时间:2019-01-02 作者:英语课 分类:CRI实用英语课堂


Part 1 About Greyhound 灰狗巴士简介 

    Founded in 1914, Greyhound Lines, Inc. is the largest provider of intercity bus transportation, serving more than 3,100 destinations with 16,000 daily departures across North America. It has become an American icon 1, providing safe, enjoyable and affordable 2 travel to 22 million passengers each year. The Greyhound running dog is one of the most-recognized brands in the world.

    While Greyhound is well known for its regularly scheduled passenger service, the company also provides a number of other services for its customers. Greyhound PackageXpress service offers value-priced same-day and early-next-day package delivery to thousands of destinations. And the company's Greyhound Travel Services unit offers charter 3 and tour packages for businesses, conventions 4, schools and other groups at competitive 5 rates.

    For travel within Canada, Greyhound Canada carries millions of passengers across the country's provinces and territories each year. The company also provides Greyhound Courier Express package delivery service to its various Canadian locations.

    For those within Mexico who wish to travel by Greyhound in the United States, Greyhound subsidiary 6 Greyhound de Mexico can sell Greyhound tickets at one of more than 100 agencies located throughout Mexico. The agencies also sell tickets for several Mexican bus companies which connect to Greyhound service at the United States-Mexico border cities.



    灰狗所发行的“美国旅游券”(Greyhound Ameripass)以及旅途所发行的“老鹰旅游券”(Trailways Eaglepass)可互用。团体、老人、残疾以及小孩(12岁以下半价,5岁以下由大人陪同免费)另有折扣。灰狗公司也提供观光式以及全套式的服务。

Part 2 Greyhounding It 灰狗公车兜兜风

Dialogue Script 1  对话原文 1 

Peter: I think we should fly. It's the fastest option.
Tina: But if we fly, we'll miss out on the landscape.
Peter: Airplanes are out, then. We've already rented a car. How about hitchhiking?
Tina: That sounds dangerous. I'll pass.
Peter: The only other options are the train or a bus.
Tina: I'd like to see what an American bus is like.
Peter: They're not as nice as trains.
Tina: But Greyhound is famous. Let's take it.
Peter: OK. Let's go find a computer to buy e-tickets.
Tina: Wouldn't it be better to get a ticket at the station?
Peter: And wait in those lines? No thanks.
Tina: Wow, it's a sixteen-hour trip. That's long.
Peter: We should get an overnighter so we can sleep.
Tina: But I wan 7 to see the countryside. Let's go during the day.
Peter: If we get seven-day advance tickets, they cost fifty-nine dollars instead of one hundred and six.
Tina: We could find something to do for seven days.
Peter: Done. We leave at six in the morning and arrive in Orlando at eleven at night.


1. 对话中Peter和Tina在商量乘什么交通工具旅行的事情。Peter认为他们应该坐飞机去,这是最快的选择了。Tina不同意,因为如果他们坐飞机的话,就欣赏不到外面的风景了。miss out on sth,错过某事,我们在上节课也提到过。

2. 这样的话,飞机的选择就出局了。Airplanes are out, then. out在这里表示“被淘汰的,出局的,不可能的”,在口语中比较常用,比如说,Swimming in the sea is out until the weather gets warmer. 现在在海里游泳是不可能了,只能等天气暖和一点才行。

3. Peter他们已经租过车了,也许他们可以搭便车旅行,hitchhike,表示“免费搭乘别人的车”,比如说,They hitchhiked through France to Spain. 他们沿途搭便车经法国前往西班牙。如果你想搭便车,只要在路边竖起你的大拇指就行了,别人就会明白你的意思。

4. 但是Tina觉得搭便车旅行太危险了,也许会碰上坏人。她说,I'll pass. 意思就是“我放弃,我弃权”,比如说你在玩牌的时候,轮到你出牌的时候,你没有牌出或者不想出,就可以说I'll pass.既然坐飞机不行,搭便车也不行,那么其他的选择就剩下火车或者汽车了。

5. option这个词表示“选择权,选择自由,选择”,比如说,I don't have much option in the matter. 在这件事情上我别无选择。I have little option but to go. 我别无选择只好走掉。在对话中,option的意思是“可供选择的事物,选择”,我们可以说,There weren't many options open to him. 他没有什么选择的余地。还有一个关于option的习语,keep/leave one's options open,暂不做出决定,留有选择余地,举个例子,Don't take the job now-keep your options open until you leave university. 先别急着接受这份工——暂时保留选择权,到离开这所大学的时候再说。

