片段命名为
  [04:21.34]"behind the scenes of Seattle Morning." "早安 西雅图之幕后花絮"
  [04:24.66]My God. 额滴神呦
  [04:24.74]but from the moment that I started working here, 从我在这工作开始
  [04:25.66]Many of you may not know, 你们许多人可能还不知道
  [04:26.62]our seemingly charming cohost Dale Waters 我们道貌岸然的搭档 Dale Waters先生
  [04:31.62]has been all over me like a cheap suit. 就像个狗皮膏药似的粘着我
  [04:36.30]as I stood in front of this stupid map 都站在这幅破地图前

  [04:36.86]Day after day, 就在我每天
  [04:38.94]repeatedly trying to find new adjectives 变着法儿想找出些新词儿
  [04:42.66]What do I do? 我还能做啥呢?
  [04:43.26]to describe the word "rain"... 来描述"雨"的这段日子里...
  [04:44.06]I’ve been fighting off the infantile 我一度努力要摆脱他 既幼稚
  [04:47.22]and often offensive advances of that guy. 又讨人厌的求爱
  [04:49.38]That’s right, ladies. He’s grabby. 没错 姐妹们 他就是贪得无厌
  [04:53.06]Go to Dale. 切到Dale
  [04:53.58]not the least of which being I am 35, single, 不光是因为我35岁 单身
  [04:54.46]But you know, for a plethora of reasons, 但是 由于种种原因
  [04:59.46]and, yeah, occasionally lonely, 而且 嗯 偶尔还觉得有点儿寂寞
  [05:01.82]I gave in to his advances. 我委身于他的求爱
  [05:04.34]And we had several, you know, 我们上过几次床
  [05:07.38]what could only be described as disappointing encounters. 不过只能说是失败
  [05:11.14]Sorry. 不好意思
  [05:12.74]But despite the amateurish sex, 但尽管他的床上功夫糟糕之极
  [05:16.06]I somehow developed an attachment 我还是莫名其妙地对他产生了感情
  [05:18.82]We moved in together 我们搬到一起
  [05:19.26]to the walking haircut sitting in that chair. 就是坐在那儿的衰发男
  [05:21.42]and began to share a boring, stagnant, passionless life. 开始了单调 乏味 激情不再的同居生活
  [05:28.38]What the hell is she doing? 她到底在干什么?
  [05:29.06]George, help me. George 快帮忙
  [05:31.42]Do not cut anything. This is good TV. 啥也别动 这可是好节目
  [05:32.06]- Cut the lighting!  - No, no, no, no. - 把灯光切了!  - 别 别 别 别
  [05:34.42]She has lost her mind. 她已经疯了
  [05:34.54]That is, until this morning, 事实就是 今天早上
  [05:37.74]when after Dale had already left for the studio, 就在Dale去摄影棚之后
  [05:39.02]I found these. 我发现了这个
  [05:46.46]You go, Sylvia. 继续 Sylvia
  [05:47.26]They’re not mine. 但不是我的哦
  [05:47.58]There’s our Emmy. This is it. 这段节目能得艾美奖 就是这样
  [05:49.26]Now, these are a pair of panties 这条小裤裤
  [05:51.10]my exhibitionist cohost wearing on several occasions. 我们有裸露癖的女主播穿过
  [05:51.46]that I’ve unfortunately witnessed 有几次我不小心看到
  [05:55.38]How long have you been sleeping with him, Sherry? 你从什么时候开始跟他搞上的 Sherry?
  [05:57.10]All right, number 4 to Sherry, please. 好 四号机位对准Sherry
  [06:02.46]Well put, Sherry. 表情不错哦 Sherry
  [06:06.14]Well, I am now leaving this stupid, meaningless job, 这个愚蠢至极 没劲透顶的工作 我现在就不干了
  [06:09.14]I just want to say to all of you out there, 我想请所有的观众朋友
  [06:10.10]but before I go, 但是离开之前
  [06:11.78]for the love of God, read a newspaper. 看在上帝的份上 去读报纸吧
  [06:14.78]This is not news. 这节目不是新闻

