时间:2018-12-04 作者:英语课 分类:大学英语自学教程上

[00:04.60]How Dictionaries Are Made
[00:08.54]It is widely believed that everyword has a correct meaning,
[00:15.78]that we learn these meanings mainly from teachers and grammarians and
[00:22.83] that dictionaries and grammarsare the supreme 1 authority
[00:28.89]in matters of meaning and usage.
[00:33.46]Few people ask by what authority the writers of dictionariesand grammars say what they say,
[00:43.13]I once got into a dispute with an English womanover the pronunciation of a word andn
[00:52.06] offered to look it up in the dictionary.
[00:56.42]The English woman said firmly,"What for? I am English.
[01:04.37]I was born and brought up in England.
[01:09.12]The way I speak is English,"
[01:13.77]Such self-assurance about one's own language
[01:19.54]is fairlycommon among the English.
[01:24.40]In the United States,however,
[01:29.36]anyone who is willing to quarrel with the dictionary
[01:35.01]is regarded as either eccentric or mad.
[01:41.20]Let us see how dictionaries are made  and how the editors arrive at definitions.
[01:50.03]What follows applies only to those dictionary offices where first-hand
[01:58.28]original research goes on--
[02:02.64]not those in which editors simply copy existing dictionaries.
[02:10.09]The task of writing a dictionary
[02:15.13]begins with the reading of vast amounts of the literature of the period
[02:22.99]or subject that the dictionary is to cover.
[02:28.35]As the editors read,they copy on cards every interesting or rare word,
[02:37.70]every unusual or peculiar 2 occurrence of a common word,
[02:44.86]a large numher of common words in their ordinary uses,
[02:52.41]and also the sentences in which each of these words appears.
[03:00.35]That is to say,the context of each wordis connected along with the word itself.
[03:10.69]For a really big job of dictionary writing,
[03:17.25]such as the Oxford 3 English Dictionary,millions of such cards are collected,
[03:25.79]and the task of editing occupies decades.
[03:32.14]As the cards are collected, they are alphabetized and sorted.
[03:35.56]卡片收集好之后, 要把它们按字母排序和整理.
[03:38.98]When the sorting is completed, there will be for each word
[03:45.65]anywhere from two or three to several hundred quotations,each on its card.
[03:50.62]每个词可有从两 三条到几百条引文作为例句,每条都写在一张卡片上.
[03:55.60]To define a word, then,
[03:59.57]the dictionary editor placesbefore him the stack of cardsillustrating that word;
[04:08.11]each of the cards represents an actual use of the word
[04:15.76]by a writer of some literary ox historical importance. [04:19.24]重要的作家对该词的一种实际用法.
[04:22.71]He reads the cards carefully, discards some, re-reads the rest,
[04:31.18]and divides up the stack according to what he thinks  are the several senses of the word.
[04:35.57]有些就废弃 不用了,
[04:39.95]Finally, he writes his definitions,
[04:46.41] followlng the hard-and-fast rule that each definition must be based on what
[04:54.56]the quotationsin front of him reveal about the meaning of the word.
[05:02.21]The editor cannot be influenced by what he thinks a given word ought to mean[05:06.14]编辑不能受到他自己认为某个词应是什么词义的影响.
[05:10.07]He must work according to the cards, or not at all
[05:15.53]The writing of a dictionary, therefore,is not a task of setting up authoritative 4 statements
[05:24.00]about the "true meanings" of words,
[05:29.25]but a task of recording 5, to the best of one' s ability,
[05:36.22]what various words have meant to authors in the distant or immediate 6 past.
[05:45.29]If, for example, we had been writing a dictionary in 1890
[05:52.34]or even as late as 1919,
[05:58.40]we could have said that the word "broadcast"means "
[06:02.03]我们可以说," broadcast "一词的词义是"散播,撒播"
[06:05.66]to scatter 7" (seed, for example),
[06:10.52]but we could not have stated that from 1921 on,
[06:18.57]the most common meaning of the word should become
[06:24.44]"to send out programs by radio or television."
