CRI实用英语课堂 Unit 32 At the Flea Market 跳蚤市场猎奇
时间:2019-01-02 作者:英语课 分类:CRI实用英语课堂
Part 1 The History of Flea 1 Market 跳蚤市场的起源
flea market, 字面翻译过来就是“跳蚤市场”,可是为什么经营旧货的街头市场被称为“跳蚤”场呢?这个名字是怎么来的呢? 有关flea market的来源,有两种:一种是 flea market 最初来源于纽约的Fly Market,Fly Market是纽约曼哈顿地区的一个固定市场,这个市场从美国独立战争(1775年)之前一直延续到大约1816年。Fly这个词来源于这个市场的荷兰语名称Vly或Vlie,这个词在荷兰语的意思是“山谷”,很巧的是,它在荷兰语中的发音正好和英语中的flea一样,所以就形成了英语中的flea market。
另一种说法是flea market来自巴黎,是巴黎专门卖便宜货的地方。人们半开玩笑地说市场内的破烂商品里很可能到处都是跳蚤,该市场因此而得名。不管怎样,二十世纪二十年代flea market第一次出现在英语中,指的是一种往往在周末举行的非正式集市。
如今,跳蚤市场已经和跳蚤没什么关系了,但这个名字却一直沿用了下来。flea market 一般都是在户外,那儿有许多摊贩出售各种各样的东西,有不少都是用过的旧东西,新的东西也有,但是质量一般都比较差,价钱也很便宜。只要你眼光够独到,你能花很少的钱买到很有价值的古董或其他既便宜又好的东西。正如大家开玩笑所说:“You don't buy what you need, You buy what you want at a flea maket”。
Part 2 How to Bargain 讨价还价
Dialogue Script 对话原文
Tom: Hi, how much do you want for this?
Saleslady: 150 RMB.
Tom: What! Don't try to rip 2 me off! I know what this is worth. 50 RMB, tops.
Saleslady: No way! It cost me more than that. (grabs a calculator) 120 RMB.
Tom: Come on! If you don't give me a better price, I won't buy this from you.
Saleslady:110 RMB. Take it or leave it.
Tom: (takes the calculator and enters 55) I'll give you 55 RMB.
Saleslady: I can't do that. I have to make a living. Give me 100 RMB and it's yours.
Tom: That's still much too expensive. (starts to walk away)
Saleslady: Wait, wait! OK, 85 RMB. Final price.
Tom: If that's the lowest you're willing to go, I'm leaving. I'll pay 65 RMB, final offer.
Saleslady: You drive a hard bargain. I'm losing money on this, but alright. I'll let you have it for 65.
Tom: (pays the money) Thanks a lot. See you next time.
Saleslady: Bye.
1. 这段对话中,Tom在跟卖主讨价还价。看看他们都是怎么说的。How much do you want for this? 这件东西你想卖多少钱?这句话一般是买家问的。如果是在可以讲价的地方,卖主可能会反问你,“How much do you want to pay for this?”你想出多少钱买这件东西?
2. 开始的时候卖主开价150元钱。Tom觉得太贵了,他说,What! Don't try to rip me off. I know what this is worth. 别想宰我,我是识货的。买东西的时候最怕的就是被宰。所以不管是不是行家都要先造出声势,用这句话镇住卖家。
3. rip someone off 意思就是某商店或商贩要价过高,就是我们平常说的“宰人”,“敲竹杠”。比如说,The man tried to rip me off, but I taught them a good lesson. 那个人要骗我,结果让我教训了一顿。如果真的被狠宰了一下,你当然还可以说,“I was ripped 3 off.”或者“I was cleaned out.” 其中,I was cleaned out.有被骗得很惨的意思。
4. Tom说最多能给50块钱,50 RMB, tops. tops这里是一个复数名词,在口语中表示“最好的人或事物”,对话中就是指最高的价钱。比如说,I like most cities, but for me Paris is the tops. 一般的城市我都喜欢,但是我最喜欢的城市是巴黎。卖主不同意,No way! 在口语当中也很常用,就像我们常说的“没门!”。比如说:Give up our ten-minute break? No way! 让我们放弃10分钟的工作休息时间?没门!No way will I go on working for him! 我不会再为他工作了。
5. 那如果想少花点钱怎么说呢?我们可以说Can you give me a little deal on this? 这能卖得便宜一点吗?或者Can you give me this for cheaper? 能便宜一点给我吗?还有Is there any discount on bulk purchases?我多买些能打折吗?bulk purchases 就是“大量地购买”,等于 buy something in bulk。还可以说Give me a discount. 给我打个折吧。 discount 是“折扣”的意思。
