One in four people suffer from some sort of mental illness, 每四个人中就有一人患有某种精神疾病 so if it was one, two, three, four, it's you, sir. 如果说是一二三四,就是你了先生 You. Yeah. 对,是你。 With the weird

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Because, you know, the one thing, one thing that you get with this disease, 因为有一样东西,得了这种病你会得到它 this one comes with a package, is you get a real sense of shame, 这是整套附送的,就是你会感到很羞耻 be

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Go figure. 想想看 But I got a little bad news for you folks. I got some bad news. 我这里也有些坏消息想对你们说,我有些坏消息 This isn't for the one in four. This is for the four in four. 比例不是四分之一,而是四分之

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I think I'll start out and just talk a little bit about what exactly autism is. 我想,我就从解释自闭症是什么来开始我的演讲吧 Autism is a very big continuum 自闭症的症状范围很广 that goes from very severe -- the child r

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You see, the autistic mind tends to be a specialist mind 自闭症患者通常都是有特别的心智的 good at one thing, bad at something else. 她们往往在某一方面做得很棒,在其他方面做得很糟 And where I was bad was algebra.

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Let's just look at something like, you know, 我们不妨看一个具体的问题 solving problems with making airlines safer. 比如如何让飞行变得更加安全 Yeah, I'm a million-mile flyer. 没错,我自己就经常要坐飞机 I do lots a

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Now, Van Gogh doesn't know anything about physics, 凡高并不懂得物理 but I think it's very interesting that there was some work done to show that 但非常有趣的是,有研究表明 this eddy pattern in this painting followed a statistical

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Another thing that can be very, very, very successful is 另外一件将会是非常非常成功的事情就是 there is a lot of people that may have retired from working in the software industry, and they can teach your kid. 我们国家有很多很多

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Is it unrealistic for them to hope or think that that child loves them, as some might, as most, wish? 对于家长来说,他们希望或者认为自己的孩子也许能够爱他们,这是不是比较不现实? Well let me tell you, that child

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Three years ago, I was standing about a hundred yards from Chernobyl nuclear reactor number four. 三年前,我站在距离切尔诺贝利第四号核子反应炉大约一百码外。 My Geiger counter dosimeter, which measures radiation, was going

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Now around Chernobyl, there are scattered ghost villages, 如今切尔诺贝利附近到处是毫无人烟的村庄, eerily silent, strangely charming, bucolic, totally contaminated. 静得吓人,诡谲迷人的气息,一片荒芜,完全受到污

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He says, I'm a great golfer. I want to compete. 马丁说:作为一名优秀的高尔夫球手,我希望参加比赛 But I need a golf cart to get from one hole to the next. 但是我需要一部高尔夫球车,来帮助我在场上自由行动

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Now, notice, something interesting -- 接下来有意思的事情来了 Well, I should tell you about the Supreme Court first. 哦,我先说一下最高法院的审理结果吧 The Supreme Court decided. 最高法院判定: What do you suppose th

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Justice Scalia's opinion is questionable for two reasons. 他的论点有待商榷,原因有二 First, no real sports fan would talk that way. 首先,没有哪个真正爱好运动的人会说出那样的话 If we had thought that the rules of th

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Let's take a final example that's prominent in contemporary political debate: same-sex marriage. 最后再举一个例子,一个当代政治的热点话题:同性婚姻 There are those who favor state recognition only of traditional marriage betw

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Chris. Thanks, Chris. 克里斯。谢谢,克里斯 From flutes to golf courses to same-sex marriage, that was a genius link. 从分配笛子到高尔夫球场,再到同性婚姻,真是天才式的串连 Now look, you're a pioneer of open educat

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My name is Dan Cohen, and I am academic, as he said. 我叫丹科恩,我是个学者,就像主持人介绍的。 And what that means is that I argue. 这意味着我经常需要辩论。 It's an important part of my life, and I like to argue. 这是

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Well, my answer is going to make reference to three models for arguments. 好了,为了回答这个问题,让我们来参照三种不同的辩论方式。 The first model, let's call this the dialectical model, 第一种模式,让我们称之为辩

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Think about that one. Have you ever entered an argument thinking, 在参加辩论的时候,你有没有想过 Let's see if we can hash something out rather than fight it out. 让我们看看能不能共同敲定一些事情,而非由一方说服另

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So how can we find ways to make arguments yield something positive? 所以我们如何去进行辩论,并使之有一些积极的影响呢? What we need is new exit strategies for arguments. 我们所需要的是一个新的方式来终止一场辩

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