时间:2018-12-04 作者:英语课 分类:新视野大学英语读写教程词汇 第一册



<TITLE>New Words</TITLE>

||<1>echo        |vi.|(of a sound) repeat because it hits a surface and returns |(声音)回响

||||The gunshot echoed through the valley.|枪声在山谷里回响。

||||His footsteps echoed in the empty hall.|他的脚步声在空荡荡的大厅内回响。

||        |n.|[C] a noise that is repeated because the sound hits a surface and returns |回音;回声

||||The echoes of his cries sounded in the cave for several seconds.|他的喊叫声在洞穴中回响了好几秒钟。

||||If you shout loudly, you'll hear the echo.|如果你大声喊, 你就能听到回声。

||<2> <em>hallway</em> |n.|[C] a passage in a building or house that leads to many rooms |走廊;通道

||||He entered the hallway and stood uncertainly.|他进了走廊,迟疑不决地站着。

||||There was a staircase at the end of the hallway.|走廊尽头有一段楼梯。

||<3>await|vt.|wait or be ready for sb. or sth. |等候,等待

||||He is anxiously awaiting the result of the medical tests.|他焦急地等待着医学检测结果。

||||A lot of hard work awaits you at university.|大学里有许多艰苦工作等着你。

||<4>abortion 1|n.|1. [C] the removal of a developing baby in order to end a pregnancy 2 |堕胎;人工流产

||||habitual/threatened/ artificial abortion|习惯性/先兆性/人工流产

||||Some people believe that abortion is murder, but I can't decide.|一些人认为堕胎就是谋杀,不过我不能下结论。

||||2. [C] sth. that fails to develop, progress, or mature, as a design or project |失败;流产

||||The project was an abortion; it was abandoned before it could be put into action.|这个项目流产了,还未付诸行动就被弃用。

||||His plan proved an abortion.|他的计划夭折了。

||<5>database    |n.|[C] a large collection of data stored in a computer system that can be found easily |数据库

||||The company has a database of over 23,000 hotels that allow pets.|这公司有一个数据库,包含23,000多功能家允许带宠物的旅馆。

||||Online learning depends on many databases to monitor the process of learning.|网上学习依赖许多数据库来监控学习过程。

|@|<6>available   |a.|able to be got, used, etc. |能得到的;可利用的

||||The house I want to buy will be available in June.|我要买的房子将于六月份交房。

||||The manager tells us that he has only one apartment available now and the other one will be available next month.|经理说现在他手中只有一套住房可供使用,另一套要到下月才可使用。

||<7> <em>indecision</em>  |n.|[U] the state of being unable to make a decision |迟疑不决

||||For weeks now the government has been paralyzed by indecision.|目前政府举棋不定,无法正常运转,这都好几周了。

||||We finally decided 3 to go abroad after years of indecision.|经过多年的踌躇,我们终于决定要去国外了。

|@|<8>ban |vt.|forbid, esp. by law |禁止;取缔

||||After the accident, he was banned from driving. |事故发生后,他被禁止驾车。

||||The government has banned the import of products from that country.|政府禁止进口该国产品。

|||n.|[C] an order banning sth. |禁令

||||The city has a ban on parking cars on this busy street.|市里禁止在这条繁忙街道上停车。

||||The union has imposed a ban on overtime 4.|工会禁止加班。

|@|<9>predict     |vt.|say sth. in advance |预言

||||Scientists still cannot predict when earthquakes will happen.|科学家依然不能预测地震在什么时候发生。

||||They predict that about twenty percent of the students will fail to pass the examination.|他们预计将有20%的学生考试不及格。

||<10>breakthrough|n.|[C] an important discovery that comes after a lot of hard work |突破;重大发现

||||Scientists have made a breakthrough in their treatment of that disease.|科学家在治疗这种疾病方面取得了突破。

||||The agreement represents a breakthrough in relations between the two countries.|此协议标志两国关系有突破。

|@|<11>fate|n.|[C] the things that happen to sb., esp. unpleasant events |命运;厄运

||||The company's fate is still uncertain.|这家公司的命运仍不明朗。

||||The fate of the hostages depends upon the release of the political prisoners.|人质的命运取决于政治犯是否获释。

|@|<12>host|vt.|provide the place and everything needed for an organized event |招待;接待;主办

||||Which country will host the next World Cup?|下一届世界杯将由哪国举办?

