And lastly, here's Destin, from Smarter Every Day, 最后是《每天聪明一点点》的德斯丁, talking about the conservation of angular momentum, and, since it's YouTube, cats: 为我们讲述动量守恒,由于是在YouTube上,所以他用
And here's Billie Jean running across the fountain, being chased by Hubie Pyatt's friends. 比利金跑过喷泉,被胡比派特的朋友们追着。 And she jumps over here. And you can see the shot right here is what it looks like today. 她从这里
Did you know that one of the first fertility drugs was made from the pee of Catholic nuns, and that even the Pope got involved? 你知道世界上第一例催孕药是用天主教修女的尿合成的,甚至与大主教也有关系? So, this is t
And it seems to me that the first question 我的看法是, is entirely a biology question, 第一个问题完全是生物学的问题, and it's extremely hard to answer. 这是非常难回答。 One has to be very speculative, 一个人必须非常
We all know the scene: Dorothy closes her eyes, and repeats the Good Witch's mantra, 我们都熟悉这样一个场景,桃乐丝闭上眼睛然后念着女巫的箴言, No coordinates exist like one's domicile, no coordinates exist like one's dom
accord [ə'kɔ:d] n.一致,符和,匹配;v.授予 blind [blaind] a.瞎的,盲的 compare [kəm'peə] v.比较(with),比作(to) device [di'vais] n.设计,计谋,装置 exclusive [iks'klu:siv] a.排它(外)的,独家的 harbour ['ha:bə
accustomed [ə'kʌstəmd] a.习惯的,惯例的 bloom [blu:m] n.(观赏类)花,旺盛 competent ['kɔmpitənt] a.能胜任的,有能力的,充足的 dialogue ['daiəlɔg] n.v.对话 exercise ['eksəsaiz] n.v.练习,锻炼 harvest ['ha:vist]
action ['kʃən] n.行动,动作,作用,活动 boast [bəust] n.v.吹牛 complete [kəm'pli:t] a.完全的,完成的;v.完成 dictate [dik'teit] v.听写,口授 existence [ig'zistəns] n.生存,存在 hatred ['heitrid] n.厌恶,憎恨,
actor ['ktə] n. 男演员,角色 bore [bɔ:] v.钻孔(探),烦扰 component [kəm'pəunənt] n.零件,成份 dictionary ['dikʃənəri] n.字典 experience [iks'piənəns] n.v.经验,体验 headache ['hedeik] n.头痛(的事) lag [lg] v.n.落伍
addition [ə'diʃən] n.加,增加(量) boss [bɔs] n.老板,工头 compound ['kəmpaund] n.复合物,化合物 difficult ['difikəlt] a.困难的 expert ['ekspə:t] n.专家,能手 headquarters ['hed'kwə:təz] n.司令部,指挥部,总部
It's your call说的不是打电话,而是做决定。Company的意思除了公司,还有陪伴?今天的节目,我们说说日常最容易被理解错误的英语多义词。 关键词: 相同的词在不同句子里,意思完全不一样?
Nothing makes your paper appear shabby or unpolished like the appearance of several misspelled words in your text. While we can depend on technology to let us know when we've made errors in spelling, it's important to know that technology has flaws. 没
All right, pick one, last quest: Shake someone's hand for six seconds, 很好,选一个,最后一个使命:和任何一个人握手6秒钟 or send someone a quick thank you by text, email, Facebook or Twitter. Go! 或者通过短信、邮件、
So good job. Quest number three. 干得不错!我们来开始第三个任务。 Pick one: Because of the room, fate's really determined this for you, but here are the two options. 任选一项:因为我们都在一个大厅里,这使得我们没选
So, everybody ready? This is your first quest. Here we go. 怎么样,每个人都准备好了吗?第一个任务来了。 Pick one: Stand up and take three steps, or make your hands into fists, 选择一项做:站起来并走三步,或者握起
Here are the top five things that people with post-traumatic growth say: My priorities have changed. 这是排在前五位的被创伤后精神再生的人们说过的话:我做事情的优先级改变了。 I'm not afraid to do what makes me happy
Now this became my new secret identity, and the first thing I did as a slayer was call my twin sister 现在这个游戏变成了我的新的秘密身份。当时我当杀手的第一件事是打电话给我的孪生姐妹, I have an identical twin
Now let me tell you that story. 现在让我告诉你们那个故事吧。 It started two years ago, when I hit my head and got a concussion. 这得从两年前说起,当我头被撞后我得了脑震荡。 The concussion didn't heal properly, and
I wish I'd let myself be happier. 我希望我能让自己过得跟快乐些。 Well, here I can't help but think of the groundbreaking clinical trials recently conducted at East Carolina University 的确,我在这里还是帮不上忙,但是想想
Number one: I wish I hadn't worked so hard. 第一位:我希望我工作没有那么卖力。 Number two: I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends. 第二位:我希望我和我的朋友们一直保持联系。 Number three: I wish I had let m
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- TED演讲:学习新语言的四个理由(1)
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