6. Tina说她想看看美国的公交车的样子。Peter告诉她,公交车可没有火车舒服。不过Tina听说灰狗巴士很有名,很想试一试。Peter决定满足Tina的愿望,打算去网上订票。Tina说直接去车站买票不好吗?Peter可不想去车站排长队,又累又费时间。整个行程需要16个小时,真的是很长时间。

7. 所以Peter建议他们坐夜车这样还可以睡觉。overnighter就是指那种夜车,下午或者晚上出发,早上到的班次。但是Tina想在白天看路边的乡村风景,所以她还想坐白天的车。Peter在网上查到如果预定七天以后的票,价钱就可以便宜很多。所以他们就订了七天后的汽车票,早上六点出发,晚上十一点到达Orlando,奥兰多。

Dialogue Script 2  对话原文 2

(Seven days later, six o'clock at the bus station)
Peter: OK, let's get on the bus.
ina: Peter, that's the wrong bus. It goes to Baton 8 Rouge 9.
Peter: I guess I'm still half sleep.
Tina: Here's our bus. (boards the bus)
Peter: Hey, there are only two seats on either side.
Tina: I guess we won't be able to all sit together.
Peter: You sit next to Jack 10. I've had enough of his snoring.
Tina: You're in luck. The seat next to yours is empty.
Peter: Yeah, baby! I'm gonna kick back all the way to Orlando.


1. 早上六点钟,Tina他们就来到了汽车站。Peter见了一辆巴士就要上,get on the bus表示“上公共汽车”,也可以用board这个词,也表示“上船,火车,飞机,公共汽车等…”,比如说,Please board the plane immediately. 请立刻上飞机。

2. Tina提醒Peter说,他上的车是开往巴顿路琪市的,Baton Rouge,是路易斯安那州的首府。Peter自我解嘲说,看来我还在半梦半醒之间呢,还没有完全睡醒。I'm still half sleep.Tina找到了他们要上的车。上了车后发现两边只有两个座位,看来他们是没有办法坐在一起了。

3. Peter让Tina坐在Jack的旁边,因为他实在受不了Jack打呼噜的声音了。have enough of sth 这个词组表示“已经受够…”的意思。Tina说Peter走运了,因为他旁边的位置是空的,没有人坐。be in luck 就跟lucky一样,表示“幸运的,有…运气的”。

4. Peter也很高兴,说 I'm gonna kick back all the way to Orlando. 我可以一路舒舒服服到奥兰多了。kick back 这个词组表示“放轻松”,是很口语化的。

Dialogue Script 3  对话原文 3

Tina: We have to hurry. The bus driver said we have fifteen minutes.
Clerk: What would you like?
Tina: A cheeseburger and fries, please. And a coke, too.
Clerk: Would you like anything else with that?
Tina: Sure. Make that a double order. (to Peter) I'll get this for Jack since he's sleeping.
Clerk: Add twenty cents and we can super-size it.
Tina: OK. Why not? (to Peter) I wonder if Jack will have to wake up now that people are getting on the bus.


1. 对话中,Tina和Peter在中途休息站休息,两个人去买午餐。司机说只有15分钟的休息时间。那他们点了什么作午餐呢?Tina要了一份奶酪汉堡、薯条和可乐。

2. Tina还给正在车上睡觉的Jack也点了一份同样的东西。Make that a double order. 就是“刚刚点的来两份”的意思。

3. 店员推荐说,只要再加20美分就可以加大分量。super-size在这里作动词,表示“把某物加大尺寸,加大分量”。Tina觉得很划算,有何不可呢?

4. Tina觉得很划算,有何不可呢?就是Why not? 当你同意别人的提议的时候,就可以使用这句话,比如说,---How about going out for a walk? ---Why not? ---出去散散步如何?---有何不可呢?

