时间:2019-03-16 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语


   [00:01.50]It’s a morning show. 这是早间节目

  [00:02.34]Well, we have kids watching. 我们的观众有孩子
  [00:04.22]Families watch us. 全家人都在看
  [00:05.22]They trust us. 他们信任我们
  [00:06.42]We let them down. 我们却让他们失望了
  [00:07.82]We sure did. 确实如此
  [00:08.86]- Stop it.  - Sorry. - 干嘛  - 不好意思
  [00:11.06]She also made some pretty terrible accusations 她还说了很难听的话
  [00:13.06]against you, Dale. 来指责你 Dale
  [00:14.46]It’s true, but I can take care of myself. 的确 但我会照顾好自己 不受影响
  [00:15.26]Yeah, she did. 她是这么做的
  [00:18.14]they can’t take care of themselves yet, 他们还不能照顾自己
  [00:19.62]and that’s where we failed them. 这就是我们对不住他们的地方
  [00:21.82]I’m not going to sit here and defend myself, 我不会坐在这里 为了维护我自己
  [00:22.62]My God. 天哪
  [00:25.90]my manhood, against someone who... 我的男子气概 而去攻击一个...
  [00:28.78]And here he goes. 他有理了
  [00:30.30]To say the least, is frankly unstable. 退一步说 一个情绪失常的人
  [00:31.78]I would say that. I would say that. 我明白 我明白
  [00:32.82]Well, you know what? 知道吗?
  [00:35.02]I think that I speak for all of Seattle Morning 当我对你说 Dale 好样的
  [00:36.22]when I say, good for you, Dale. 我也是对"早安 西雅图"全体工作人员说
  [00:37.90]Good for you. 好样的
  [00:40.78]Thanks, Sherry. 谢谢 Sherry
  [00:42.50]You out there, our friends, 电视机前的朋友们
  [00:46.18]our neighbors, 街坊们
  [00:49.98]we’re sorry, Seattle. 对不起 西雅图
  [00:52.14]We hope that we haven’t lost your trust. 希望我们没有失去你们的信任
  [00:53.62]Oh, Seattle. 哦 西雅图
  [00:54.62]The end. 完了
  [01:06.42]Think he’s home? 他在家么?
  [01:07.42]I know he’s home. 肯定在
  [01:08.14]Okay, your sister is so hot. 行 你姐真是辣
  [01:08.82]It’s time for his after-show nap. 现在是他下了节目的休息时间
  [01:11.50]Dude. 流氓
  [01:19.18]This place is gay. 这屋挺艳的
  [01:22.66]Up and at ’em, dickhead. 逮着你们了 白痴
  [01:23.66]My God! 天呐!
  [01:26.50]Sylvia. What are you doing here? Sylvia 你来这干嘛?
  [01:27.50]What is she doing here? 她这要干嘛?
  [01:29.30]You guys are already napping together. 你们俩打盹都打到一块了
  [01:30.10]That is so precious. 这可真少见
  [01:31.10]Hi, asshole. 你好 混蛋
  [01:32.10]This is a great apartment. 你这公寓可真棒
  [01:33.38]It’s not an apartment. It’s a condo. 这可不是租的 是我私人房产

