英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第219期:第十三章 自白(10)
时间:2019-01-22 作者:英语课 分类:暮光之城•暮色
英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第219期:第十三章 自白(10)
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- 1 英语听力 暮光之城•暮色 第219期:第十三章 自白(10)
"To Jasper, every one of you is much the same. “对贾斯帕来说,你们中的每一个人都是一样的。
He's the most recent to join our family. 他是最晚才加入我们的家族的。
It's a struggle for him to abstain 1 at all. 对他而言,单单是克制渴望就已经让他挣扎不已了。
He hasn't had time to grow sensitive to the differences in smell, in flavor." 他还没有时间去体会不同的气味,不同的味道。”
He glanced swiftly at me, his expression apologetic. 他很快地看向我,他的神情充满了歉意。
"Sorry," he said. “对不起。”他说道。
"I don't mind. Please don't worry about offending me, or frightening me, or whichever. “我不介意。请不用担心冒犯我,或者吓到我,或者诸如此类的事。
That's the way you think. 那是你思考的方式。
I can understand, or I can try to at least. 我能理解,或者至少我会试着去理解。
Just explain however you can." 随你用什么方式,只要能解释就行。”
He took a deep breath and gazed at the sky again. 他深吸了一口气,然后再次凝望着天空。
"So Jasper wasn't sure if he'd ever come across someone who was as"—he hesitated, looking for the right word—"appealing as you are to me. “所以贾斯帕不能肯定他是否遇到过这样的人”——他迟疑着,寻找着合适的词——“这样有吸引力,正如你之于我。
Which makes me think not. 这让我觉得这是不可能的。
Emmett has been on the wagon 2 longer, so to speak, and he understood what I meant. 艾美特戒酒的时间更长一些,可以这么说,而他能理解我所说的意思。
He says twice, for him, once stronger than the other." 他说有两次,对他来说,一旦尝试,第二次的诱或就比上一次更为强烈。”
"And for you?" “那你呢?”
"Never." “从未试过。”
The word hung there for a moment in the warm breeze. 这话在温暖的微风中停留了片刻。
"What did Emmett do?" I asked to break the silence. “艾美特做了什么?”我问道,打破了沉默。
It was the wrong question to ask. 我问错问题了。
His face grew dark, his hand clenched 3 into a fist inside mine. 他的脸阴沉下来,他的手在我的手里紧紧地握成了拳头。
He looked away. I waited, but he wasn't going to answer. 他看向别处。我等待着,但他不打算回答。
"I guess I know," I finally said. “我猜,我已经知道了。”我最终说道。
- His doctor ordered him to abstain from beer and wine.他的医生嘱咐他戒酒。
- Three Conservative MPs abstained in the vote.三位保守党下院议员投了弃权票。
- We have to fork the hay into the wagon.我们得把干草用叉子挑进马车里去。
- The muddy road bemired the wagon.马车陷入了泥泞的道路。