The past week was possibly the most eventful in the history of customer technology markets, or to be precise, the 7-inch (17.8-cm) tablet market. Never before have three of the biggest players in the industry scheduled what could be truly historic pr
When looking at the part-time jobs notices posted near the canteen of Beijing Union University, Kang Jia, 22, avoids being seen by others. 22岁的康嘉(音译)是北京联合大学的一名学生。每次在食堂旁边的布告栏上搜寻兼职
Its almost common for a video game nowadays to have several different endings depending on the players choices during gameplay. 眼下,电子游戏厂商们大都会根据玩家喜好在游戏中设置一系列开放式的结局。 Now, these multi
Registration for the national entrance examinations for postgraduate study started last month, but it seems some students cant resist the temptation to take shortcuts. 上个月,全国考研报名工作启动,而似乎有那么一些学生抵制不
Winter has arrived and its time to make space for coats in your wardrobe. Although keeping yourself warm and comfortable should be the priority this season, its also a great time to express your style. 冬天到了,是时候腾出衣柜添置新衣了
Wang Jinjing, a freshman at a Nanchang-based college, thought he was prepared for everything on campus life, including doing the laundry and eating healthy. Everything except for one thing: theft. 南昌某大学的大一新生王金晶(音译)本以
When did you last go outside for sports? Some students might need a while to recall. But for students in Yangzhou University it is easy to remember as they need to run in the morning at least 45 times every year at least three times a week during the
Recently, CCTV journalists have approached pedestrians with their cameras, held a microphone to their mouth and asked a simple question: Are you happy? 近日,中央电视台记者将镜头和麦克风对准了普通路人,采访的问题很简单:
Ever wonder why, no matter how hard you try, you cant be one of those exercisers who jog 5km every dawn. 有没有想过为何不管怎么努力,你都无法像那些专业锻炼者一样每天晨跑五千米? Stop blaming yourself. Its not becau
Its not a journey. Every journey ends, but we go on. The world turns, and we turn with it. Does this sound like the opening line of a self-help book on achieving fulfillment? 这不是一段旅程,旅程总有终点,但我们会继续。世界在转
Before she tried to kill herself by jumping from her dormitory building a year ago, no one knew Xing Hua (name changed for privacy), a 22-year-old economics postgraduate from Wuhan, was suffering from depression. She narrowly escaped death, but suffe
In the past month we have welcomed many new TV shows of this years fall season. Meanwhile, were also saying goodbye to others, such as The Office. 上个月,我们迎来了多部今年秋季的新剧集。同时,我们也告别了一些老剧集,
Mo Yan has become the first Chinese national to win the Nobel Prize in Literature. 莫言成为首位获得诺贝尔文学奖的中国籍作家。 Through a mixture of fantasy and reality, historical and social perspectives, Mo Yan created a world re
There are always some people exuding negativity in the workplace. For them, the temperature is never right, the boss is always a jerk, the canteen food is lousy, and they are always treated unfairly. 职场中,总有些人会怨声载道。对他们而
Huang Jiaxi is a big fan of the latest music show The Voice of China. But she always wondered what it would be like to hear the live version of those hit songs. 黄佳熙(音译)是音乐秀《中国好声音》的忠实粉丝。但她一直想知道
US president Barack Obama and Republican nominee Mitt Romney had their first round of presidential debates on October 3. These debates are widely regarded as one of the key moments in the US election campaign. 十月三日,美国现任总统贝拉克
Shen Junyis online shop provides a stable income every month, even though it only has a single customer her mother. 沈君一(音译)的网店月收入稳定,尽管顾客只有她妈妈一个人。 The 19-year-old freshman at Shanghai Universit
With the quick development of second and third-tier cities, more and more jobs are emerging in urban areas. This provides students with a wider choice of work locations. 随着二、三线城市的快速发展,城区就业机会越来越多。这使得
Zhang Siyu, 25, who works as an agent for a performance company in Beijing, went on a cruise trip from Singapore to Malaysia in August. 25岁的张思雨(音译)是来自北京一家演艺公司的经理人,今年八月,她踏上了一次新加
Yang Jianxiong, 20, a junior majoring in vegetation conservation, is amazed to see so many female freshmen in his department. Once the domain of boys, the department at Huazhong Agricultural University this year for the first time admitted more femal
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