||||They also discussed an important proposal to host an international conference on global warming in England next year.|他们还讨论了一项重要提议,该提议提出明年由英国主办一次有关全球变暖的国际会议。

|||n.|1. [C] a person or organization that provides the place and everything needed for an organized event |主人;东道主

||||Nick's a perfect host; he always looks after his guests very well.|尼克是个称职的东道主, 他总是将客人照料得很好。

||||2. [C] sb. who introduces guests and programs, esp. on television or radio |主持人

||||She is a popular Chinese television show host.|她是很受欢迎的中文电视节目主持人。

||||Our host for tonight's show is Terry Wogan.|今晚演出的主持人是泰莉·沃根。

|@|<13>pose |vt.|ask a question |提问题

||||The events pose a challenge to the church's leadership.|这些事件对宗教领导提出了挑战。

||||You've posed us an awkward question.|你给我们出了个难题。

|||vi.|sit or stand in a particular position to be drawn 5, photographed, etc. |摆姿势

||||A group of fans wanted the star football player to pose for pictures.|一群球迷希望那位足球明星让他们拍照。

||||Before going into their meeting the six foreign ministers posed for photographs.|进去开会之前,六位外交部长站在一起拍了照。

|@|<14>instance   |n.|[C] an example of a particular situation |事例

||||There have been several instances of terrorists planting bombs in the city.|这个城市发生了几起恐怖分子放置炸弹的事件。

||||I usually support people who take such actions, but in this instance I have to condemn 6 them.|我通常支持采取这种行为的人,但这一次,我不得不谴责他们。

|@|<15>expert     |n.     |[C] sb. who is very good at or have special knowledge about sth. |专家

||||Experts generally agree that diet has an important bearing on one's general health.|专家们普遍都同意,日常饮食对人体全面健康有重要影响。

||||He's an expert in economics.|他是一位经济学专家。

|||a.     |having a special skill or special knowledge |熟练的;有经验的

||||an expert chemist|有经验的化学家

||||She is expert in/at/on teaching children.|她是儿童教育专家。

||<16>surgery    |n.|[U] medical operation |手术

||||Many lives have been saved by surgery.|外科手术拯救了很多人的生命。

||||Heart surgery is much more common these days than it was ten years ago.|现在心脏手术已比十年前常见多了。

||<17>naval 7|a.|relating to the navy |海军的

||||This map shows clearly where the naval ports are.|这张地图清楚地显示出军港的位置。

||||His orders were to protect the port from naval attack.|他的命令是保卫这港口不受海上攻击。

||<18>aircraft   |n. |[C] (pl. aircraft) a plane or other vehicle that can fly |飞机;飞行器

||||The return flight of the aircraft was delayed.|飞机的返程飞行被推迟了。

||||At least three military aircraft were destroyed.|至少有三架军用飞机被摧毁。

|@|<19>target|vt.    |aim at sb. or sth. |瞄准;以...为目标

||||In 23 attacks, the enemy troops targeted military bases.|有23次袭击敌军瞄准的是军事基地。

||||The campaign will target insurance companies.|这次运动的目标是保险公司。

|||n.     |[C] sth. one tries to achieve; a goal |目标

||||The target of our inquiry 8 was to discover what had actually happened.|我们调查的目标是要弄清楚究竟发生了什么。

||||The company will reach its target of 12% growth this year.|公司今年将实现增长12%的目标。

||<20> <em>spoonful</em>   |n.|[C] the amount that a spoon will hold |一匙的量

||||three spoonfuls of brown sugar|三匙红糖

||||A woman bank cleaner was fired for "stealing" a spoonful of coffee and sugar.|一个女银行清洁工被开除了,因为她"偷"了一匙咖啡和糖。

|★|<21>navigation |n. |[U] the movement of a ship or an aircraft along a planned path |航空;航海