  [01:36.26]Yeah, that’s right. 嗯 没错
  [01:36.66]My God. They’re gonna kill us. 天呐! 他们要杀了我们
  [01:37.94]We’re all part of an elite hit squad. 我们都是杀手精英
  [01:40.82]Remember me? 还认得我么?
  [01:41.46]I’m Walt, Sylvia’s brother. 我是Sylvia的弟弟 Walt
  [01:41.82]We’ve met maybe 10 times. 我们可见过十来次了
  [01:43.10]Yeah, I do. 嗯 记得
  [01:44.10]Hi, Walt. How are you? 嗨 Walt 你好啊
  [01:45.10]I want my things, Dale. 把我的东西给我 Dale
  [01:46.90]And I’m gonna take them. 我要把它们统统拿走
  [01:47.50]But I won’t be taken advantage of. 但甭想占我便宜
  [01:47.90]You can take your clothes, Sylvia, 你可以把你衣服收走 Sylvia
  [01:51.66]What did you say? 你说什么?
  [01:55.06]That probably wasn’t very smart, Dale. 你可说错话了 Dale.
  [01:55.86]You’re not gonna be taken advantage of? 我别占你便宜?
  [01:57.86]- Badly worded, really.  - Exactly. - 真是臭嘴  - 没错
  [02:00.50]You son of a bitch. 狗娘养的
  [02:01.14]Shit! 混蛋!
  [02:02.30]Taken advantage of? 占你便宜?
  [02:05.50]She’s crazy! 她真疯了!
  [02:09.18]Stop talking. I don’t want to hurt you. 闭嘴 我不想连你也揍
  [02:09.54]How long have you been sleeping around behind my back, Dale? 你俩背着我私通多久了 Dale?
  [02:12.74]That’s pretty cool, actually. 这真酷
  [02:15.34]How much of a fool did I look like for you? 你他妈觉得我是傻子么?
  [02:15.54]You think that I’m fucking taking advantage? 你觉得我他妈来揩你油的?
  [02:18.10]Hands off the anchorpeople. 放主持人一马
  [02:21.62]Be nice. Play nice. Play nice. 别打了 和气点 和气点
  [02:21.78]What’s up? 怎么了?
  [02:23.46]I am taking everything I ever spent a penny on 哪怕是我在上边花过一毛钱的东西
  [02:27.06]out of this apartment. 我也要拿走
  [02:28.06]If you try to stop me, 你要是敢拦我
  [02:29.46]I swear to God, I will claw your eyes out. 我保证 非把你眼珠子抠出来不可
  [02:29.86]Do you understand me? 听清楚了么?
  [02:31.66]Every single thing. 统统拿走
  [02:46.38]What? This is it? 什么? 就这点?
  [02:47.54]This is all your stuff. 这就是你全部家当
  [02:48.54]I thought I had more stuff. 我以为我东西挺多的呢
  [02:50.74]It’s kind of a hollow victory, isn’t it? 这仗赢得可没什么意义 是吧?
  [02:51.14]Okay, shut up, Walt, all right? Walt 你别说了行么?
  [02:53.38]Can we go, please? 我们走吧?
  [02:53.78]Sylvia. Sylvia
  [02:56.70]Can I talk to you for a second? 我能跟你说两句么?
  [03:01.38]You just tried to kill me in there. 你刚才可想掐死我来着
  [03:01.78]The least you could do is talk to me for a minute. 至少也让我跟你谈一下吧
  [03:08.90]Go ahead, you guys. 你们先走吧
  [03:09.30]Go. 走啊
  [03:10.22]Go. 都走
  [03:13.90]All right. 行
  [03:15.90]On the knees. 遵命
  [03:20.66]What? 说什么?
  [03:21.82]This is not all my fault. 这不全是我的错

  [03:23.34]Please. 别这么
  [03:24.50]No, "oh, please" you, Sylvia. 不 你"别这么" Sylvia
  [03:27.22]"Oh, please" you. 你"别这么"
  [03:27.62]Okay. 好
  [03:29.50]I broke the rules. 我违反规则了
  [03:30.06]I made love to another woman. 我跟别的女人上床了
  [03:34.34]Sorry. 对不起
  [03:37.06]But you pushed me to it. 但你逼我这么做的
  [03:40.70]I pushed you to it? 我逼你跟别人睡觉?
  [03:42.58]You never loved me. 你没爱过我
  [03:43.42]How did...how did I do that? 我怎么逼你了?
  [03:44.98]You never let me in. 你心里都没我
  [03:48.58]I was okay for a time, 一开始我还能接受
  [03:50.26]But you never stooped so low 但你从没屈尊俯就
  [03:52.54]As to really allow yourself to have feelings for me. 真正地对我产生些感情
  [03:59.34]I’m flesh and blood, Sylvia. 我有感情有欲望 Sylvia
  [04:00.90]I want someone to want me as much as I want them. 我希望两个人能彼此需要
  [04:05.86]You’re cold, 但你太冷淡了
  [04:08.26]Sylvia. Sylvia
  [04:08.82]You are cold. 你太冷淡了
  [04:11.22]And that’s why I did what I did. 所以我有外遇了
  [04:23.74]and he said that I was cold. 还说我太冷淡了
  [04:24.06]Said he only slept with her because I didn’t love him, 他说因为我不爱他 才跟那女的上床
  [04:28.34]Can you believe that? 你们相信么?
  [04:30.14]I mean, isn’t that the craziest thing you’ve ever heard? 我是说 这难道不是最荒诞的无稽之谈么?
  [04:30.54]Guys? 你们?
  [04:32.82]That I’m cold? 说我冷淡?
  [04:36.10]Well... 嗯...
  [04:36.86]Oh, my God. 哦 天呐
  [04:39.58]You do sometimes have a little trouble 有时候你确实 有点
  [04:41.58]letting people in. 对别人敬而远之
  [04:42.54]I never thought you really loved him. 我没觉得你爱过他
  [04:42.66]My God. Me neither. 老天 我也这么觉得
  [04:46.06]I don’t think she’s been in love since I’ve known her. 自打认识 我都没觉得她爱过谁
  [04:46.62]What about the lawyer? 那个律师呢?
  [04:48.14]You mean the one she just stopped calling? 你指她不再联系的那个?
  [04:48.98]Right. 对
  [04:50.90]That guy was the most boring guy on the planet. 那人可无聊透顶了
  [04:54.18]But he was a lawyer. 好歹他是个律师啊
  [04:55.18]You could have given him a chance. 你应该给他个机会
  [04:55.90]Are you telling me that I’m cold? 你们是说我真的很冷淡?
  [04:59.34]Honey, no. You... you just... 宝贝 不是 你只不过
  [04:59.46]- No.  - No. - 不  - 不
  [05:00.86]Maybe it’s just difficult 也许 对你来说
  [05:03.90]for you to think of loving someone. 爱上一个人比较难
  [05:06.82]- You’ve got walls.  - You do. - 你有些心里障碍  - 确实是
  [05:09.10]My God. Brainstorm. Charles. 天呐 我想起来了 Charles啊
  [05:10.06]My God. That’s so crazy. 天呐 这太奇妙了
  [05:10.86]Charles. Charles
  [05:11.70]It just might work. 没准能行呢
  [05:13.78]Sylvia, he is perfect for you, practically perfect. Sylvia 他绝对适合你 简直绝配