[06:30.97]In choosing our words when we speak or write,
[06:36.41]we can be guided by the historical record provided us by the dictionary
[06:43.36]but we cannot be bound by it, because new situations,
[06:49.91]new experiences,new inventions,new feelings,are always forcing us to give new uses to old words.
[07:00.36]looking under a "hood 8,"
[07:04.20]we should ordinarily, have foundfive hundred years ago, a monk;
[07:07.43]500年前,如果我们朝" hood"下看去,我们一般会看到一个修道士;
[07:10.65]today, we find a car engine.
[07:12.88]而今在" hood"下面看到的却是一台汽车发动机.
[07:15.10]Text B
[07:17.94]Reading Provides Necessary Survival Skills
[07:23.30]With the coming of the television age
[07:27.14]and the increasing emphasis on pictures and sound in all quartets of our society,
[07:34.01]many people would have us believe
[07:37.56]that we are moving rapidly away from reading as a necessary life skill.
[07:43.49]But this is not the case at all.
[07:45.16]但情况完全不是这 样。
[07:46.83]Good reading is a more important life skill than ever before
[07:52.71]and the printed word continues to be the cornerstone
[07:57.68]of both higher education
[08:01.44]and better positions in the job market.
[08:05.38]For students, almost all studying involves reading.
[08:10.63]For adults,reading is day to day,
[08:15.39]either a stumbling blockor a smooth path to pleasure and opportunity.
[08:22.15]This is why good reading habits are not only an important study skillfor the student, [08:25.39]这就是为什么好的阅读习惯不仅是学生的重要学习技能,
[08:28.63]but also an important life skill for anyone.
[08:33.38]SCANNING-You can get a good idea about the material
[08:39.84]by taking a few moments right off to read the title,
[08:45.19]chapter headings,section titles and headlines.
[08:51.07]The purpose of scanning
[08:54.23]is to get a quick understanding of what to expect from the reading,
[09:00.40]so that you will know what you are reading as you go along.
[09:05.57]Maps, charts, graphs and pictures are clues that will help the reader
[09:13.51]to cue in on the content and organization of the material.
[09:19.75]This simple technique of scanning
[09:23.51]can help you read for ideas[09:25.39]能够帮助你获取大意,
[09:27.28]because you will know ,where you are going when you begin to read.
[09:32.92]READING SPEED--Another good reading habit is reading fast.
[09:39.16]The expression "haste makes waste" does not apply to reading.
[09:45.64]In fact, most people read much too slowly.
[09:50.99]Right now you are probably reading this slower than you need
[09:56.64]for good comprehension.
[09:58.41]所需 要的速度要慢.
[10:00.19]Studies show that fast readers are the best readers,
[10:05.54]and that slow readers
[10:08.71]often lose their concentrationand comprehension abilities
[10:14.06]because their minds will wander our of boredom 9.
[10:19.02]Remember, nothing hurts concentration more than reading too slowly.
[10:25.79]Your mind will keep up with your reading speed if you ask it to.
[10:31.67]By always reading at your top speed, you challenge your understanding
[10:37.91]and make it easier for your mind to concentrate on the material.
[10:47.24]For a person with good reading habits,
[10:51.18]a printed page contains not onlywords but ideas,
[10:56.64]actions,thoughts and feelings.
[11:01.39]But all these things are built on words.
[11:05.84]The more words you are familiar with,
[11:09.60]the less you are aware of reading words
[11:13.72]and the more you are aware of content and meaning.
[11:19.08]Expanding your vocabulary
[11:22.92]will help you to read more effectively and rapidly
[11:27.65]Many people simply skip over words they do not understand.
[11:33.32]This, naturally, hurts their overall comprehension.
[11:38.78]Other people stop at each new word and look it up in the dictionary
[11:44.10]but this method can slow down your reading
[11:48.55]affecting concentration and comprehension.
