时间:2019-01-22 作者:英语课 分类:暮光之城•暮色


 When the school day was finally done, and the blush was fading out of my cheeks from the volleyball incident, 终于捱到放学了,脸上打排球蹭红了的地方也不怎么红了,

I changed quickly back into my jeans and navy blue sweater. 我飞快地换上了牛仔裤和深蓝色的毛线衫。
I hurried from the girls' locker 1 room, pleased to find that I had successfully evaded 3 my retriever friend for the moment. 匆匆地从女更衣室里出来,我愉快地发现,已经成功地将自己的那个猎犬朋友暂时甩掉了。
I walked swiftly out to the parking lot. 我快步朝停车场走了过去。
It was crowded now with fleeing students. 停车场此刻已经挤满了飞奔的学生。
I got in my truck and dug through my bag to make sure I had what I needed. 我坐进车里,翻了一遍书包,看需要的东西是不是都带齐了。
Last night I'd discovered that Charlie could not cook much besides fried eggs and bacon. 昨天晚上,我发现查理除了会煎鸡蛋和培根肉外,不太会做饭。
So I requested that I be assigned kitchen detail for the duration of my stay. 于是我主动请缨,我住的这段期间,厨房的琐事全交给我好了。
He was willing enough to hand over the keys to the banquet hall. 他自然是求之不得,毫不犹豫就交出了餐厅的钥匙。
I also found out that he had no food in the house. 我还发现屋里没有吃的。
So I had my shopping list and the cash from the jar in the cupboard labeled FOOD MONEY, and I was on my way to the Thriftway. 于是列了个购物单,从那个贴着“伙食费”的橱柜里找到了查理放现金的罐子,拿了钱,所以现在我就出发去施利福特威超市 。
I gunned my deafening 4 engine to life, ignoring the heads that turned in my direction, 我发动了那震耳欲聋的发动机,没去理睬那些朝我望过来的同学们,
and backed carefully into a place in the line of cars that were waiting to exit the parking lot. 小心翼翼地倒进了排着队等着出停车场的两辆车之间。
As I waited, trying to pretend that the earsplitting rumble 5 was coming from someone else's car, 等着的时候,我努力装出一副若无其事的样子,仿佛那个雷鸣般的轰鸣声是别人的车子发出来的,
I saw the two Cullens and the Hale twins getting into their car. 这时,我看见埃美特·卡伦、爱丽丝·卡伦和姓黑尔的那对双胞胎正钻进他们的车子,
It was the shiny new Volvo. 就是那辆亮闪闪的新沃尔沃。
Of course. I had not noticed their clothes before? I'd been too mesmerized 6 by their faces. 当然,我以前没有注意过他们的衣着——他们的相貌太令我着迷了。
Now that I looked, it was obvious that they were all dressed exceptionally well; simply, but in clothes that subtly hinted at designer origins. 这一看,我才发现他们显然都穿得特棒;衣服很简洁,却全都巧妙地显示出是出自设计师的手笔。
With their remarkable 7 good looks, the style with which they carried themselves, they could have worn dishrags and pulled it off. 凭这么出色的相貌,凭他们的风度,就是穿着洗碗布也同样会迷倒一大片。
It seemed excessive for them to have both looks and money. 这似乎过于完美了,他们真是“财”貌双全。
But as far as I could tell, life worked that way most of the time. 但就我所知,生活大多数时候就是这样。
It did not look as if it bought them any acceptance here. 这些似乎并没有让他们在这里得到认可。
No, I did not fully 2 believe that. 不,我并不完全相信是这样。
The isolation 8 must be their desire; I could not imagine any door that would not be opened by that degree of beauty. 肯定是他们自己不愿跟别人在一起的;我想象不出凭着这样的美,还会有哪扇门敲不开。
They looked at my noisy truck as I passed them, just like everyone else. 我从他们旁边经过时,他们看了我那辆轰隆隆的卡车一眼,就跟所有其他人一样。
I kept my eyes straight forward and was relieved when I finally was free of the school grounds. 我两眼始终直视着前方,好不容易出了学校,这才舒了一口气。
The Thriftway was not far from the school, just a few streets south, off the highway. 施利福特威超市离学校不远,往南只隔几条街,就在公路边上。
It was nice to be inside the supermarket; it felt normal. 在超市里边袋着真好;感觉很正常。
I did the shopping at home, and I fell into the pattern of the familiar task gladly. 在那边的家里就是我负责采购,所以我很乐意重新负起这个责任。
The store was big enough inside that I could not hear the tapping of the rain on the roof to remind me where I was. 商店里面很大,听不见雨水滴在屋顶上的声音,可以暂时忘却自己身在何处。
When I got home, I unloaded all the groceries, stuffing them in wherever I could find an open space. 到家后,我把所有的食品杂货都卸了下来,填满了我所能找到的储藏空间。
I hoped Charlie would not mind. 希望查理不会介意。
I wrapped potatoes in foil and stuck them in the oven to bake, covered a steak in marinade and balanced it on top of a carton of eggs in the fridge. 我用食品包装箔包了一些土豆,放进了烤箱烤,用调味汁儿腌了一块牛排,然后平放在了冰箱里的一盒子鸡蛋上面。
When I was finished with that, I took my book bag upstairs. 做完这些,我拎着书包上楼了。
Before starting my homework, I changed into a pair of dry sweats, pulled my damp hair up into a pony 9 tail, and checked my e-mail for the first time. 做作业之前,我换了一套干爽的运动套装,把潮乎乎的头发扎成了一个马尾辫,还查了一下电子邮件,我来这里后还是第一次查收邮件,
I had three messages. 一共有三封。
"Bella," my mom wrote? Write me as soon as you get in. “贝拉,”我妈妈写的……告诉我你这一路飞行的情况。
Tell me how your flight was. 一进门就要给我写信。
Is it raining? 在下雨吗?
I miss you already. 我已经开始想你了。
I'm almost finished packing for Florida, but I can not find my pink blouse. 去佛罗里达的行李,我已经收拾得差不多了,可我找不到我的那件粉色衬衫,
Do you know where I put it? 你知道我放哪儿了吗?
Phil says hi. 菲尔向你问好。
Mom. 妈妈。
I sighed and went to the next. 我叹了口气接着看下一封,
It was sent eight hours after the first. 是距第一封8小时之后发出的。
"Bella," she wrote? Why have not you e mailed me yet? “贝拉”她写道……怎么还不回复我的邮件?
What are you waiting for? 你在等什么?
Mom. 妈。
The last was from this morning. 最后一封是今天上午发的。
Isabella, If I have not heard from you by 5:30 p.m. today I'm calling Charlie. 伊萨贝拉:要是我今天下午5点半以前收不到你的邮件,我就要给查理打电话了。