  [05:16.34]He is very nice. 他棒极了
  [05:17.54]Yeah, I don’t think that I’m ready to date. 嗯 我还没打算开始约会
  [05:18.34]He works out at our gym. 他在我们的健身房锻炼
  [05:20.42]- Yeah, he used to date Maureen.  - You know Maureen. - 对 他以前约Maureen来着  - 你认识Maureen
  [05:22.14]- Loud and stupid.  - Big girl. - 嗓门大 很蠢的那个  - 很胖
  [05:23.82]Yeah, but they’re so done now. 嗯 但现在他们彻底分手了
  [05:25.62]Yeah. 对
  [05:26.62]You guys are crazy. 你们准是疯了
  [05:28.06]I just broke up with Dale, like, yesterday. 我刚跟Dale分手没多久
  [05:29.46]Okay, perhaps you think you have nothing but time. 好啊 你可能还觉得自己有的是时间
  [05:30.74]You don’t. 但你没时间了
  [05:31.86]You don’t, Sylvia. 抓紧了 Sylvia
  [05:33.02]- You’re in your late 30s.  - Mid 30s. - 你都快40岁了  - 是30岁中期
  [05:36.42]You have a tiny window remaining. 你就剩一线希望了
  [05:37.22]Charles is an accountant. Charles是个会计师
  [05:39.70]He’s stable. 工作稳定
  [05:40.50]He’s not gay, and he’s not not attractive. 不是同性恋 长得也不赖
  [05:43.90]Not not attractive. 长得不赖
  [05:45.86]This is your future you’re playing with. 这可是你通往幸福未来的机会
  [05:46.54]Yes, also a perfect opportunity 对 也是个好机会
  [05:48.74]to warm up that cold shoulder. 来治治你那冷淡的毛病
  [05:48.86]It wouldn’t hurt if Dale heard you were dating. Dale知道你约会了也不会难受的
  [05:50.46]No, wouldn’t hurt at all. 对 绝对不会难受
  [05:52.94]Look, if you want to spend your few remaining moments 听我说 做为一个中年女性 你没多少时间耽搁了
  [05:55.22]as an attractive middle-aged woman being picky, go ahead. 如果你还自恃魅力挑三拣四 那随你便
  [05:56.22]Middle-aged? 中年?
  [05:57.22]We are the same age. 我们一般大的
  [05:58.22]Yeah, and I’m married, 对 但我结婚了
  [06:00.58]and Jane’s in a serious relationship with a future. Jane的婚姻也快浮出水面了
  [06:02.58]And we both have careers and IRA accounts 我们都有工作和退休金
  [06:05.94]and our own apartments. 还都有公寓
  [06:06.46]And I’m actually only 34. 我实际上才34
  [06:06.62]Okay, look, all I’m saying is that we’re in the major leagues, 看 我只是想说我们属于职业大联盟
  [06:11.94]and you just got knocked back to the minors. 而你却被踢回了次级联赛了
  [06:12.74]Is that a sports reference? 你在用体育打比方么?
  [06:14.18]I know, right? I just came up with that. 我知道 对吧? 我竟然会能想到那
  [06:14.42]Look at that. 行啊你
  [06:15.42]Shit, I got to go pick up my kids. 该死 我得去接孩子了
  [06:16.78]God. I’ve got pilates. 天 我还要去上普拉提课
  [06:18.98]I will call Charles and give him the rundown. 我会打电话给Charles 简单介绍下你
  [06:20.74]I will email him your picture. 我把你的照片传给他