[11:53.20]But you can build your vocabulary without using a dictionary each time. [11:55.98]不过你可以扩大你的词汇而不每次都查词典.
[11:58.76]Here are two roles:
[12:01.92]1. Pause for a moment on each new word and let it register in your mind.
[12:09.78]2. Try to guess what the word means from context clues,
[12:16.86]from the words around it.What happens with this method
[12:22.50] is that you will see the word again and again
[12:26.87]Each time you will have a stronger impression of the meaning.
[12:32.14]Soon, the new word will be familiar and its meaning clear.
[12:38.10]The key to the method is to be alert to new words.
[12:43.06]Don't skip over then.
[12:46.22]You'll find you are adding to your vocabulary each day
[12:51.19]and a good strong vocabulary is great help to reading qucikly
[12:57.43]and with strong comprehension.
[13:01.48]Good reading habits like these
[13:05.24]can help studentsand working adults alike to be more successful.
[13:11.01]The special world of school and the real world of school
[13:17.18]and of everyday life can be more comfortable productive#p[13:20.05]学校的特殊世界和学校与
[13:22.93]and rewarding with the additiion of simple
[13:27.29]yet important life skillssuch as good reading habits.

1 supreme
  • It was the supreme moment in his life.那是他一生中最重要的时刻。
  • He handed up the indictment to the supreme court.他把起诉书送交最高法院。
2 peculiar
  • He walks in a peculiar fashion.他走路的样子很奇特。
  • He looked at me with a very peculiar expression.他用一种很奇怪的表情看着我。
3 Oxford
  • At present he has become a Professor of Chemistry at Oxford.他现在已是牛津大学的化学教授了。
  • This is where the road to Oxford joins the road to London.这是去牛津的路与去伦敦的路的汇合处。
4 authoritative
  • David speaks in an authoritative tone.大卫以命令的口吻说话。
  • Her smile was warm but authoritative.她的笑容很和蔼,同时又透着威严。
5 recording
  • How long will the recording of the song take?录下这首歌得花多少时间?
  • I want to play you a recording of the rehearsal.我想给你放一下彩排的录像。
6 immediate
  • His immediate neighbours felt it their duty to call.他的近邻认为他们有责任去拜访。
  • We declared ourselves for the immediate convocation of the meeting.我们主张立即召开这个会议。
7 scatter
  • You pile everything up and scatter things around.你把东西乱堆乱放。
  • Small villages scatter at the foot of the mountain.村庄零零落落地散布在山脚下。
8 hood
  • She is wearing a red cloak with a hood.她穿着一件红色带兜帽的披风。
  • The car hood was dented in.汽车的发动机罩已凹了进去。
9 boredom
  • Unemployment can drive you mad with boredom.失业会让你无聊得发疯。
  • A walkman can relieve the boredom of running.跑步时带着随身听就不那么乏味了。
aedes (stegomyia) desmotes
aerated weir
aglyphic tooth
an obscure village
aneuploid karyotype
Angora cat
atmosphere shower
bare enough
beta elimination
Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.
broad on the port quarter
commercial undertakings
conservation of energy theorem
constant life fatigue diagram
cool isostatic compression
corner method
dating forward
dealing it
equivalent samples
extreme bacteria
final drives
foredeck hand
government and municipal accounting
halogen Geiger counter
high resistance alloy
hold sb to
independent clause
investment value
Lewis, Isaac Newton
limit gauging
Local Group of galaxies
lower exit
magnesium hydroxidephosphate
manual scram
megakaryocytic leukemia
motion designers
multiple grinder cutting machine
near thing
Novy Mir
oozlum bird
outward flow
oxford blue
pair distribution function
panniculus (pl.panniculi)
paroophoron cyst
per cent death loss
peripateic typhoid
picture charge pattern
shieled joint
soil (evaporation) pan
St George
Super block
the suez canal
tyre wheel
UV radiation
whispering dome