We're explaining news happening around the world, starting with evacuations of thousands of people in southern California. Huge parts of this region had been scorched by wildfires over the past year and a half, and that's partly responsible for the l
AZUZ: Including General Electric, there are now 30 stocks listed in the Dow. They're called Blue Chips, stocks from companies that are financially strong and considered good investments. The Dow Jones average is one indication how the U.S. economy is
An event is taking place tomorrow, near the border between North and South Korea that hasn't happened in more than two years. High level representatives from the North will meet face to face with high level representatives from the South. After a pho
And we start today with a by-the-numbers look at the dangerous situation on Hawaii's big island. That's where the notoriously active Kilauea volcano has been erupting again for about a week and a half now. The first number we have is almost 2,000. It
Updating another crime story. Investigators have also made an arrest in the case involving a number of suspicious packages that were addressed to more than a dozen prominent U.S. Democrats and critics of President Trump. Some of the packages carried
What's been called the scariest place on earth is the sight of our next story. Despite it's name, the Demilitarized Zone, the border that separates North Korea and South Korea is one of the most heavily militarized borders on the planet. But in one s
Up and down America's eastern seaboard a manhunt is going on and that's our first story this Friday on CNN 10. The names of prominent Democrats, an actor and director and a former CIA director were written on packages that looked like they contained
Three years to the day after a ferocious category 5 hurricane made landfall in Western Mexico, the region was bracing for another Pacific cyclone Tuesday evening. This time, it's Hurricane Willa. At one point when it was still out at sea, Willa had r
We're starting with a report on the U.S. government's response to a caravan of migrants heading toward America's southern border with Mexico. We first reported on the caravan last week on our October 22nd show. You can find that in our archives at cn
The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, as it was also known, came to an end in 1991. And with the collapse of the Soviet Union came the end of the Cold War. A period of intense rivalry but no direct military conflict between the United States with
The first story on our last show of the week plays out between Northern and Eastern Europe. In a part of Russia called Kaliningrad, satellite imagery, shared exclusively with CNN, indicates that Russia is on the move, appearing to upgrade four of its
From Honduras to Guatemala to Mexico, a group of thousands has been making it's way through Central America and it's led to debates in Mexico and the U.S. over what to do about it. The caravan of migrants formed on October 13th in northwest Honduras.
We are a little more than one week from Halloween, one month from Thanksgiving, two months from Christmas and exactly two weeks from a major electoral event coming this Fall, the U.S. mid-term elections. Presidential terms last four years in America.
Despite the cool and rainy weather Saturday night, crowds still gathered in the streets of the Squirrel Hill neighborhood of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. They were remembering, mourning and honoring the victims of a shooting that took place there that m
German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced on Monday that she would not try to get re-elected when her term expires in the year 2021. Not only the leader of Germany, she served as a powerful leader in European politics for the past 13 years. So her an
A number of suspicious packages caused alarm and evacuations Wednesday and a major government effort to find out who's responsible. The people they were addressed to included former U.S. President Barak Obama, 2016 Democratic Presidential nominee Hil
CARL AZUZ: It's not unusual to see flooding in Venice, Italy this time of year. The city of lagoons and canals is often overwhelmed by water between October and December but it is unusual to see flooding like this. A low pressure weather system has b
In the business world there are fewer big topics than Amazon. It started as a retail website in 1995 selling books. From there, it grew to, well you know this, it sells most of the things you could buy at a mall and the grocery store. It has online c
马其顿更名公投因人数不足而失败 更改国名仍有待商讨 AZUZ: The bordering countries of Macedonia and Greece may be a step closer to resolving a dispute they've had since 1991. Macedonia isn't just the name of a country, it's the n
CARL AZUZ: It appears a series of tweets has cost a businessman millions of dollars and part of his job. That's the settlement between Elon Musk, a billionaire who co-founded the Tesla Car Company and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission which
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 伊朗反政府示威超20人死 特朗普发推文声援
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 法国向暴力抗议屈服决定暂缓上调燃油税 美国民众彻夜排队瞻仰老布什灵柩
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 中美双方停止互加新关税 未来90天至关重要
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 卡塔尔明年元旦退出欧佩克 退群原因有何玄机
- 美国有线新闻 CNN G20峰会在阿根廷召开 多个热点话题备受关注
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 美国史上最长寿总统老布什去世 享年94岁
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 美国加州山火已致70余人死亡 特朗普视察赴灾区视察
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 韩国停飞航班为高考护航 美国青少年使用电子烟比例大幅增加
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 特朗普表示支持监狱改革法案
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 美国原油暴跌进入熊市 恐加大经济压力
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 美国第116届国会迎分裂国会 两党能否达成妥协成关键
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 卫星图像显示朝鲜有多个未申报导弹基地
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 候选人得票率差距过小 美国中期选举佛州重新计票
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 美国加州史上最严重山火持续肆虐 死亡人数上升至42人
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 世界首例基因编辑婴儿在中国出生 国内外科学家纷纷谴责
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 酒精比阿片类药物更致命 亚马逊第二总部选址确定
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 索尼娱乐公司将起诉 塔利班歹徒对学校进行攻击
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 美新一届国会构成基本确定 众议院多数党领袖职位仍存变数
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 美国政府报告打脸特朗普 称气候变化将致千亿美元经济损失
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 美国黑五销售额达230亿美元 法国民众上街抗议油价上涨
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 伊朗反政府示威超20人死 特朗普发推文声援
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 法国向暴力抗议屈服决定暂缓上调燃油税 美国民众彻夜排队瞻仰老布什灵柩
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 中美双方停止互加新关税 未来90天至关重要
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 卡塔尔明年元旦退出欧佩克 退群原因有何玄机
- 美国有线新闻 CNN G20峰会在阿根廷召开 多个热点话题备受关注
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 美国史上最长寿总统老布什去世 享年94岁
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 美国加州山火已致70余人死亡 特朗普视察赴灾区视察
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 韩国停飞航班为高考护航 美国青少年使用电子烟比例大幅增加
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 特朗普表示支持监狱改革法案
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 美国原油暴跌进入熊市 恐加大经济压力
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 美国第116届国会迎分裂国会 两党能否达成妥协成关键
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 卫星图像显示朝鲜有多个未申报导弹基地
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 候选人得票率差距过小 美国中期选举佛州重新计票
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 美国加州史上最严重山火持续肆虐 死亡人数上升至42人
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 世界首例基因编辑婴儿在中国出生 国内外科学家纷纷谴责
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 酒精比阿片类药物更致命 亚马逊第二总部选址确定
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 索尼娱乐公司将起诉 塔利班歹徒对学校进行攻击
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 美新一届国会构成基本确定 众议院多数党领袖职位仍存变数
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 美国政府报告打脸特朗普 称气候变化将致千亿美元经济损失
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 美国黑五销售额达230亿美元 法国民众上街抗议油价上涨