时间:2018-12-07 作者:英语课 分类:白鲸记


  [00:08.46]- Nice serve, pal 1. - All right! - 发得好,伙计 - 好!

[00:09.34]Whoa, yes! 好!

[00:11.42]Get it! 接到了

[00:15.70]Come on! 来

[00:15.86]- Nice shot, Maverick 2! - Sweet setup, Iceman! - 打得好,“小牛” - 传得好,“冰冰”

[00:19.06](Larry ) Nice one, Nurse! 打得好,护士!

[00:22.26]- Glen, don't be afraid of the ball. - It's Greg. - 阿畸,别怕球 - 是阿基

[00:26.50]Huddle up, team. 过来商议一下

[00:27.82]Not Glen. Greg is afraid of the ball. 他不叫阿畸,阿基对球有恐惧

[00:31.42]This is unacceptable! 这不能接受!

[00:32.50]Here's what we gotta do. 要全力去打

[00:34.66]- (k evin ) Let's go! - We're getting creamed. - 我们要打! - 我们输得好惨

[00:38.38]If Florence Nightingale played some defense 3... 如果南丁格尔能多防守...

[00:41.02]- Larry, I missed one shot. - It was a big shot! - 拉里,我只失了一球 - 那是重要的一球!

[00:44.30]Larry, keep floating. Denny, go deep. 拉里,原地浮游,丹尼,后边

[00:46.42]Greg, nobody's expecting much from you 阿基,没人要求你过高

[00:49.66]so if I set you up can you spike 5 it? 我传球给你,能扣杀吗?

[00:53.58]Yeah, I'd have to be pretty high. 能,我得跳起来才行

[00:55.74]- I bet you would, Panama Red. - (Larry sniggers ) 我想你能,红巴拿马

[00:57.74]- All right, look sharp. - Let's play ball! 好,注意,开球!

[01:01.78]Come on! 加油

[01:04.02]Let's go! Come on! 我们打!加油!

[01:09.26]You got to spike those, Focker! You got to spike. 你要扣球啊,阿基,扣啊!

[01:13.62]Look how Bob did it. 看勃比打得多好

[01:14.14]Thanks. 谢谢

[01:15.82]Fire it up, Focker! 扣杀,发克!

[01:18.70]- Let's do it! Good shot! - Way to go, Deb! - 我们扣!好球! - 就这样,黛碧!



[01:34.10]- What's the matter with you? - It's only a game! - 你怎么啦? - 这只不过是游戏


[01:42.38]My eye! Oh, my eye! 我的眼睛!眼睛!

[01:49.90]- (Jack 6) Pam, help your sister. - I'm sorry, Deb. - 白梅,帮帮你妹妹 - 对不起,黛碧

[01:54.10]You can see "Voight" backwards 7 on your forehead. 你额头上印着排球的牌子

[01:56.86]Denny! 丹尼,滚开

[01:59.18]You the bandleader? Go over song selection with Bob. Bob! 你是乐队领班? 去跟勃比商量选什么歌

[02:02.86]- Are you a Mr. Focker? - Yes. - 你是发克先生吗? - 是

[02:06.42]- Ok, sign here, please. - Thank you. - 请在这里签名 - 好,谢谢

[02:20.26]Hey, your suitcase. You made sure it's all there? 你有没有打开验证一下?

[02:23.54]Yeah, it's fine. What's up? 没事儿,出了什么事?

[02:26.58]Just want to make sure you're Ok since hitting that spike. 只是来看看你扣球之后怎么样

[02:30.98]- I'm really sorry about that. - That's Ok. - 我很抱歉 - 没关系

[02:34.14]I don't know what got into me, Iceman. 我不知道怎么搞的,冰冰

[02:36.46]- Iceman? - Sorry, is it special for you two? - 冰冰? - 抱歉,你俩专用的?

[02:39.10]- No, Greg. Stop it. - Stop what, Iceman? - 别说了 - 别说什么,冰冰?

[02:44.38]Top Gun was a very popular movie when we dated. That's it. 我和凯文约会时 “冲上云霄”很红

[02:47.46]Hey, Iceman, I have no problem with that. 冰冰,我不介意你和他的昵称

[02:50.34]Do you wanna be Maverick? Is that what this is about? 你想做小牛? 所以你才这样说

[02:55.34]I can't be, k evin's Maverick. 我不是小牛,凯文是

[02:56.94]No, he used to be, but we can change that. 他从前是,但我们可以改变

[02:59.10]Can he be Goose? 他做阿鹅行吗?