  [06:16.58]This is fluff. 净是些废话
  [06:17.58]This is tidbits for dumb people. 都是给蠢蛋们读的花边新闻
  [06:24.46]On that note, I will say good-bye 因此 我要跟"早安 西雅图"
  [06:25.30]to Seattle Morning, 说拜拜
  [06:28.02]and I will see you all in hell. 也要和你们所有人 说拜拜
  [06:32.26]What has she done? 她都干了些什么?
  [06:38.86]Let’s do a commercial. 我们来进段广告
  [06:40.34]Go to commercial. 进广告
  [06:40.66]Go to commercial. 进广告
  [06:45.50]That was great. 太爽了
  [06:45.82]That was great. 真爽
  [06:58.10]Hey. 嗨
  [06:59.70]I know you, right? 我好像在哪见过你 对吗?
  [07:03.02]Wait, I know. 等等 我想起来了
  [07:04.38]Aren’t you that weather girl 今天早上 在成千上万的观众面前
  [07:06.46]who committed career suicide in a very unsightly way 难堪地结束了自己职业生涯的气象女孩
  [07:08.74]before an audience of thousands this morning? 不就是你吗?
  [07:11.26]God. 天啊
  [07:12.02]Come on in. It’s okay. 进来吧 没事了
  [07:12.82]Shit. Okay, come on. 算了 进来
  [07:14.46]- Come on.  - God. - 来吧  - 天啊
  [07:16.62]You want me to kick his ass? 你想让我扁他一顿吗?
  [07:16.94]What did you do in here? It’... 你在家干嘛呢? 这是...
  [07:17.90]- Yes.  - Really? - 嗯  - 真的?
  [07:20.22]No, it’s... please, no, don’t kick his ass. 不 那个... 别 还是别揍他了
  [07:24.38]All right, I don’t think I could anyway. 好吧 反正我也没想真去
  [07:24.66]It’s 9:00 in the morning. 这才早上9点
  [07:26.26]You want a drink? 喝点什么?
  [07:28.66]Yes. 嗯
  [07:32.74]God, wait, can I have a Bloody Mary? 等等 我能来杯血腥玛丽吗?
  [07:33.14]Yeah, let me whip that up for you. 行 我给你调一杯
  [07:35.82]I’m going to enjoy an Apple Martini. 我喝苹果马丁尼
  [07:40.10]You look like shit. 你看起来糟透了
  [07:45.54]Thank you. 多谢
  [07:45.94]That’s good. 真不赖
  [07:46.54]No, I’m serious. 不 我很严肃
  [07:47.54]You... you look like shit. 你... 你看起来真糟糕
  [07:49.10]This is, like, you look really, really... 就是 看上去 你真的 真的...
  [07:49.50]this is, like, the worst I’ve ever seen you look. 看起来 是我见过你最糟糕的样子
  [07:54.10]Okay, is this supposed to be helping me? 好吧 你这么说是在帮我吗?
  [07:54.50]Syl, I’m your brother, and I’m really very fond of you, Syl 我是你弟弟 我真的很爱你
  [07:57.18]but I cannot be okay 但是我不能就这么看着你
  [07:57.66]over that douche bag from the morning show. 变成现在这副德行
  [07:58.30]with you being this much of a wreck 因为早间主持的那个烂货
  [07:59.54]Hey, can I have, like, 5 minutes here? 嘿 我能不能一个人在这呆5分钟?
  [08:03.22]I’m kind of upset. 我已经够烦了
  [08:04.22]I’m trying to help. 我是在帮你
  [08:04.82]What’s happening here? 这都是怎么了?
  [08:05.22]Well, you can help by shutting up. 你不说话就是帮大忙了

  [08:07.82]Okay, you know what? 好 你知道吗?
  [08:10.02]If you want to get all upset over some stupid dude 如果你想因为那个我一直不喜欢的贱男
  [08:11.62]who I never liked, then go nuts. 这么作践自己 那你就疯下去吧
  [08:13.50]I am well aware of your opinion, thank you. 我很明白你的意思 谢谢
  [08:15.26]Well, then I guess I don’t have to say, 那我就不用再跟你说
  [08:15.94]"I told you so" "我早说过会这样"
  [08:17.06]Because I already did, like, 50 times. 我早就跟你说过50遍了
  [08:18.02]I mean, this guy’s an idiot, 我意思是 那家伙就是个二百五
  [08:19.82]and my big sister’s a wreck because of him. 然后呢 我姐还因为他伤心的要死
  [08:20.50]It’s embarrassing. 丢死人了
  [08:21.50]God, you are such an idiot. 我的天 你就是个傻子
  [08:22.90]Okay, it’s not just him. 好吧 我失去的不仅是他
  [08:26.42]It’s everything. 而是所有
  [08:27.78]2 years, we were together. 我们在一起两年了
  [08:29.30]We... we lived together. 我们... 我们住在一起
  [08:30.10]Okay, 2 years. 两年啊
  [08:32.46]We bought furniture together. 我们一起置办家具
  [08:33.14]We talked about kids’ names. 我们讨论孩子的名字
  [08:35.54]And where am I now? 再看看我现在呢?
  [08:36.66]I... 我...
  [08:37.66]I’m 35 years old. 我已经35岁了
  [08:39.22]I have no job, no insurance, 我没工作 没保险
  [08:40.70]$1,500 in a savings account, 账户里只剩1500美元
  [08:42.42]no apartment, 没房子
  [08:44.10]a car that I couldn’t afford payments on when I was employed, 还有一辆我工作的时候都供不起的车
  [08:45.90]and, what else don’t I have? 我还没有什么?
  [08:47.70]You know what else I don’t have? 你还知道我没有什么吗?
  [08:50.34]I don’t have a boyfriend. 我还没男朋友
  [08:51.54]I don’t know what I’m doing. 我都不知道我在做什么
  [08:51.66]Tell me about this savings account. 你的存款是咋回事
  [08:53.90]It’s like I’m starting all over again. 看起来我一切都要重头开始
  [08:55.06]What I’m going to do? 接下来我要怎么办?
  [08:58.14]My God. 老天爷啊
  [08:59.98]I have to start all over again. 我一切都得重新开始
  [09:00.02]God, I’m such an idiot. 老天 我这个大傻瓜
  [09:02.86]Why didn’t I stick around? 我为什么不忍忍呢?
  [09:04.26]I could have hung around and gotten a job 我本可以随便逛逛 找份工作
  [09:07.54]or looked for an apartment or something. 或者找个房子之类的
  [09:09.42]Yeah, that’s a great idea. 嗯 这主意好啊
  [09:11.62]Just hang out and pretend that you don’t know 就继续闲逛 假装不知道
  [09:12.70]Dale’s doing his cohost, a much better option. Dale跟他搭档有一腿 这选择可真不错
  [09:14.02]I’m just trying to be rational. 我只是想理智点儿
  [09:16.22]God, you’re so full of shit. 神啊 你这不是废话么
  [09:16.98]Let me just share with you one of your qualities. 我来表扬你的一种品格
  [09:20.18]All right? 好吧?

