Palestinian officials are hailing U.S. President Barack Obama's speech to the Muslim world as a good first step toward resolving the Middle East conflict. Israel said it hoped the U.S. president's speech will help usher in a new period of reconciliat
An early-morning explosion at a Baghdad vegetable market killed four people and wounded 13 in the second attack at the same market in just over two weeks. Despite Monday's bloodshed, the Iraqi Interior Ministry said that civilian deaths were down dra
U.S. policy toward Sudan and international efforts to devise a lasting and effective solution to the situation in Darfur are receiving attention from the Congress this week. Two House of Representatives committees and one Senate panel are looking at
A senior U.S. military commander has announced that the United States and China have agreed to resume routine military contacts and high-level visits by defense officials, and that he expects the process to begin within the next two months. 美国军方
The top U.S. military officer, Admiral Mike Mullen, says he has seen no indication that North Korea will conduct a missile test this weekend, to coincide with the U.S. Independence Day celebration. 美国高级军事官员马伦上将表示,他没有
The interim Honduran president has rejected an ultimatum from American governments to reinstate ousted leader Manuel Zelaya to the presidency. The ongoing political crisis has sparked new protests. 洪都拉斯临时总统拒绝接受美洲国家的最
Australian miners and Chinese buyers have missed an annual deadline to set benchmark iron ore prices, signaling the end of a 42-year-old system and risking new friction between the major trading partners. 澳大利亚矿主和中国买主错过了就设
A third round of talks over an embattled joint industrial zone between North and South Korea has produced no progress. The North apparently launched several short range missiles into the ocean even as South Korean delegates were making their journey
Political opponents of Niger's President Mamadou Tandja say they are determined to block a referendum to extend his rule. The White House says it is concerned about President Tandja ruling by decree after dissolving a constitutional court that said h
U.S. unemployment continues to rise, with a larger-than-expected number of job cuts in June. The unemployment rate now stands at 9.5 percent, the highest in 26 years. 美国的失业率持续上升。6月份裁员情况比预期的更加糟糕,失业
The U.S. military in Afghanistan launched a major offensive in Taliban-controlled parts of southern Afghanistan Thursday, the first such operation under U.S. President Barack Obama's revamped strategy to defeat an increasingly violent Taliban insurge
An unprecedented two-day dialogue of top U.S. and Chinese officials ended in Washington Tuesday with pledges by the two governments to work more closely together on political, economic and environmental issues. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said
U.S. President Barack Obama is urging Russians to work with the United States to tackle the big security and economic problems of our time. In a speech to graduates of an economics school, Mr. Obama made the case for better relations. 美国总统奥巴
The immediate outlook for Asia's tourism industry remains bleak as most major markets report sharp falls in visitor arrivals. There are hopes a recovery will come in 2010. 因为大部分主要旅游市场的旅游人数锐减,亚洲旅游业短期前
The forced removal of Honduran President Manuel Zelaya by his country's military on June 28 has left the Central American nation in a state of political turmoil. Already one of the poorest nations in the world, Honduras is now facing an even greater
Climate change and trade figure prominently on this second day of the G8 summit in L'Aquila, Italy as leaders of the world's most powerful economies expand talks to take in counterparts and representatives of major emerging economies. 气候变化和贸
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Monday that a huge credibility gap remains among Iranians about their country's June 12 presidential election, despite the partial vote recount that is said to have upheld the announced victory by incumben
Taliban militants have pulled out of a peace deal in Pakistan's North Waziristan tribal region, dealing a blow to the government's efforts to eliminate attacks by Islamic extremists. 在巴基斯坦北瓦济里斯坦部落地区的塔利班武装分子
A new study finds the economic crisis is hitting a key engine of growth - foreign migrants. The report by the Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development warns this trend could hurt richer and poorer nations. 一项新的研究发
The top U.S. military commander in Iraq, Army General Ray Odierno, said Tuesday that American combat forces have completed the planned withdrawal from Baghdad and other urban areas. 美军驻伊拉克最高指挥官、陆军将军奥迪耶诺星期二说
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