SpaceX, the aerospace company founded by Elon Musk, launched a top-secret spy satellite for the US Department of Defense early last Monday morning. 上周一清晨,埃隆马斯克创立的航天公司SpaceX为美国国防部发射了一颗高度机密
Bicycle riders in China are benefiting from a new deal in the country's burgeoning bike-sharing sector as six players team up with popular mobile payment tool Alipay. 我国的骑车一族可以从国内蓬勃发展的共享单车领域近日达成的一
Huawei, the Chinese telecoms group, is expanding in the beleaguered PC market, undeterred by slumping sales and the demise of smaller participants. 中国电信设备制造商华为(Huawei)正在低迷的个人电脑(PC)市场寻求扩张,没有被
Infosys, the Indian IT services company that stands to be one of the biggest losers from a US visa crackdown, plans to hire 10,000 Americans in the next two years, according to the companys chief executive. 按照印度信息技术(IT)服务公司印孚
Britain is living in a post-punctuation world, academics have warned, with the Bank of England named as the latest major institution to ignore the correct use of the English language. 学术界近日告诫英国正处在后标点时代,指英格兰银
Chinas $5.5tn mobile payments sector more than 50 times bigger than that of the US is being shaken up by one-time underdog Tencent, which is snatching market share from rival Alibaba. 曾经处于劣势的腾讯(Tencent)正在撼动中国5.5万亿美元
Google and Facebook have confirmed that they were victims of a $100 million payment scam. 谷歌和脸书近日证实,他们在一桩诈骗案中被骗走1亿美元。 The criminal case drew public attention last month, when US Justice Department a
Jiaolong, China's manned submersible, conducted its fourth dive last Sunday around the Zhenbei Seamount in the South China Sea. 中国载人潜水器蛟龙号于上周日在中国南海的珍贝海山完成了第四次深潜。 Jiaolong stayed underw
China is working on next-generation bullet trains with a maximum operational speed of 400 km per hour that will be ready by 2020 for markets linked to the Belt and Road Initiative, the country's top railway vehicle maker said. 国内最大的轨道客车
D'Antoni has long since been redeemed, if one had the nerve to argue his coaching acumen was in need of redemption. 如果有人急于去争论迈克-德安东尼的执教打法需要自我救赎,那么他早已经完成了自我救赎。 Mike Afte
Popular Taiwan singer Jay Chou has released a video to say sorry for shouting at a security guard and ordered him to leave his concert in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, on April 30. 日前,台湾流行歌手周杰伦发布了一则视频,为4月30日自己
Tencent says it's in contact with Russian authorities over its ban on the use of Wechat. 腾讯公司日前表示,他们正与俄罗斯当局就禁用微信进行沟通。 Russia's telecom watchdog announced earlier this week that WeChat is not in
Britain's Parliament was officially dissolved last Wednesday, but without the traditional pomp and ceremony. 上周三,英国议会正式解散,但是并未举办传统的典礼和仪式。 At one minute past midnight to last Wednesday, all 650 M
The Palace Museum has strongly denounced the behavior of an online female anchor who made up a story and disseminated fake news about the former royal complex to garner fame and attention. 日前,故宫博物院强烈谴责了一名网络女主播编
Beijing's environment authorities last Friday vowed zero tolerance to falsification of environmental figures, after Net users complained that mist cannons, or the magic smog cleaner, are used around the capital's air quality monitoring stations so th
Of the 31 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions that have released their Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the first quarter, a total of 22 saw their GDP growth exceed the national average growth rate of 6.9%. 在31个公布一季度地区生
The Golden State Warriors are most liable to lose the kind of game they shouldn't. On Saturday, the Memphis Grizzlies were without their two best players. Golden State only lacked center Andrew Bogut, out due to rest reasons. 金州勇士队最容易输
A kindergarten in Leshan, Sichuan, conducted a survey among parents to find their reaction to campus bullying. 四川乐山某幼儿园近日在家长中开展了一项关于他们如何应对校园欺凌的调查。 About 60% said they emphasized tr
克里会见欧盟外交政策负责人 LONDON, Oct. 14 (Xinhua) -- U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry held talks here on Sunday with European Union (EU) foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton on issues concerning Iran, Syria and others, reports said.
Hillary Clinton plans to deliver a scorching assessment of Donald J. Trumps foreign policy prescriptions on Thursday, casting her likely Republican rival as a threat to decades of bipartisan tenets of American diplomacy and declaring him unfit for th
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- Foreign coaches struggle in Chinese soccer league
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- Olympic opening ceremony will be full of surprises
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- US Military Vacates Pakistani Air Base
- China issues first white paper on foreign trade
- Gale, hail to hit Beijing
- “失踪”十天首露面 普京笑对传言
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- Never Sell your Soul
- Messi, the hero again
- 四级考前30天阅读冲刺:重真题 找技巧
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- Italy PM Sells Austerity Measures to Politicians
- India Struggles to Bridge Economic Gap
- National advisory body prepares for session
- 如何撰写毕业生英文简历?
- 如何尽快获得晋升
- Foreign coaches struggle in Chinese soccer league
- 美国与古巴将恢复外交关系
- Olympic opening ceremony will be full of surprises
- 用英语怎么形容坏女人?
- US Military Vacates Pakistani Air Base
- China issues first white paper on foreign trade
- Gale, hail to hit Beijing
- “失踪”十天首露面 普京笑对传言
- 奥巴马寻求国会授权对对叙利亚采取军事行动
- 职场礼节美语:清新口气好处多
- Never Sell your Soul
- Messi, the hero again
- 四级考前30天阅读冲刺:重真题 找技巧
- 英语四级考试阅读:教你夏天防蚊虫叮咬
- 奥巴马有望加速推进贸易蓝图
- Italy PM Sells Austerity Measures to Politicians
- India Struggles to Bridge Economic Gap