  [09:21.18]You couldn’t be rational 你要是连自尊都没了
  [09:22.86]at the cost of your pride for anything. 还要理智有屁用啊
  [09:24.86]and also conveniently what you had to do 也顺带做了你必须做的
  [09:24.98]You did just what you should have done 你不过是做了你该做的
  [09:28.06]because of your love of conflict. 因为你总爱斗争
  [09:29.54]I don’t love conflict. 我没有喜欢斗争
  [09:31.18]It’s your crack. 那是你自己没有意识到
  [09:34.58]Now, shut up. 哎 别说了
  [09:35.58]You’re going to stay here. 你就住我这儿
  [09:36.58]You’re going to get a job, 然后找个工作
  [09:38.10]and everything’s going to be okay, okay? 一切都会好起来的 好吗?
  [09:39.46]You think so? 你真这么想?
  [09:40.06]Okay. 好吧
  [09:41.14]Yeah, why not? 对啊 要不还能怎么样?
  [09:43.22]Well, I think we should cut his balls off. 我们就该把他蛋蛋割下来
  [09:43.62]Can you say that any louder? 你要不要再大点儿声?
  [09:45.54]I’m sorry. 对不起
  [09:46.54]Am I embarrassing you? 我让你觉得难堪了?
  [09:48.50]I was trying to be supportive of my friend. 我就是想为我的好朋友报不平
  [09:49.18]Are you saying I’m not? 你意思是我不想吗?
  [09:50.18]I’m saying that maybe 我意思是
  [09:51.18]making passive-aggressive comments 只说说不痛不痒的话
  [09:54.06]and trying to undermine me like you always do 要不就像你似的 总拆我台
  [09:55.50]is not the best way to help Sylvia. 对Sylvia不会有什么帮助
  [09:56.34]I undermine you? 我拆你台?
  [09:57.34]When have I ever undermine... 我什么时候拆...
  [09:58.62]I don’t feel like being out tonight. 我今天本不想出来的
  [09:58.98]I don’t know why I’m here. 我真不知道我为什么要来

a tall tale
atomized liquid
beneficial cycle
bimetallic corrosion
Calvert, Sir George (1st Baron Baltimore)
citrange tree
commence with
control program support
cosecant squared beam
cumic aldehyde
cylindrical nozzle
deep-moored instrument station
degree of unbalance
development system processor module
echo width
effect of salvage
entity record
free-burning arc
fundamental breach of contract
galloping through
genus philodendrons
gravity gradient attitude control
Gruber's speculum
halogenated hydrocarbon local panel
holophrastic sentence
hoopy froods
horn plate
hot mold blowing
Hyoscyamus muticus L.
instrumental background
knocking-over action
ligation method
line switch network
low-temperature hydrothermal deposit
mineral nutrition
network broadcast name schema
patellar surface
paying remuneration according to standard output
phasing cut
primary carnivore
quick selling product
reciprocal levelling
restricted manual mode
Riley, James Whitcomb
Saint-Beuve, Charles Augustin
saturable-core oscillator
setting board
shoe duck
snap tool
society woman
sole proprietor company
sport philosophy
tapping machine
tension board
three pair
thrust journal plain bearing
trawling gear
triangular notch
weak coal
white storks
worm like larva