5. Tina还不知道Jack会不会醒,午餐不要凉了才好。一般乘公共汽车作长途旅行中间都会在休息站稍作休息,大家要趁这个机会下车活动活动,顺便买些吃的。

Part 3 A Nasty 11 Guy 讨厌的邻座 

Dialogue Script 1  对话原文 1 

Slime: Hey, you're in my seat.
Tina: (wakes up) Oh, sorry. I'll move over.
Slime: Hi, my name's slime. I'm into punk music. (Puts on loud headphones)
Tina: Do you mind turning that down? I'm trying to sleep.
Slime: Punk music sounds best when it's loud and fast.
Tina: I guess I won't get to sleep now. What's wrong with your lips?
Slime: Huh? Oh, I got 'em pierced.
Tina: They don't look so good. They're bleeding all over.
Slime: That's because my friend did it for me.
Tina: So he messed it up?
Slime: Yea, we were drunk. He pierced the lip instead of the skin below it.
Tina: I see. It's actually bleeding right now.
Slime: That's because I just had six beers. Beer thins your blood. (Spits blood on Tina)
Tina: Watch it! That's nasty!
Slime: Chill 12 out! I don't have AIDS.
Tina: I don't care. Don't do that again!


1. 车走了一半,这时在中途上来了一个着装怪异的人,一上车就对Tina大叫,Hey, you're in my seat. 喂,你坐在我的位置上了。其实灰狗公车并不划位,只要购买车票,就可以上车自由找座位。所以这是非常不礼貌的说法,只是表示“我要坐这个位子”。

2. Tina正在车上打盹,但还是给他让了座位。这个人自我介绍说他叫Slime,超喜欢庞克音乐,就是Punk Music。旁克文化是70年代兴起的青年文化,指一群以喧哗摇滚乐和怪异发型、服装来反抗现实社会的年轻人。

3. 他头上还戴着耳机,里面传出非常大的音乐声音。Tina对他说,你能把音乐声调小一点吗?我正想睡觉呢。Slime可不理会Tina的要求,理由是庞克音乐就是又吵又快才好听。所以Tina是没有办法再睡觉了。

4. Tina突然发现这个人的嘴唇有点不对劲,原来Slime在嘴唇上打了一个洞,get them pierced。pierce指“在某物上扎眼,扎孔”,比如说,She had her ears pierced so that she could wear ear-rings. 她扎了耳朵眼就可以戴耳环了。

5. pierce还表示“指尖物刺透、刺入某物”,比如说,The arrow pierced his shoulder. 那支箭刺入他的肩膀。Her suffering pierced their hearts. 她遭受的痛苦让他们心如刀绞。这个洞是Slime的朋友帮他扎的,可能是没有扎好,嘴唇一直在流血。

6. mess it up 就是“把某事物搞砸”的意思。Slime刚才又喝了六罐啤酒,他说啤酒会稀释血液,Beer thins your blood. thin这里是一个动词,表示“使某物变稀或少”。比如说,You'll have to wait until the fog thins out. 你们得等雾散了些再走。

7. 还有一个关于thin的短语,thin down,意思是“变苗条,变瘦”,举个例子,He has thinned down a lot since he went on a diet. 他自从节食以来已经瘦了不少。Slime说完就朝Tina身上吐了一口血,这让Tina感觉很恶心。

8. Slime竟然还觉得这没什么,他又没有艾滋病。Chill out! 表示“冷静”,在前面的章节中我们也提到过。Tina才不管,总之Slime不要再喷血了,很不卫生。

Dialogue Script 2  对话原文 2 

Slime: You're such a square. It's just a little blood.
Tina: It's unsanitary.
Slime: Here. Wipe it off with this. (hands Tina a blood-soaked hanky)
Tina: I'm not touching 13 that.
Slime: (Lights cigarette) Suit yourself.
Tina: You can't smoke in here. This is a no-smoking bus.
Slime: I guess I can't drink beer either, can I? (cracks open a can of beer)
Tina: That's it! I'm changing seats.
Slime: And leave me all alone in this nice comfy seat. Thanks!


1. 对话中,讨厌的Slime还埋怨Tina是是一个老古板,不就是几滴血而已,何必那么大惊小怪。Tina说这很不卫生。It's unsanitary.

