This is AP News Minute. Top republicans are urging President Trump to back away from his plan to impose trade tariffs. Trump is threatening to put the tariffs on imported steel and aluminum, including imports from Canada and Mexico. South Korea says
This is AP News Minute. Students return to Marjory Stoneman Douglus high school in Parkland, Florida on Wednesday. The school has been close since the shooting that killed 17 students and teachers on February 14th. The security clearance of President
This is AP News Minute. In Massachusetts, residents cleaning up from a massive nor'easter that swept through the region. Storm surge washed away yards after huge waves battered the coast. Nearly 200,000 people remained without power Sunday across the
This is AP News Minute. President Trump is embracing the possibility of trade war after announcing plans to place tariffs on imported steel and aluminum. He is rejecting allies who want to be exempted from the stiff new tariffs. Two populist parties
This is AP News Minute. All 5 passengers on a helicopter died after the aircraft crushed into New York City's East River. The pilot survived. The incident is under investigation. President Trump is set to visit the US-Mexico border Tuesday. He is als
This is AP News Minute. Texas investigators suspect 3 package explosions that left two dead and two others injured may be linked. This comes after 2 package bombs exploded in separate parts of Austin Monday, killing a teenager and leaving two women w
This is AP News Minute. House Intelligence Committee republicans have completed a draft report concluding that the Trump campaign didn't collude with Russia, enraging committee democrats. President Trump celebrated with an all-caps twitter post. The
This is AP News Minute. The special election in Pennsylvania's 18th congressional district went into Wednesday morning too close to call. But democrat Conor Lamb declared victory. He holds a very narrow lead over republican Rick Saccone with some abs
超级蓝血月全食出现 This is AP News Minute. President Trump is challenging Congress to fix the nation's immigration system. In his State of the Union Address, Trump also called for optimism amid the growing economy, and gave himself credit fo
This is AP News Minute. President Donald Trump delivers his State of Union speech Tuesday night, to Congress and the nation. Officials say the President will highlight economic gains and appeal for bipartisan action on immigration and other domestic
This is AP News Minute. President Trump is expected to clear the way for the publication of a GOP-authored memo, over FBI objections according to White House officials. The 4-page document alleges surveillance abuses during the FBI investigation into
This is AP News Minute. The White House isn't denying that President Trump used a vulgar expression to describe the countrys that many immigrants in the US come from. The comment has triggered outrage and was delivered as two senators were presenting
This is AP News Minute. President Trump says he is not a racist and denies making disparaging comments attributed to him about Haiti and countries in Africa. Trump tells reporters in Florida that, in his words, he is the least racist person that they
威尼斯举办雷戈塔斯多利卡划船比赛 This is AP News Minute. A final memorial service was held for the late US Senator John McCain at the US Navy Academy in Annapolis on Sunday. On the academy grounds, overlooking the Severn River, McCain
This is AP News Minute. The Senate Judiciary Committee will begin questioning President Donald Trump's next pick for the Supreme Court on Tuesday. And democrats are expected to grill 53-year-old Brett Kavanaugh on hot button issues that could swing t
芝加哥一水回收厂发生爆炸 This is AP News Minute. A hearse carrying Senator John McCain's casket arrived at the north Phoenix baptist church for a public memorial service. Inside, he was eulogized as a true American hero and a terrible dri
英国首相访问开普敦尝试跳舞 This is AP News Minute. Ripples from the death of Senator John McCain are being felt in Arizona's primary contest today. Voters are picking candidates to replace McCain's seatmate, Senator Jeff Flake, who is re
This is AP News Minute. Google rejects President Trump's accusations, saying it never manipulates search results to reflect political sentiment. The President claimed Google and other tech companies rig search results against him but didn't offer any
This is AP News Minute. A white former police officer was sentenced to 15 years in prison in the shooting death of an unarmed black teen. Roy Oliver was convicted in the death of Jordan Edwards in suburban Dallas. President Trump says he hopes there
This is AP News Minute. Senators on Capitol Hill are saying they've reviewed the FBI's report on the sexual misconduct allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Many Republican Senators are saying there was nothing in the report that
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