6. 大家注意了平时在商店里常出现的表示打折的牌子是 on sale。专门卖廉价物品的商店叫 bargain store,店里卖廉价商品的柜台叫 bargain counter。 卖主说120块钱卖给Tom,Tom还是嫌贵,他说,If you don't give me a better price, I won't buy this from you. 如果你不给我便宜点,我就不在你这里买了。
7.一定不要让卖主觉得你软弱可欺,那价钱可就讲不下来了。卖主想了想,又降到110块钱,还说Take it or leave it. 买的话就这个价钱,不买的话就走好了,看来这个卖主也不好对付啊。 Tom还是不同意,不过他给卖主加了5块钱,想55块钱成交。卖主还是不愿意,她说,给100块钱就是你的了。双方都往后退了一步,现在已经到了关键时刻了,就看谁能撑到最后了。
8. Tom觉得100块钱还是太贵,转身就要走了。That's still much too expensive. much too 是修饰expensive的,本来单用much 或too就可以了,但是这里把这两个词连用,更加强调了贵的程度。也可以说That's still way too expensive. 这是 Tom 在跟卖主打心理战,卖主真的是支撑不住了,招呼他回来,说85块钱就可以卖。我觉得这一幕很熟悉哦,经常在讲不下来的时候转身就走,如果还可以便宜,卖主自然会叫你回去,如果卖主没有叫你回去,说明这个东西十有八九就是这个价钱了,这样你再看到同样商品的时候,心里就有数了。
9. 一定要货比三家啊。Tom觉得85块钱还是贵,If that's the lowest you're willing to go, I'm leaving. 如果85块钱就是最低价了,我还是不买了。这里go就相当于charge me。还可以用这个表达问最低价钱,What's the lowest you're willing to go? 最低你能出什么价?但是,如果卖者的出价还是太高,你就可以说,“Could you go down a little?”如果你的出价太低,卖者接受不了,他/她也可以相应的说,“Could you go up a little?”但是这里的go却是pay的意思了。
10. 我们还可以说Come on, give me a break on this. 意思就是“别这样,你就让点儿价吧。在不同的语境中,give someone a break这个词组可以有不同的解释。“在这句话里,give someone a break 的意思是 give someone a chance,指的是“让价”。但是如果你正在忙着复习考试,你的室友却想让你帮他打水,你就可以对他说,Give me a break. I' m busy right now. 别烦我,我正忙着呢。
11. 卖主到这个时候已经无话可说了,You drive a hard bargain. I'm losing money on this,意思是说“你真会讲价,我要赔钱了”。最后卖主决定65块钱卖给Tom。Tom觉得这个价钱也可以接受了,两个人就成交了。看来讨价还价不光要讲技巧,还要讲耐力,真是斗智斗勇啊。
Part 3 At a Flea Market 逛跳蚤市场
Dialogue Script 1 对话原文 1
Saleslady: Do you like that vintage clock? It's almost fifty years old.
Martin: Really? It almost looks brand new. And the color designs are so retro.
Saleslady: Well, in the fifties, that clock used to be inside a drive-in burger joint 4.
Martin: No way! My parents used to hang out at those places.
Saleslady: This is one of my favorite items.
Martin: How did you get it?
Saleslady: I found it at a garage sale once.
Martin: What a find! So, how much does it cost?
Saleslady: Well, because I like you...ninety bucks 5.
Martin: Ninety dollars is pretty steep. I'll take it for sixty bucks.
Saleslady: Sixty bucks? No-can-do, Son. You'll be lucky if I go down to eighty-five.
Martin: Eighty-five? That's the best you can do? I'll come back later...
1.对话中Martin正在逛跳蚤市场。一个卖主跟他搭话,问他喜不喜欢那个古董钟,vintage的意思是“古老的,陈旧的”,和clock搭配就表示“古董钟”。这个古董钟已经有50年的历史了,但是看起来还是很新。It almost looks brand new. brand new 这个短语表示“全新的,崭新的”。例如:This is a brand new world. 这是一个崭新的世界。
2. 这个古董钟不仅看起来是全新的,而且颜色的搭配也很复古,And the color designs are so retro。retro是一个前缀,表示“ 向后”, “倒退”, “追溯”的意思,那么在这里retro 表示“复古的或者复古的事物”就不难理解了。
3. 那么drive-in burger joint具体是指什么呢? drive-in burger joint 是指“停车场餐厅”,是一种50年代常见的营业模式,客人购买食物以后呢,就可以直接在店家的停车场里食用。卖主告诉Martin,在50年代,这个钟就曾经被放在这种停车场的汉堡店里。
4. Martin听了觉得很惊奇,No way! My parents used to hang out at those places. 不会吧!我爸妈过去就经常在那里约会。No way! 我们在Part 2就讲过了。我们来说一说hang out 这个词组,在口语中,hang out表示“经常去某个地方或居住”,例如:Where does he hang out these days? 他这一阵子都在什么地方来着?