||||In the past, navigation depended largely on the position of the stars.|过去,航行在很大程度上依靠星星的位置。

||||The storms had caused difficulties in the navigation of the plane.|风暴造成飞机航行的困难。

|@|<22>numerous   |a.     |many |很多的

||||The professor used numerous papers to back up his statements.|那位教授用大量的文件来说明他的观点。

||||The library has numerous books, more than I had ever expected.|图书馆里有很多书,比我想象的还多。

||<23>fluent |a.|speaking or writing in a smooth and correct way |熟练的;流利的

||||He is fluent in five languages.|他能流利地讲五种语言。

||||Fluent readers seldom stop at an unknown word.|熟练的读者很少会因遇上生词而停顿下来。

|@|<24>mechanic   |n.|1. [U] (~s) the science that deals with the effects of forces on objects |力学;机械学

||||He has not studied mechanics or engineering.|他没学过力学或工程。

||||2. [C] a person who repairs or works with machines, esp. as a job |技工;机械师

||||The mechanic phoned to say your car was ready for collection.|汽车修理工来电话说你可以去取车了。

||||That's the mechanic who repaired my car.|那就是给我修汽车的机修工。

|@|<25>advertise  |v.|try to persuade people to buy sth. by announcing it in a newspaper or on TV |为...做广告

||||The job was advertised in the local newspapers.|那个职位的招聘广告登在本地的报纸上。

||||Are lawyers allowed to advertise their services?|允许律师为他们的业务登广告吗?

||<26> <em>advertising 9</em> |n. |[U] the activity or business of advertising |广告;广告业

||||This campaign is one of the most successful in the history of advertising.|这次活动是广告史上最为成功的活动之一。

||||Its advertising is devastatingly 10 successful.|它的广告做得极为成功。

||<27>waken      |v.|wake up or make sb. wake up |唤醒;醒来

||||I shook him but he didn't waken.|我摇了摇他,但他没有醒过来。

||||I was wakened by their shouts.|他们的叫喊声把我吵醒了。

|@|<28>enormous   |a. |extremely large |巨大的,庞大的

||||In that area the number of houses is still relatively 11 modest, and the distances are not enormous.|在那个地区房屋数量仍然不多,相互间距离也不大。

||||That event gave you enormous mood swings, which nobody told me about.|那件事让你情绪起伏极大,却没人对我提起这个。

||<29> <em>enormously</em> |ad.|very or very much |很,非常

||||Countries vary enormously in their supply of early education programs.|在提供早期教育的规划问题上,国与国之间大不相同。

||||I was hot, as if I were standing 12 under an enormously powerful sun.|我很热,就像站在威力巨大的太阳下。

||<30> <em>oversleep</em>  |vi.|(overslept, overslept) sleep for longer than one intended |睡过头

||||He avoided the medication, because it caused him to oversleep.|他避免用药,因为用药会使他睡过头。

||||Why are you so late? Did you oversleep again?|为什么迟到这么久?是不是又睡过头了?

|@|<31>survey     |n.|1. [C] a general description or report about a particular subject or situation |概况

||||a survey of fashion trends|时尚趋势概述

||||a survey of modern Chinese literature|中国现代文学概况

||||2. [C] an act of finding out information about sth. |调查;研究

||||A survey of public opinion is carried out by a group of experts in political science.|一组政治学方面的专家对舆论进行了调查。

||||A survey shows that students today have more assignments to do.|调查表明现在学生的作业量增加了。

|||vt.|ask a lot of people questions in order to find out their attitudes or opinions |调查

||||Have the house surveyed before you buy it.|买房子之前要找人对它作一次鉴定。

||||The mayor surveyed the situation before taking action.|市长在采取行动之前对情况作了调查。

||<32> <em>best-selling</em>       |a.     |well sold |畅销的

||        ||The store was stocked with award-winning novels by best-selling authors.|商店存有畅销书作家写的获奖小说。

||        ||The best-selling series of books was promoted for young children, but was not very appropriate for anyone under 18.|他们向儿童促销畅销系列书,但这些书对于18岁以下的人不是太适合。