2. Slime还让Tina拿他那沾满血迹的手绢把喷在身上的血迹擦掉,Tina才不要碰他那脏兮兮的东西呢。Slime说随你便吧,就是Suit yourself! 这时Slime又点了一根烟抽了起来。

3. Tina又警告他说,你不能吸烟,因为这是禁烟公车。Slime变本加厉,还开了一罐啤酒喝了起来。Tina实在是忍受不了了,That's it! 相当于That's enough! 表示“受够了某事物”。

4. Tina要换座位,这可称了Slime的心意,正好把这个舒服的位置给他一个人坐,原来这才是他搞怪的真正目的。

Dialogue Script 3  对话原文 3 

Peter: That was a long ride.
Tina: Tell me about it. You didn't have to sit next to a punk zombie.
Peter: The obese 14 man you sat next to afterwards was better.
Tina: He was leaning on me for six hours. You know, next time we should take the train.
Peter: No kidding! And you know what? This train schedule says that train tickets are much cheaper.
Tina: Wow! New Orleans to Orlando for only $36. we should've taken that in the first place.
Peter: I told you so.


1. Tina终于换到了Peter旁边的位置。Peter抱怨说这趟车的时间可真够长的。Tina也抱怨说,这还用你说,你又不用坐在那个庞克僵尸的身边。Tell me about it. 表示“这还用你说,当然了”,可以用在你同意别人所说的话的时候,特别是带点情绪和感慨的时候。

2. Peter说刚才坐在Tina旁边的那个大胖子还不错,可是Tina说那个大胖子在Tina身上靠了6个小时,可真够Tina受的了。Tina自己说,下次出门真的应该坐火车。Peter完全同意,No kidding!表示“当然”。

3. Peter还在火车时刻表上发现火车票要比汽车票便宜多了。果然,从新奥尔良到奥兰多只要36美元。他们一开始就应该坐火车的。in the first place,表示“首先,一开始”。


  • They found an icon in the monastery.他们在修道院中发现了一个圣像。
  • Click on this icon to align or justify text.点击这个图标使文本排齐。
  • The rent for the four-roomed house is affordable.四居室房屋的房租付得起。
  • There are few affordable apartments in big cities.在大城市中没有几所公寓是便宜的。
  • This new law amounts to a tax evader's charter.这项新法律简直成了为逃税者开的许可证。
  • We will charter a steamer to convey the goods.我们将租一艘船运送这批货物。
(某一职业、政党等的人士召开的)大会( convention的名词复数 ); 协议; 习俗; (美国)全国代表大会
  • They broke away from conventions. 他们打破了常规。
  • They disregard social conventions without being conscious that they are doing anything extraordinary. 他们不顾社会习俗,并未意识到自己在做些与众不同的事。
  • Some kinds of business are competitive.有些商业是要竞争的。
  • These businessmen are both competitive and honourable.这些商人既有竞争性又很诚实。
  • The company placed much money in its foreign subsidiary.那家公司投下巨额资金于国外的子公司。
  • This question is subsidiary to the previous one.这个问题是辅助上一个问题的。
(wide area network)广域网
  • The shared connection can be an Ethernet,wireless LAN,or wireless WAN connection.提供共享的网络连接可以是以太网、无线局域网或无线广域网。
  • With the baton the conductor was beating time.乐队指挥用指挥棒打拍子。
  • The conductor waved his baton,and the band started up.指挥挥动指挥棒,乐队开始演奏起来。
  • Women put rouge on their cheeks to make their faces pretty.女人往面颊上涂胭脂,使脸更漂亮。
  • She didn't need any powder or lip rouge to make her pretty.她天生漂亮,不需要任何脂粉唇膏打扮自己。
  • I am looking for the headphone jack.我正在找寻头戴式耳机插孔。
  • He lifted the car with a jack to change the flat tyre.他用千斤顶把车顶起来换下瘪轮胎。
  • She got a nasty knock on the head when she fell.她跌倒时头部受到严重碰撞。
  • When this material burns,it flings off a nasty smell.这种物质燃烧时发出一股难闻的气味。
  • With the chill factor,it's nearly minus forty here.加上风寒指数,气温接近零下40度。
  • The bad news cast a chill over the whole family.这坏消息使全家人感到沮丧。
  • It was a touching sight.这是一幅动人的景象。
  • His letter was touching.他的信很感人。
  • The old man is really obese,it can't be healthy.那位老人确实过于肥胖了,不能算是健康。
  • Being obese and lazy is dangerous to health.又胖又懒危害健康。
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amount of growing stock
Anthemis nobilis L.
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Francisco Fernandez Cordoba
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Mahuang Fuzi Gancuo Tang Decoction of Ephedra
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Pterocarpus marsupium
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Request For Comments
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Sound And Light Signals
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William the Conqueror