[02:59.90]No, because Goose dies in the end. 不,阿鹅最后死了

[03:06.14]It's very sad. 那很伤感

[03:09.42]- Honey, I don't... - Greg, shut up. - 宝贝儿,我不... - 阿基,闭嘴

[03:09.94]Ok. 好吧

[03:23.94]Dad! You ever think of knocking? 爸爸,你敲门行吗?

[03:26.22]Not in my own den 4. What are you two doing? 在我家不用敲,你俩在干嘛?

[03:28.02]I'd say rounding second base. 我得说发展到第二步了

[03:34.82]This is Greg's room, Dad. 这是阿基的房间,爸爸

[03:37.26]Not now - it's storage. Greg's in Deb's room and she'll bunk 8 with you. 现在是储藏室 阿基去黛碧房,黛碧去你房

[03:40.66]- Fine. Come on, Greg. - I'll be right up. - 好,来吧,阿基 - 我马上就来

[03:45.10]Meet you upstairs. 楼上见

[03:46.22]- Oh, good. They found your suitcase. - Yeah. - 好,找到你的行李了 - 是的

[03:49.02]I don't know what happened at the tux shop 我不知道在礼服店发生了啥事

[03:50.70]but if I gave you the wrong impression 但希望你别误会

[03:53.98]regarding Pam in any way, I'm sorry, Ok? 我对白梅的感情,好吗?

[03:58.06]I have the best intentions with Pam. 我只想对白梅好

[04:02.06]Actually, there's something in my suitcase 实际上行李中有样东西...

[04:05.34]that I plan to give her that I think, um, 我打算送给她,我想...

[04:06.78]symbolizes... 象征着...


[04:10.38]..the level of my commitment to her. ...我对她爱的程度

[04:14.46]And I wouldn't feel right asking her to wear it 假如没有得到她父亲的同意

[04:16.74]without her father's permission... Jack? 我觉得要她戴上是不合适的

[04:22.50]Did you flush this toilet? 你有没有冲过这个厕所?

[04:24.66]Maybe... You know what? Maybe Jinx flushed it. 也许...也许是黑仔冲的

[04:28.74]I saw Jinxy come in last night and squat 9 and relieve himself. 我昨晚见到黑仔进来 去厕所方便

[04:33.62]Jinx knows not to use that toilet. If he did, he'd never flush it. 黑仔不会用这个厕所 它更不会冲

[04:36.82]What does it matter? 冲了又会怎样?

[04:39.98]The matter, Greg RN, is when this toilet is flushed, it runs. 阿基护士,这厕所冲了不会停

[04:41.66]With a near-full septic tank and toilet running all night, 粪池差不多满了 而水又不断地流

[04:46.26]you could have a problem. 那你就有麻烦了

[04:48.54]Mr. Byrnes? 白先生?

[04:51.46](Man ) This is not part of my job description. 这不是我的工作

[04:52.62]Nice stench. Really on a roll there, bud. 臭死了,好运气啊,伙计

[04:59.30]In 20 hours there's a wedding here, so I need my cesspool pumped now. 这里二十小时之后要举行婚礼 我要抽粪池

1 pal
  • He is a pal of mine.他是我的一个朋友。
  • Listen,pal,I don't want you talking to my sister any more.听着,小子,我不让你再和我妹妹说话了。
2 maverick
  • He's a maverick.He has his own way of thinking about things.他是个特异独行的人。对事情有自己的看法。
  • You're a maverick and you'll try anything.你是个爱自行其是的人,样样事情都要尝试一下。
3 defense
  • The accused has the right to defense.被告人有权获得辩护。
  • The war has impacted the area with military and defense workers.战争使那个地区挤满了军队和防御工程人员。
4 den
  • There is a big fox den on the back hill.后山有一个很大的狐狸窝。
  • The only way to catch tiger cubs is to go into tiger's den.不入虎穴焉得虎子。
5 spike
  • The spike pierced the receipts and held them in order.那个钉子穿过那些收据并使之按顺序排列。
  • They'll do anything to spike the guns of the opposition.他们会使出各种手段来挫败对手。
6 jack
  • I am looking for the headphone jack.我正在找寻头戴式耳机插孔。
  • He lifted the car with a jack to change the flat tyre.他用千斤顶把车顶起来换下瘪轮胎。
7 backwards
  • He turned on the light and began to pace backwards and forwards.他打开电灯并开始走来走去。
  • All the girls fell over backwards to get the party ready.姑娘们迫不及待地为聚会做准备。
8 bunk
  • He left his bunk and went up on deck again.他离开自己的铺位再次走到甲板上。
  • Most economists think his theories are sheer bunk.大多数经济学家认为他的理论纯属胡说。
9 squat
  • For this exercise you need to get into a squat.在这次练习中你需要蹲下来。
  • He is a squat man.他是一个矮胖的男人。
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Uchinskoye Vdkh.
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