时间:2018-12-18 作者:英语课 分类:英语口译



  笔者在多年的口译教学中一直使用记者招待会的口译录音资料,通过对口译原始资料的详尽分析和对学生口译的观察,以及自己口译中的一些体会,总结出一部分实用的口译技巧, 作为引玉之砖, 期望更多的同行能参与这一工作, 探索一流译员口译实践中的奥秘。
  1 衔接
  1.1 关联汉语大量使用关联结构,如"如果……,那就……","虽然……,但是……"等。英语中也有关联结构,但使用频率很低,例如"If...,..."句型远比"If...,then..."句型常见。但在口译实践中,译员往往高频率地使用英语关联结构,这样可使上下句之间的关系更为清楚,更便于听众听懂。当前面半句特别长时,更需要在后面用then等关联词来提醒听众注意上下句之间的关系。
  A、If..., then...是正确的英语, 但不如只用一个连接词If的结构 (If..., then...)常用,不如汉语的"假如……,那就……"使用频率高。译员经常使用这种结构,虽然从文风上看未必十分妥贴, 但从语义结构上来看则十分清楚。
  B、2As (Because)..., so...不是正确的英语结构, 在书面中不能接受, 但英语本族人在口语中经常使用。我国的译员有时也使用这种结构,在文风上损失较大,但能达到澄清语义结构的效果。笔者认为不宜频繁使用这种结构,但当前半句很长时可考虑使用。毕竟,口译的首要任务是清楚地传递信息。
  1.1.1 If..., then... (So long as..., then...)
  (1)如果你要求我把它说得具体一点的话,那我可以概括一下:本届政府现在面临着要干的几件事情可以概括为"一个确保,三个到位,五项改革"。If you expect me to give you some specifics, then I can just make a generalization 1 of the tasks that this government is expected to accomplish...(注:本文全部例句选自历年记者招待会口译录音资料。)
  在口语中或在长句中可使用关联结构If..., then..., 以加强前后的衔接。事实上译员经常使用此关联结构,以便于听者理解。下面一例情况相似,只是关联词略有改变:
  (2)但是只要双方从大局出发,从促进国际市场的繁荣和稳定出发,大家都做一点让步,那么达成协议是很有希望的。As long as the two sides can make concessions 2 out of the larger interest and out of the larger interest of promoting prosperity and stability of the world market and trade, then I'm very hopeful that we'll be able to reach an agreement.
  1.1.2 As..., so...
  (3)从根本上来讲, 因为它(科索沃)是在南斯拉夫范围之内的一个问题,因此它是一个南斯拉夫的内部事务。Fundamentally speaking, as the Kosovo question is with inYugoslavia, so it's an internal matter of Yugoslavia. As (Because)..., so...这一关联结构虽然不太地道, 但很便于听众理解。
  1.1.3 Although..., yet...
  (4)我们虽然还没有进入WTO,但是我们的很多改革比我们原来承诺的还发展得更快。Although China is still not a member of the WTO, as a matter of fact, the results of many of our reforms have already gone beyond the commitments made by us.
  为了便于听者轻松听懂,可将"虽然……,但是……"口译成英语中不太常用的关联结构:Al-though..., yet(as a matter of fact)...
  此外,还有both...and...与not only..., but also...这两个关联结构也值得我们注意。由于受原汉语的影响,译员常使用这两个结构,但有时会产生一些困难:汉语主要讲究意合,不讲究形合,各种词语很容易合在一起使用。汉语的词性也很灵活,受到的语法限制较少,便于各种词汇搭配使用,在"既……,又……"和"不但……,而且……"这两个结构中很容易填入各种词汇。而英语对词性的要求比较严格,在并列的结构中要求填入相同词性的词汇。但译员在译到后面一半时可能一时想不出相同词性的词汇,也可能已经忘记前面词汇的词性,因而容易出现语法错误,当句子较长时尤其容易出错。如果译员改用断句(也即大分流)的办法,前后词汇的词性就不必保持一致,因此也就不容易出错。此外,在is not only...,but also...结构中,中国学生在口译时很难想到在is与not only之间插入有关词语,从而简化全句结构。可能未简化的结构更符合多数中国学生的心理。
  1.1.4 Both... and...
  (5)所以我们希望国际社会在对待这个问题的时候,采取任何措施,既要有利于这个地区的和平和稳定,又要防止避免干涉一个国家的内部事务。That's why we hope that any measure to be taken by the international community in dealing 3 with this situation should be both conducive 4 to the regional peace and stability and should also be refraining from interfering 5 in the internal affairs of the countries concerned.
