时间:2018-12-26 作者:英语课 分类:暮光之城•暮色


 "Really?" I interrupted, fascinated. “真的?”我打断了他的话,有些着迷。

"But you said you were the only one who could hear people's thoughts." “可你说过你是唯一一个能听到别人的思想的人。”
"That's true. She knows other things. “那是事实。她通晓的是另一些事情。
She sees things—things that might happen, things that are coming. But it's very subjective 1. 她能看见一些事——一些可能会发生的事物,一些正要到来的事物。
The future isn't set in stone. Things change." 但这非常地主观。未来并不是一成不变的。事物都是变化发展的。”
His jaw 2 set when he said that, and his eyes darted 3 to my face and away so quickly that I wasn't sure if I only imagined it. 当他说到这里时,他的下巴一紧,他的眼睛飞快地瞥了一眼我的脸又移开了。这一切太快了,我不敢肯定是否是我自己想象出来的。
"What kinds of things does she see?" “她看见了什么样的事情。”
"She saw Jasper and knew that he was looking for her before he knew it himself. “她看见了贾斯帕,知道在他知道她的存在以前,他就在寻找着她了。
She saw Carlisle and our family, and they came together to find us. 她看到了卡莱尔和我们的家族,所以他们一起来找我们。
She's most sensitive to non-humans. 她对非人为的事情最为敏感。
She always sees, for example, when another group of our kind is coming near. 她总在看着,例如,当另一伙我们的同类靠近时。
And any threat they may pose." 还有任何他们可能带来的威胁。”
"Are there a lot of... your kind?" “有很多……你的同类吗?”
I was surprised. How many of them could walk among us undetected? 我太吃惊了。有多少他们这样的人在我们中行走而不被察觉呢?
"No, not many. But most won't settle in any one place. “不,不是很多。但大多数不会定居下来。
Only those like us, who've given up hunting you people"—a sly glance in my direction—"can live together with humans for any length of time. 只有那些和我们一样,放弃了猎食你们人类”——他羞愧地看了我一眼——“能多多少少和人类共居。
We've only found one other family like ours, in a small village in Alaska. 我们只发现了一个像我们这样的家族,他们住在阿拉斯加的一个小村落里。
We lived together for a time, but there were so many of us that we became too noticeable. 我们一起住过一段时间,但我们这么多人住在一起太引人注目了。
Those of us who live.. differently tend to band together." 那些生活方式和我们……很不一样的同类倾向于联合起来。”

1 subjective
  • The way they interpreted their past was highly subjective. 他们解释其过去的方式太主观。
  • A literary critic should not be too subjective in his approach. 文学评论家的看法不应太主观。
2 jaw
  • He delivered a right hook to his opponent's jaw.他给了对方下巴一记右钩拳。
  • A strong square jaw is a sign of firm character.强健的方下巴是刚毅性格的标志。
3 darted
v.投掷,投射( dart的过去式和过去分词 );向前冲,飞奔
  • The lizard darted out its tongue at the insect. 蜥蜴伸出舌头去吃小昆虫。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • The old man was displeased and darted an angry look at me. 老人不高兴了,瞪了我一眼。 来自《简明英汉词典》
标签: 英语听力