  [06:22.54]Sylvia, he is gonna love you, really. Sylvia 他会喜欢你的 肯定的
  [06:25.22]Bye, Syl. Okay. 再见 Syl
  [06:25.46]- Did you valet?  - Totally. - 车内有没有洗干净?  - 绝对干净
  [06:26.22]- Bye.  - Okay. - 再见  - 好的
  [06:27.22]Be strong, baby, yeah? 坚强点 宝贝 好么?
  [06:31.70]Bye, Honey. 再见 宝贝
  [06:32.98]Wait a sec. Wait a sec. 别关门 别关
  [06:42.86]So as you can see from my resume,  正如简历上说的
  [06:44.74]I’ve been working in television since graduating college. 我大学毕业后就一直在电视台工作
  [06:46.42]And you know, I’ve done a little bit of everything 电视台里什么事我都做过点
  [06:48.98]from reporting to color stories, you know, whatever. 从采访到播报 所有的事情
  [06:52.78]Why... why are you looking at me like that? 你干嘛这个表情看我?
  [06:57.82]You really lost it on that morning show, didn’t you? 你在早间报道发疯了 是吧?
  [07:00.34]I mean, you freaked out. 我是指 你发飙了
  [07:01.42]My staff loves it. 我的员工们很喜欢那段
  [07:02.42]We watch it all the time. 我们没事总看的
  [07:05.42]Dale Waters, what an asshole. Dale Waters 真是个混蛋
  [07:06.86]knows Dale’s an asshole. 都知道Dale Waters是个混蛋
  [07:07.26]Everybody in Seattle television 西雅图电视台的人
  [07:09.74]after some local journalist dinner. 那是在一个当地记者晚宴后
  [07:11.34]Hell, I slept with him once 妈的 我跟他睡过一次
  [07:12.86]You were certainly right about his disappointing performance. 你说的没错 他的床上功夫真是差劲
  [07:16.90]Real high school stuff. 跟个高中生似的
  [07:17.82]# Argue about the things # # 为了我本该忘记的事情 #
  [07:19.50]# I should have left behind # # 没完没了的争吵 #
  [07:26.18]Hey, yeah, Tracy, 嗨 Tracy
  [07:28.38]What was it that sassy weather girl called Dale Waters? 那个麻辣气象女孩怎么骂Dale Waters来着?
  [07:31.22]Grabby. 贪得无厌
  [07:31.82]I bet he is. 他肯定是
  [07:32.22]Grabby. 贪得无厌
  [07:35.30]# Dream up muddy river # # 朦胧的月光下 #
  [07:38.22]# underneath the drowsy moon # # 我梦见污浊的河流 #
  [07:45.86]So you blew the television gig, 你先是把电视台的工作砸了
  [07:49.62]and now you want to get into radio? 现在你又想进电台来?
  [07:51.82]Well, I have an open mind. 嗯 我的想法比较开阔
  [07:55.90]Isn’t that big of you. 开阔的过头了吧
  [07:57.78]# Past grocery stores # # 经过杂货店 #
  [08:00.98]I love that you ripped that guy apart. 你把那家伙骂得体无完肤 我很喜欢
  [08:02.66]Dale Waters is just south of retarded. Dale Waters就是个白痴中的白痴
  [08:04.26]I really do. 我真的喜欢
  [08:07.26]Here’s the problem. 问题是
  [08:07.82]and what’s to keep you from ripping them apart? 你是否会把他们也骂得体无完肤?
  [08:08.74]My anchors are assholes too, 我这的主持人也都是混蛋