  在使用"既要……又要……"这样的关联结构时,人们可以很轻松地填上各种词汇,从而造出正确的句子。但英语语法比较死板,在both...and...结构中必须填入词性相同的结构。此译员先说...should be both conducive ...,而随后在译"又要防止……"时一下子难以找到相应的形容词,所以他译出的句子结构便不太通顺了。口译时,可有意识地避开both...and...结构。如删除关联词, 改用拆句法来译以上一句,便不容易出错:...should be conducive ..., and should also refrain from ...
  1.1.5 Not only..., but also...
  (6)而且现在这种民主的制度,不但是在农村,而且在企业也在试行。Such a democratic system now is not only in existence in the villages, in the rural areas, but also is being practiced in some enterprise.
  中国人在口译"不但……,而且……"时往往习惯于译成is not only..., but also..., 很少想到在is与not only之间插上些字。在笔译中,经过思考,可将此译文简化为is in existence not only in villages but also in enterprises。但在口译中使用is not only in existence...but also ...这一罗嗦的结构似乎更能顺应译员心理。
  (7)不仅中国同欧盟之间,或者是同欧洲国家之间,现在在经贸上是重要的互利合作的伙伴,更重要的是在政治上,在国际事务中,中国同欧盟,中国同欧洲许多国家,也有共同的想法,类似的主张。China and the European Union and the European countries have become important trading partners of mutual 6 benefit and cooperation. What is more important, in the political and international fields, China and the EU, and China and the European countries share many common views or similar positions.
  这里的"不仅……,更重要的是……"最好不要译成not only..., but also...结构, 因为全句很长,内容较多, 而not only与but also后面通常应接词组,能包含的信息有限。此译员采用断句的办法来处理,前后各成一句句子,在中间用What is more important来衔接,这是比较合理的。
  1.2 总分关联
  汉语中有不少总分关联结构, 如"有两件事,一件是……,另一件是……"。笔译成英文时不必罗嗦地译成There are two things: one is A and the other is B, 只需译成There are two things: A and B, 也可译成Things to do are: First, A; and second B。也就是说英译文不必把前后两处的关联词都译出。但在口译中,如能采用罗嗦的形式,也即把前后的关联词都译出,可给听众提供更多的线索, 使他们更容易跟上译员的思路。
  (8)十年以后,有人认为全世界会有三大货币:欧元、美元,但是亚洲不知道会不会有?日元还是人民币?Some people believe that there'll emerge three major currencies in the world, that is, one is Euro and another is the American dollar. And do you think there will be one major currency emerging in Asia?
  如按笔译要求简练地译成...three major currencies in the world: the Euro and the American dollar..., 信息密度增大,译员可能会感到缺少喘息、思考的时间,听众也容易感到疲劳。
  1.3 实词衔接
  在口译时应尽量避免使用语义不具体的关系代词which, that等来指代远处的词语,而应改用实词来与前面的词语衔接呼应,这样有利于听者轻松地听懂。
  (9)(他们反对)美国克林顿政府现在奉行的对华全面接触政策。... the China policy pursed by the Clinton Administration of the United States, which is a policy of comprehensive engagement with China.
  如仅说which is comprehensive engagement with China, 听者需要费点劲才能发现which指代前面的policy。现此译员添加实词a policy of, 成为which is a policy of comprehensive engagement with China,前后衔接十分清楚。如删除which is, 仅用同位语a policy of comprehensive engagement with China也可, 因为实词a policy与前面的the China policy之间的呼应关系已足够清楚。
  1.4 近距离衔接在书面英语中,即使语义相关的词语被隔开一定距离,读者仍能通过前后寻找辩认出相关词语之间的关系。在口译中,听者不可能退回去重听一遍,所以译员应避免给听者制造额外的麻烦,尽量将语义相关的词汇安排在一起。例如,虽然我们在笔译时不应无故使用被动语态,但在口译中,有时使用被动语态有助于把语义相关的词汇(如动词与宾语)连接在一起,有助于减轻听者的心理负担。
  (10)建设有中国特色社会主义的目标就一定能够实现。We are bound to make our objective of building socialism with Chinese characteristics a reality.
