Australian Foreign Minister Stephen Smith has made his first official trip to Washington to meet U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. During his visit, Smith made clear that the new Australian government will go ahead with its plan to withdraw i
Australia will issue its first formal apology for past mistreatment to the country's Aboriginal people early next month. The new Labor government says the move will be an important milestone in Australia's race relations. 澳大利亚将于2月向澳大
Madam Speaker, Vice President Cheney, Members of Congress, distinguished guests, and fellow citizens: 总统:议长女士、切尼副总统、各位国会议员、尊贵的来宾以及各位同胞: Seven years have passed since I first stood befo
Senator Barack Obama is hoping for a boost in his quest for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination after getting the endorsement of one of the party's elder statesmen, Senator Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts. 美国联邦参议员奥巴马希望民
China's leaders are rushing to oversee disaster relief efforts and limit the effects of the most brutal winter weather to hit the nation in decades. 中国领导人纷纷前往视察救灾行动,并试图控制中国几十年来罕见的冬季恶劣天
A senior U.S. diplomat visits Pyongyang later this week to try to advance the stalled accord under which North Korea is to end its nuclear program in exchange for energy aid and other benefits. North Korea was to have accounted for all its nuclear ho
Thai police have called for anti-government protesters to vacate the main airports in Bangkok, which the group seized earlier this week. The government has declared a state of emergency around the airports. 泰国警方呼吁反政府示威民众撤离
Officials in Somalia's transitional federal government are expressing deep concern about the future of the government after its chief military backer and political ally, Ethiopia, announced its intention to withdraw its forces from Somalia by the end
Clashes between Indian security forces and the remaining terrorists that launched a multi pronged assault on Mumbai continued into the night as authorities slowly regained control of the city. Explosions and gunfire rocked the city for a third day. 入
In an unprecedented response to a domestic terrorist attack, Indian military forces have taken over the battle against gunmen who plunged Mumbai, a city of 18 million, into confusion. The siege, at 13 locations, has claimed 104 lives and wounded as m
The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency expressed frustration Thursday that neither Iran nor Syria been completely transparent about their alleged nuclear activities. 国际原子能机构总干事星期四对伊朗和叙利亚在它们核活
U.S. President George Bush is monitoring developments in India from Camp David, where he is observing America's Thanksgiving holiday with members of his family. Mr. Bush called India's prime minister from the presidential retreat to express condolenc
The U.S. House of Representatives has approved legislation to provide $146 billion to help stimulate the ailing U.S. economy. S lightly different legislation is pending in the Senate. 美国国会众议院通过一项法案,决定提供1460亿美元来
Outgoing Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert says Israel will have to give up virtually all of the land it captured in the 1967 Arab-Israeli War if it wants peace with the Palestinians. Mr. Olmert, now serving as interim prime minister, made his remar
The United States is sending a senior diplomat to Pyongyang this week to try to salvage the troubled six-party accord, under which North Korea is to scrap its nuclear program. Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill, chief U.S. envoy to the nuc
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is sending the top U.S. diplomat for Africa to Kinshasa for talks on the violence and humanitarian crisis in the eastern provinces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the DRC. Assistant Secretary for State for
The International Monetary Fund, the European Union and World Bank have agreed to a $25 billion economic rescue package for Hungary to strengthen confidence in its economy. It has been described as the largest financial aid measure for an emerging-ma
The tone of the rhetoric in the U.S. presidential campaign is sharpening with less than a week to go until Election Day. Democrat Barack Obama and Republican John McCain are focused on the economy and each other in the final days of the campaign. 离美
Former President Bill Clinton made his first campaign appearance alongside Democratic candidate Barack Obama, during a campaign stop in Florida. Both Obama and the Republican contender, John McCain, are making late drives to win Florida, which will b
Democrat Barack Obama is trying to hold his lead in the U.S. presidential race in the final days, while Republican John McCain is looking for anything that might give him a last-minute bump in the polls. Presidential campaign that has only five days
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