  [08:11.30]Yeah. 对
  [08:14.42]Look, I feel for you. 听着 我挺喜欢你的
  [08:14.66]But I don’t know what I can do. 但我帮不了你什么
  [08:18.14]You’re a joke. 你是个笑柄
  [08:19.18]If I put you on my staff, that makes me a joke. 如果我录用了你 我也成了笑柄了
  [08:22.54]Hey, Bill. 嗨 Bill
  [08:23.22]And I’m no joke. 我不想被人笑话
  [08:25.98]Okay. Well, we... 好的 嗯 我们...
  [08:26.22]Okay, give me the numbers. 好 把数据告诉我
  [08:49.50]Walt, stop it. Walt 住手
  [08:50.78]You’re hurting my neck. 你伤着我脖子了
  [08:54.18]Say you suck. Say it! 说自己混蛋 快说
  [08:54.46]You suck! 你才混蛋!
  [08:56.02]No! 不!
  [08:57.02]Hey, kids. 嗨 小屁孩们
  [08:58.50]She moved my bed out here. 她把我的床移了出去
  [08:58.70]What’s going on? 怎么了?
  [08:59.62]She’s taking my room. 她占了我的房间
  [08:59.70]Look, look what she did. 看 看她都做了什么
  [09:03.06]You... you helped her move? 你... 你帮她搬进来的?
  [09:03.30]Yeah, I know. I helped her move it. 对啊 我知道 我帮她搬进来的
  [09:05.66]Why does she get the room? 她凭什么占这个房间?
  [09:06.34]Walt, she’s a girl. Walt 她是个女孩
  [09:07.74]I’m a girl. 我是个女孩
  [09:09.14]You brought my best friend into this? 你把我最好的朋友也收买了?
  [09:12.26]You suck. You best... 你丫的 你最好...
  [09:13.30]I gave you back your bed. 床还给你睡
  [09:13.42]You’re such an idiot. 你真是个白痴
  [09:13.70]I live here, okay? 这是我的房子 你知道么?
  [09:16.98]You can’t just move all my shit around in my apartment. 你不能随便动我屋里的东西
  [09:19.50]This is a temporary situation. 我只是暂住罢了
  [09:21.06]I’m not a little kid anymore. 我可不是一个小孩了
  [09:21.42]It doesn’t matter, okay? 还不是一样 啊?
  [09:23.10]You can’t push me around. 你别想再欺负我了
  [09:25.34]This is a much better arrangement, Walt. 这么摆放不更好么 Walt
  [09:26.26]Says you. 你这么想罢了
  [09:27.54]I have got a system here, you know? 我本来摆得很有章法的 知道么
  [09:28.82]God, we have to live together. 老天 我们必须住一块
  [09:30.94]Okay, this is a temporary situation. 好啊 你只不过暂住罢了
  [09:35.38]You should be out getting a fucking job, 你他妈的该去找个工作
  [09:35.62]not rearranging my furniture. 不是乱摆我的家具
  [09:36.06]I have been looking all week long. 我已经找了一周了
  [09:40.18]Oh, yeah. How did it go? 哦 是么 结果呢?
  [09:42.94]What? 怎么了?
  [09:45.02]Well, it was awful, Byron, actually. 糟透了 行了么 Byron
  [09:47.34]Every single person who looks at me sees weather girl. 他们都忘不了我是那个发飙的气象女孩
  [09:49.82]Everybody’s calling me sassy, 每个人都说我麻辣
  [09:51.90]And I swear to God, if one more person does it, 我发誓 谁要再这么说我
  [09:52.98]I’m gonna fucking lose it. 我他妈非疯了不可

  [09:56.78]I... I... look at it. I am trying, okay? 我... 我 你看 我正在努力找 知道么?
  [09:57.46]I don’t like crowding your life any more than you do. 我也不想跟你在这挤着住
  [10:00.14]Well, you got to try harder. 好 你得加把劲去找工作
  [10:00.82]Really? Okay, thank you, Walt. 是么? 哦 谢谢 Walt

acid resisting concrete
be indigenous to
brain imaging
bring someone to grips with
capitals of niger
carbon colour test
cubic closedpacked structure
cultural background
cutting nippers
diabase spessartite
direct labo(u)r expense
direct probe
double strength fertilizer
drop lines
enforcement mechanism
extra wage system
eye-like gland
false tamarisk
flush gate
genus chimaeras
genus cortinariuss
gold rusher
golf range
heaviness in waist
hermetically sealed
homo sapiens neanderthalenses
horizontal detail
induced lift
kinematic(al) boundary condition
liophile or lyophile colloid
local director
mass-transport overpotential
mold releasing agent
not on speaking terms with
nucleus juxtaolivaris
old soldiers
organic nitrogen
portable microscope
preloaded bearing
Premium Reserves
raise mortgage
records management
San Juan de Ciénaga
sequence of operation
short gyri of insula
shrunken plant
shutter dam
summit meeting
take-home pay
thermoplastic memory system
ticket punch
torpor peristalticus
tropospheric scatter transmitter
type classification
water break section