  译员水平较高,把"实现"译成make(our objective of building socialism with Chinese characteristics) a reality。 但由于make与a reality之间插入了八个单词,译者必须将这八个单词储存在大脑中,增加了短时记忆的负担。学生可简单译成we are bound to realize our objective of building socialism with Chinese characteristics.
  (11)TMD是远远超出了有关国家多次表示过的所谓"正当自卫"的需要的。TMD will go far beyond their legitimate 7 defense 8 needs, which the relevant country has repeatedly indicated.
  通常不应无故使用英语被动语态,所以which the relevant country has repeatedly indicated是正常语序。但在口译中由于indicated与前面的宾语which之间距离拉得较远,增加了听众的心理负担。这时如改用被动结构which has been repeatedly indicated by the relevant country, 所有语义相关的词汇都紧密相连,听众自然容易听懂。
  2 分流
  英语也有分流引导词,如With regard to..., With reference to..., As for..., On the question of..., 等等。由于汉语属于主题-评论式的语言,在句首使用分流词的频率很高。英语属于主语-谓语式的语言,分流词使用频率较低。
  1.假如"对于……"之后的结构比较复杂、所含信息较多,应采用分流的办法,以帮助译员先扔掉一部分包袱,减轻心理负担。有时汉语主题的前面没有明显的分流引导词,但只要全句信息较多, 英译时仍可使用分流的办法。
  2.如果全句信息较多,而译员在句首又没有分流, 还可考虑在句末进行分流。
  2.1 句首分流
  (12)至于人民币的完全可自由兑换,也就是说在资本市场上面也自由兑换,这个按照我们预定的改革进程是要往后,需要一定的时间。With regard to when the full convertibility 9 of RMB can be realized, that is to say, the convertibility of RMB also under the capital account, according to our set schedule, that would take sometime.
  "至于"后面的信息较多,口译时可用with regard to来分流掉一部分信息。
  (13)关于广信事件,我想这个问题也是大家所关心的,因此我就多说两句。On the question of GITIC, I think this is also a question of interest to many of the press correspondents here.
  译公司名称往往需要思索,因此可考虑采用分流的办法,为译员提供较多的停顿时间。有时汉语中没有分流引导词, 但句中信息较多,英译时仍可使用分流结构:
  (14)其实,本届政府的任务在去年中国共产党的第十五次代表大会江泽民主席的报告中间已经作了明确的说明。As for the tasks of this government, as a matter of fact, in the report delivered to the 15th National Congress of the Communist Party last year President Jiang Zeming already identified in very explicitly 10 terms.
  "本届政府的任务"之前没有分流词,但其后信息很多,此译员将它分流出来, 单独译成"As for the tasks of the government", 这可减轻心理压力。
  2.2 尾部分流
  (15)现行的财政税收制度是1994年改革的,取得了极大成功,保证了每年的财政收入的增加。The current fiscal 11 and taxation 12 system is the result of the reform in 1994. And this has achieved great success in ensuring the increase in the revenue of the government every year by a very large margin 13.
  译员将"保证"译成介词结构in ensuring..., 与前面一句紧连在一起。如改译为更为独立的结构, 如thus ensuring, 则译员可在前后两部分之间插入更长的停顿时间,也即起到了后分流的作用。当信息比较拥挤时可考虑将词组升格为从句。有些英语动词或动词词组之后只能接名词词组,但信息特别多时,可添加the fact that, 从而将名词顺利地转化为从句。这既增加了尾部的停顿,又引导出一个相对独立的从句。
  (16)但是请大家注意,其中500个特大型的国有企业,它向国家缴纳的税收和它自己的利润,就占了全中国利润和税收的85%。But here I'd like to you're your attention to this fact that in China we have 500 extremely large or mega state-owned enterprises, whose profits and the taxes turned in to the state account for 85% of the total.
  "请大家注意"后面信息较多, 此译员已译出call your attention to, 其后自然应接名词词组。但发现后面信息很多,难以用名词词组来包容,于是添加this fact that, 引入一个从句。
  2.3 不分流
  (17)关于金融改革,我们规定了三年的目标。We've set the objective of completing the financial system reform in three years' time.
  "关于金融改革"后面内容不多,口译时不必分流译成With regard to the financial reform, 可将the financial reform作为宾语直接译出。
  2.4 断句
  (18)关于刚才记者先生提到的所谓"敌对状态"的问题,//我想提醒台湾报纸的各位记者,最近一个时期来台湾当局有人不止一次地宣称"动员戡乱时期"终止以后,台湾同大陆的关系还将处在敌对状态,台湾当局还要坚持反共,等等。Just now the correspondent referred to this issue of hostilities 14. So I would like to draw the attention of the correspondents from Taiwan to the fact that...

