First story we're explaining concerns a group of people who are said to be without a country. In the Southeast nation of Myanmar, also known as Burma, there is a Muslim group called the Rohingya. They're a minority. Most of Myanmar is Buddhist. The n
美参议院就大法官提名人性侵指控听证调查 This show begins with coverage of first day's hearings on Capitol Hill. They involve a college professor's accusations against a U.S. Supreme Court nominee and the nominee's response. While th
A new trade agreement has been reached between negotiators for the U.S., Canada and Mexico. The three countries have been working to do this for much of Donald Trump's term as U.S. President. A major promise he made in the campaign trail was that he'
Sulawesi is an island of Indonesia whose northwest region was hit hard by an earthquake in Tsunami last week. In total, the disaster left at least 70,000 homeless, and it killed more than 1,400, though that number is expected to increase as rescuers
First up, an addition to the U.S. Supreme Court. Brett Kavanaugh, a federal appeals court, became a Supreme Court justice over the weekend after senators voted 50 to 48 to confirm President Donald Trump's nominee to the high court. The vote was mostl
Our week and month start off in an island nation that's located between the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Indonesia has been struck by yet another natural disaster. It began on Friday when the island of Sulawesi was hit by a magnitude 7.5 earthquake. Th
卫星广播Sirius XM拟35亿美元收购潘多拉 What do you get when you add 70 million active users of one radio company to 36 million subscribers of another? The biggest audio entertainment in the world. That's what the CEO of Sirius XM says abo
Facebook is trying to figure out how to deal with its worst hack ever. The company says a security issue has affected almost 50 million accounts. Facebook's engineers first noticed something unusual on September 16. It took them 11 days after that to
特朗普联大演讲狂批伊朗 伊总统鲁哈尼回击 CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: With the United Nations General Assembly in session, some of the world's most prominent leaders taking what's been called the world's biggest stage. We're starting t
International aid worth hundreds of thousands of dollars is making its way to Indonesia in places like Palu, a city struck by last Friday's earthquake and tsunami, the situation is desperate. Though the official numbers of those killed on the island
Help wanted. As of this August, there are more job openings in the U.S. than there've been at any point since the year 2000, when the Labor Department launched it's job openings and labor turnover survey. How many jobs? Almost 7 million, 140 thousand
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Hello and welcome to CNN 10. My name is Carl Azuz but it's the name Michael that's making headlines today. It's a storm that formed in the Caribbean Sea on Sunday. Blast western Cuba as a Category 1 hurricane on Monday and i
Our first story is on the resignation of a U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. Nikki Haley has held that position since January of 2017. She had been nominated by President Donald Trump shortly after he was elected. On Tuesday, Ambassador Haley an
A trial has begun in a U.S. District Court in Boston, Massachusetts and the case is expected to eventually make it to the U.S. Supreme Court. It concerns Asian-American college applicants and the admission's practices at Harvard University, one of Am
This has not been a good week for the U.S. Stock Market. Monday and Tuesday stocks were flat for the most part. There wasn't a huge change in closing prices for the Dow Jones Industrial Average of 30 significant stocks. But Wednesday, stocks took a d
First story we're explaining today is how the mysterious disappearance of a journalist is having ripple effects around the world. Jamal Khashoggi is a columnist for the Washington Post. He's been living in Washington, D.C. He's originally from Saudi
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: A very resilient state, that's what Governor Rick Scott says about Florida. The reason why is our first story today on CNN 10. After Hurricane Michael struck last Wednesday, Governor Scott toured the hardest hit areas. He de
The Democratic Republic of Congo, a nation in Central Africa, isn't just dealing with conflict between government troops and armed rebel groups. It's dealing with a deadly outbreak of the Ebola virus. And those two factors are making it increasingly
In recorded history, the Southeastern U.S. state of Florida has taken more direct hits from hurricanes than any other state. Wednesday afternoon it recorded another from Hurricane Michael. The storm blew ashore at about 1:30 p.m. making landfall near
Hello and Welcome to News and Reports on China Radio International. In This Edition China says that nuclear issues on the Korean Peninsula and in Iran should be solved peacefully through political and diplomatic means. Japanese Prime Minister Yukio H
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 伊朗反政府示威超20人死 特朗普发推文声援
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 法国向暴力抗议屈服决定暂缓上调燃油税 美国民众彻夜排队瞻仰老布什灵柩
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 中美双方停止互加新关税 未来90天至关重要
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 卡塔尔明年元旦退出欧佩克 退群原因有何玄机
- 美国有线新闻 CNN G20峰会在阿根廷召开 多个热点话题备受关注
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 美国史上最长寿总统老布什去世 享年94岁
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 美国加州山火已致70余人死亡 特朗普视察赴灾区视察
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 韩国停飞航班为高考护航 美国青少年使用电子烟比例大幅增加
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 特朗普表示支持监狱改革法案
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 美国原油暴跌进入熊市 恐加大经济压力
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 美国第116届国会迎分裂国会 两党能否达成妥协成关键
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 卫星图像显示朝鲜有多个未申报导弹基地
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 候选人得票率差距过小 美国中期选举佛州重新计票
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 美国加州史上最严重山火持续肆虐 死亡人数上升至42人
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 世界首例基因编辑婴儿在中国出生 国内外科学家纷纷谴责
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 酒精比阿片类药物更致命 亚马逊第二总部选址确定
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 索尼娱乐公司将起诉 塔利班歹徒对学校进行攻击
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 美新一届国会构成基本确定 众议院多数党领袖职位仍存变数
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 美国政府报告打脸特朗普 称气候变化将致千亿美元经济损失
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 美国黑五销售额达230亿美元 法国民众上街抗议油价上涨
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 伊朗反政府示威超20人死 特朗普发推文声援
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 法国向暴力抗议屈服决定暂缓上调燃油税 美国民众彻夜排队瞻仰老布什灵柩
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 中美双方停止互加新关税 未来90天至关重要
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 卡塔尔明年元旦退出欧佩克 退群原因有何玄机
- 美国有线新闻 CNN G20峰会在阿根廷召开 多个热点话题备受关注
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 美国史上最长寿总统老布什去世 享年94岁
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 美国加州山火已致70余人死亡 特朗普视察赴灾区视察
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 韩国停飞航班为高考护航 美国青少年使用电子烟比例大幅增加
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 特朗普表示支持监狱改革法案
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 美国原油暴跌进入熊市 恐加大经济压力
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 美国第116届国会迎分裂国会 两党能否达成妥协成关键
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 卫星图像显示朝鲜有多个未申报导弹基地
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 候选人得票率差距过小 美国中期选举佛州重新计票
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 美国加州史上最严重山火持续肆虐 死亡人数上升至42人
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 世界首例基因编辑婴儿在中国出生 国内外科学家纷纷谴责
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 酒精比阿片类药物更致命 亚马逊第二总部选址确定
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 索尼娱乐公司将起诉 塔利班歹徒对学校进行攻击
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 美新一届国会构成基本确定 众议院多数党领袖职位仍存变数
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 美国政府报告打脸特朗普 称气候变化将致千亿美元经济损失
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 美国黑五销售额达230亿美元 法国民众上街抗议油价上涨