  • At the swimming pool I put my clothes in a locker.在游泳池我把衣服锁在小柜里。
  • He moved into the locker room and began to slip out of his scrub suit.他走进更衣室把手术服脱下来。
  • The doctor asked me to breathe in,then to breathe out fully.医生让我先吸气,然后全部呼出。
  • They soon became fully integrated into the local community.他们很快就完全融入了当地人的圈子。
逃避( evade的过去式和过去分词 ); 避开; 回避; 想不出
  • For two weeks they evaded the press. 他们有两周一直避而不见记者。
  • The lion evaded the hunter. 那狮子躲开了猎人。
  • I hear the rumble of thunder in the distance.我听到远处雷声隆隆。
  • We could tell from the rumble of the thunder that rain was coming.我们根据雷的轰隆声可断定,天要下雨了。
v.使入迷( mesmerize的过去式和过去分词 )
  • The country girl stood by the road, mesmerized at the speed of cars racing past. 村姑站在路旁被疾驶而过的一辆辆车迷住了。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
  • My 14-year-old daughter was mesmerized by the movie Titanic. 我14岁的女儿完全被电影《泰坦尼克号》迷住了。 来自互联网
  • She has made remarkable headway in her writing skills.她在写作技巧方面有了长足进步。
  • These cars are remarkable for the quietness of their engines.这些汽车因发动机没有噪音而不同凡响。
  • The millionaire lived in complete isolation from the outside world.这位富翁过着与世隔绝的生活。
  • He retired and lived in relative isolation.他退休后,生活比较孤寂。
  • His father gave him a pony as a Christmas present.他父亲给了他一匹小马驹作为圣诞礼物。
  • They made him pony up the money he owed.他们逼他还债。
Acadian chickadee
adaption of the budget
Bacillus adhaesioformans
Bellamy, Edward
bivalent hydroearbon radical
bovine albumin
cherry picking
cloth press
correlation between series
crural septum
delay of operation
diagonal shear
dinoderus minutus
disk dish
do violence
dorm rooms
drill conductor
earthenware ship
eccentric latitude
egg crate
exactly divisible
fire assay
format loop
foundry work
free decomposition
fuel handling building crane
function genomics
funds in court
genus myopuses
genus thysanocarpuss
geothermal degree
hull construction method
infiltrative exophthalmos
intestine loop
leading edge flap actuation system
limitedaccess highway
marine compressor
Mary Queen of Scots
material preparation
mechanical press brake
minstrels' gallery
negative euthanasia
note of allowance
one-way circuit
out gate
oxyphthalic acid
pattern of behavior
polypedates eiffingeri
precision optical instrument
preemptive self-defence
Profit Table
saccharated ferrous oxide
set-up box
shot after shot
soldering fluid
spirochetal hemorrhagic bronchitis
spotted slate
time delay integration device
timing pointer
under cooled steam
unsymmetrical flow
variable reduction
venae tympanicae
zone of welding current