1 generalization
  • This sweeping generalization is the law of conservation of energy.这一透彻的概括就是能量守恒定律。
  • The evaluation of conduct involves some amount of generalization.对操行的评价会含有一些泛泛之论。
2 concessions
n.(尤指由政府或雇主给予的)特许权( concession的名词复数 );承认;减价;(在某地的)特许经营权
  • The firm will be forced to make concessions if it wants to avoid a strike. 要想避免罢工,公司将不得不作出一些让步。
  • The concessions did little to placate the students. 让步根本未能平息学生的愤怒。
3 dealing
  • This store has an excellent reputation for fair dealing.该商店因买卖公道而享有极高的声誉。
  • His fair dealing earned our confidence.他的诚实的行为获得我们的信任。
4 conducive
  • This is a more conducive atmosphere for studying.这样的氛围更有利于学习。
  • Exercise is conducive to good health.体育锻炼有助于增强体质。
5 interfering
  • We must pull together for mutual interest.我们必须为相互的利益而通力合作。
  • Mutual interests tied us together.相互的利害关系把我们联系在一起。
6 legitimate
  • Sickness is a legitimate reason for asking for leave.生病是请假的一个正当的理由。
  • That's a perfectly legitimate fear.怀有这种恐惧完全在情理之中。
7 defense
  • The accused has the right to defense.被告人有权获得辩护。
  • The war has impacted the area with military and defense workers.战争使那个地区挤满了军队和防御工程人员。
8 convertibility
  • Some countermeasure and recommendation on RMB's full convertibility. " 对人民币实现完全自由兑换提出了对策和建议。 来自互联网
  • China capital convertibility's course is the same as foreign exchange system reform. 中国资本项目开放的进程,是与我国外汇体制改革的步伐相一致的。 来自互联网
9 explicitly
  • The plan does not explicitly endorse the private ownership of land. 该计划没有明确地支持土地私有制。
  • SARA amended section 113 to provide explicitly for a right to contribution. 《最高基金修正与再授权法案》修正了第123条,清楚地规定了分配权。 来自英汉非文学 - 环境法 - 环境法
10 fiscal
  • The increase of taxation is an important fiscal policy.增税是一项重要的财政政策。
  • The government has two basic strategies of fiscal policy available.政府有两个可行的财政政策基本战略。
11 taxation
  • He made a number of simplifications in the taxation system.他在税制上作了一些简化。
  • The increase of taxation is an important fiscal policy.增税是一项重要的财政政策。
12 margin
  • We allowed a margin of 20 minutes in catching the train.我们有20分钟的余地赶火车。
  • The village is situated at the margin of a forest.村子位于森林的边缘。
13 hostilities
  • Mexico called for an immediate cessation of hostilities. 墨西哥要求立即停止敌对行动。
  • All the old hostilities resurfaced when they met again. 他们再次碰面时,过去的种种敌意又都冒了出来。
标签: 口译
accidental membranae
alfalfa drill
barium materials/devices
bevel gear pair
Bol'shaya Bicha
bring forth an amendment
buffalo carpet beetles
busy working
by miles
Catalina Pt.
cathode bias
Chinese Cubeb
coitus interruptus
Colles' law
command - line arguments
configuration utilization evaluator
contact-type heater
correction wedge
dining room table
elastomeric bearing
electronic video recording
Export Administration Regulations
fuel pump suction valve
gaseous conduction ectifier
gauge pointer
glutenin fiber
haidian district
hand, foot, and mouth disease
hemimorphic hemihedral class
La France
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lonicerae flos
Mann-Williamson ulcer
manoeuvre of ship
margin relief
material fund
mineral dressing principle
modern democracy
neo soul
not have a penny to bless oneself with
occulting quick flashing light
oil of champaca
operational circumstances
perchten (austria)
rating current
reflecting lobes
revenue of a fund
sill wall
South Norfolk
starred fracture
syndesmosis tibiofibularis
theory of multitype g-w branching process
three-quarter sibling
tinning metal
tuning scale
unweathered mineral soil
user password
Wallis Simpson
western grey squirrel
x-ray streak camera
zero done