陈豪是个勤快的年轻人,ABC美国公司的总裁很喜欢他, 正在逐渐给他增加一些任务.陈豪也很机灵,凡是没有把握的事都去请教美籍华人Mary. (Office ambience) M:陈豪,你好象很激动,What happened? C:啊呀,我
吃饭别忘了给钱哦!这次我们就来看看埋单、结帐都怎么说。 1. Check, please. 结帐。 check 就是结帐的意思,另外也可以说 buy the bill,就是中文里的埋单。其实埋单是个地道的粤语词来的,只不
下面是堪称美国高考的SAT(Scholastic Assessment Test)的作文题,其对考生思维广度和深度的考察都令人叹服。童鞋们不妨来动动脑筋,练练笔吧~ Motivation and Success 动力与成功 --Hardship and Success 苦难与
以下是迎宾或接待人员常用的酒店英语口语: 酒店英语:Good morning (afternoon, evening), sir (madam) 早上(下午、晚上)好,先生(夫人)。 酒店英语:Welcome to our hotel(restaurant, shop) 欢迎到我们酒店
外贸英语之运输常用句型 We arrange shipments to any part of the world. 我们承揽去世界各地的货物运输。 From what I've heard you're ready well up in shipping work. 据我所知,您对运输工作很在行。 What is your spec
Aldo Rustichini is a genial Italian economist with a head of hair that seems to have been modelled on Albert Einsteins. A professor at Cambridge and the University ofMinnesota, he quickly transformed my interview with him into a full-blown undergradu
Looking for a way to get your resume noticed? Need answers to those seemingly impossible interview questions? 在寻找一个让你的简历得到注意的方法吗?在为那些不可能的面试问题寻找答案吗? Ask your neighbor or your be
The interviewer asks you, Do you have any questions for me? 面试官问你,你有什么问题要问我吗? You say ... Yes! 你回答说......有! This is the easiest interview question out there. Always say yes。 这是最简单的面试问题
如何挺过新工作的试用期 In today's world of flexible work and intensive performance assessment, careers are often measured in months rather than decades. 在当今这个工作灵活多样、业绩评估又十分苛刻的世界里,职业生涯
办公室政治常见表现形式 1. Grapevine:像葡萄藤般传播的传闻/小道消息。 信息在公司内迅速非正式传播的过程。这些信息可以通过口头、电子邮件、甚至是文字形式传播。在很多公司里,新闻
Confidence is key to getting ahead in your career, but how can you communicate your expertise without sounding boastful? To help you assert your talents in a polished, professional way, weve come up with some key suggestions that make tooting your ow
职场晋升真的男女平等吗 A study shows a large gap in perceptions among the sexes in who has more opportunities for advancement -- men or women. 职场中男性与女性谁有更多的晋升机会?一项针对该话题的调研显示,男士
职场女超人的五大秘诀 1. Dont plan your career: Most of the women on the Fortune MPW list, starting with PepsiCo (PEP) CEO Indra Nooyi, No. 1 in the rankings since 2006, had no clear career map when they graduated college or business school.