||<33>filmmaker  |n.|[C] sb. who produces or directs a film |制片人;导演

||||My favorite filmmaker is Zhang Yimou.|我最喜欢的导演是张艺谋。

||||Much more than a filmmaker, he told stories that had genuine popular appeal. |他不光是一个制片人,还讲故事,那些故事很有吸引力。

||<34>prosperous|a.|rich and successful |富裕的;繁荣的

||||She was the daughter of a prosperous banker.|她是一个富有的银行家的女儿。

||||It's hard to believe that in this prosperous country, hunger could be a serious problem.|很难相信在这个富裕的国家里, 饥饿会成为一个严重的问题。

|@|<35>involve |vt.|1. take active part in a particular activity |积极参与

||||Try to involve as many children as possible in the game.|尽量让尽可能多的孩子参与这个游戏。

||||2. include sth.|包含;包括;需要

||||If their forces were not involved, then who is to blame?|如果他们的人员并没有卷入进来,那该由谁负责呢?

||||Accepting the job involves leaving home.|接受这份工作就得离家在外。

<TITLE>Phrases and Expressions</TITLE>

||<36>catch phrase   |a short phrase that many people know because a famous person often says it |流行语;口头禅

||    |coin a catch phrase|撰出一句流行语

||<37>drop out   |leave an activity, school, etc. before it has finished|中途退出;辍学

|||Some successful people managed to gain fame and fortune even though they dropped out of school.|有些成功人士虽然曾中途辍学,但后来还是事业有成,名利双收。

|||The criminal was an 18-year-old inner-city kid who dropped out of high school.|罪犯是个18岁的孩子,来自内城区,高中辍学。

||<38>figure out |succeed in solving or understanding sth. |想出;理解;明白

|||It took them a whole day to figure out how to start the equipment.|他们花了整整一天才琢磨出如何启用这台设备。

|||Try to figure out what feeling underlies 13 your anger.|要尽力弄明白你怒火之下的感受。

||<39>would rather... than...  |prefer to do or have sth. |宁愿...不愿...

||    |We would rather have no help at all than continue to do that. |我们宁愿完全得不到援助也不愿再继续干下去。

||    |He would rather lose his job than give up his principles.|他宁愿失去工作也不放弃自己的原则。

||<40>care about |be concerned about |关心

|||We teased him because all he cared about was birds.|我们奚落他一心牵挂着鸟儿。

|||I'm curious to see if there really is another person in this world you care about.|我很想看看在这个世界上是否还真有另外一个人让你牵挂。

||<41>as to      |concerning sb. or sth. |至于;关于

|||As to me, I totally agree with her.|至于我,我完全同意她的观点。

|||There is some doubt as to whether the information is totally accurate.|关于消息是否完全准确存有一些怀疑。

||<42>page through   |look at a book, magazine, etc. by turning the pages quickly |翻看;浏览

||    |Seth was paging through a book.|塞思正翻看着一本书。

||    |My son was busy paging through the brochure for George Washington University.|我儿子正忙着翻阅乔治·华盛顿大学的宣传册。

||<43>end up     |be in a particular situation or place after a series of events |以...结束;最终达到

|||You end up as just a footnote in his autobiography 14.|在他的自传里,你最后只不过是个无足轻重的人物而已。

|||He didn't want to end up a mean and ignorant man like his father.|他不想最终成为像他父亲那样一个吝啬无知的人。

||<44>as long as |if  |只要

|||It's acceptable as long as it's not too dangerous.|只要不是太危险,这是可以接受的。

|||You can look as long as you don't touch.|只要你不触摸,看看还是可以的。

||<45>do with    |used for saying how sb. uses sth. |利用;处置

|||I don't know what to do with this strange object.|我不知道这怪东西怎么用。

|||What are you doing to do with the robber? |你打算怎样处置那个抢劫犯?

<TITLE>Proper Names</TITLE>

||<46>Elkins      | |埃尔金斯(人名)

||<47>Albertson        | |艾伯森(人名)

||<48>Jacqueline Susann| |杰奎琳·苏珊(1918—1974,美国作家)

||<49>David Janssen    | |戴维·简森(1931—1980,美国演员)

1 abortion
  • She had an abortion at the women's health clinic.她在妇女保健医院做了流产手术。
  • A number of considerations have led her to have a wilful abortion.多种考虑使她执意堕胎。
2 pregnancy
  • Early pregnancy is often accompanied by nausea.怀孕早期常有恶心的现象。
  • Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage.怀孕期吸烟会增加流产的危险。
3 decided
  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
  • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。
4 overtime
  • They are working overtime to finish the work.为了完成任务他们正在加班加点地工作。
  • He was paid for the overtime he worked.他领到了加班费。
5 drawn
  • All the characters in the story are drawn from life.故事中的所有人物都取材于生活。
  • Her gaze was drawn irresistibly to the scene outside.她的目光禁不住被外面的风景所吸引。
6 condemn
  • Some praise him,whereas others condemn him.有些人赞扬他,而有些人谴责他。
  • We mustn't condemn him on mere suppositions.我们不可全凭臆测来指责他。
7 naval
  • He took part in a great naval battle.他参加了一次大海战。
  • The harbour is an important naval base.该港是一个重要的海军基地。
8 inquiry
  • Many parents have been pressing for an inquiry into the problem.许多家长迫切要求调查这个问题。
  • The field of inquiry has narrowed down to five persons.调查的范围已经缩小到只剩5个人了。
9 advertising
n.广告业;广告活动 a.广告的;广告业务的
  • Can you give me any advice on getting into advertising? 你能指点我如何涉足广告业吗?
  • The advertising campaign is aimed primarily at young people. 这个广告宣传运动主要是针对年轻人的。
10 devastatingly
adv. 破坏性地,毁灭性地,极其
  • She was utterly feminine and devastatingly attractive in an unstudied way. 她温存无比,魅力四射而又绝不矫揉造作。
  • I refuted him devastatingly from point to point. 我对他逐项痛加驳斥。
11 relatively
  • The rabbit is a relatively recent introduction in Australia.兔子是相对较新引入澳大利亚的物种。
  • The operation was relatively painless.手术相对来说不痛。
12 standing
  • After the earthquake only a few houses were left standing.地震过后只有几幢房屋还立着。
  • They're standing out against any change in the law.他们坚决反对对法律做任何修改。
13 underlies
v.位于或存在于(某物)之下( underlie的第三人称单数 );构成…的基础(或起因),引起
  • I think a lack of confidence underlies his manner. 我认为他表现出的态度是因为他缺乏信心。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Try to figure out what feeling underlies your anger. 努力找出你的愤怒之下潜藏的情感。 来自辞典例句
14 autobiography
  • He published his autobiography last autumn.他去年秋天出版了自己的自传。
  • His life story is recounted in two fascinating volumes of autobiography.这两卷引人入胜的自传小说详述了他的生平。
american cotton cooperation associatoin
amyloid tumor
arbitration analysis
ask a blessing
assembling file
be inspired by
butyl benzene
carbon arrestor
completion rate of wire connection
concrete foundation block
condenser inlet valve
connection device
continuous form stand stacker
correct grinding
farm manure
fibrillated film products
flat schedule
footprint track
fundible securities
genus Persoonia
germination energy
go halfway to meet sb
Gould's bowed-head sign
habitual water use
have a lot in common
immersed solder
imported material
inferior superficial inguinal lymph nodes
jump spark ignition
large as a cabbage
light duty detergent
low pressure air manifold
maximum boost horse power
metagenetic stage
microwave technology
minelaying and minesweeping exercises
national software reuse directory
objects of a preposition
owe thanks to
piezomagnetic material
pigeon blood
place of delivery
Port Morant
posterior hypothalamic area
prevailing stem
proper ligament of ovary
pseudoerectile tissue
radio interference meter
related stream
rubus innominatus s.moore
spool holder wire
Stalingradskaya Oblast'
straight punch
systematic component
T. R. E.
tabacism pulmonum
tapped resistor
tracking indicator
tuple calculus
vacuum tube characteristic
venus maidenhairs
vertically divided mold
virginia pines
working orthogonal clearance
x chart