5. 卖主看出来Martin对这个古董钟有兴趣,她告诉Martin,这个古董钟是她最喜欢的收藏品之一,是在一个车库拍卖会找到的。在美式英语中garage sale是指“汽车行李箱货物卖场”,就是把不想要的东西放在自己的汽车行李箱中出售,也是一种二手货市场,跟flea market差不多,在英式英语中的说法是 car-boot sale。
6. Martin 称赞卖主说What a find! 真是眼光独到,淘到宝了!find在这里做名词,表示“发现或找到的物或人”,比如说:Our tutor was a marvelous find. 我们找到了一个很出色的家庭教师。 I made a great find at the flea market the other day. 那天我在跳蚤市场淘到了一件宝贝。make a find这个词组就表示“找到某物”。Martin问这个古董钟的价钱,卖主说Well, because I like you...ninety bucks. 既然我跟你投缘…90美元好了。buck在口语中表示美元,dollar。
7. Martin觉得90美元太贵了,但是他没有用expensive这个词,而用的是steep这个词,表示“价格或要求过高的,不合理的,过分的”,比如, I wouldn't pay 300 bucks for that cat--- it's too steep. 我才不花300美金买那只猫呢,要价太离谱了。She wants you to water her plants for four weeks ---That's a bit steep! 她竟然要你替她浇4个星期的花,这可有点过分了!
8. Martin出价60美金,I'll take it for sixty bucks. 也可以说I'll have it for sixty bucks. 卖主觉得60美元太便宜了,不能卖,她说,No-can-do. 是说“行不通的,不行”,是一种委婉表示不可能的说法。卖主觉得能降到85块就已经很不错了。 You'll be lucky if I go down to eighty-five. 这里go down to ...就表示“把价格降到…”,那么相应的我们就可以说go up to...把价格升到…。
9. Martin觉得85块钱太贵了,Eighty-five? That's the best you can do? I'll come back later...85块钱?你只能降这么多吗?我呆会儿再回来。That's the best you can do 是指that's the best you can go 或者That's the best you can offer。
Dialogue Script 2 对话原文 2
Sarah: How much for these autographed Elvis records?
Salesman: Thirty bucks a record. Or five for one hundred and twenty bucks.
Sarah: Uh, I'm not sure. Are these all in good condition?
Salesman: Absolutely. I bought them from the King's estate myself! Tell you what --- I'll let you have five for one hundred bucks.
Sarah: I don't really need five.
Salesman: OK. Five for eighty-five bucks. That's my final offer.
Sarah: Oh, why not? I'll take them.
Salesman: It's a deal.
1. 在跳蚤市场上Sarah看上了几张有猫王亲笔签名的唱片,正在跟卖主讨价还价。唱片的价钱是30美金一张,或者是120美金五张。真是够贵的了,所以Sarah很犹豫,说I'm not sure.,表示“我还得想想”。
2. 她又问Are these all in good condition? 它们都保存的很好吗?condition在这里表示“现状,状况,情况”,比如,The car is in poor condition. 这辆车的状况很差。condition 还是“健康状况,健康”,例如:He's in excellent condition for a man of his age. 就其年龄而言,身体算是好的了。
3. 再举个例子,I've had no exercise for years; I'm really out of condition. 我好长时间没有运动了,现在身体也不是很好了。再比如,She's in no condition to travel. 她的身体状况不适宜旅行。卖主保证这些唱片都保存的非常好,是他亲自从猫王家里买来的。这里的the King's estate就是说“猫王的家”,目前被改为猫王纪念馆。
4. 卖主看Sarah也是有诚意买这些唱片,就给她让了些价钱,说可以100美金买5张。tell you what...在口语中表示的意义相当于“要不这样…”,当你做了一些让对方失望的事情,比如说临时取消约会,或是开出让人不满意的价格,就可以说这句话,再接着说出你的建议,告诉对方你愿意用这种方式来弥补他。
5. 但是Sarah还是觉得贵,她假装说她并不需要这么多唱片,目的就是让卖主再讲些价钱,结果卖主真的上当了,说可以85块钱卖5张。这是他最后的开价了,不能再低了。That's my final offer. Sarah马上就同意了。最后双方成交,It's a deal. 这个句子表示“成交,就这么说定了”。a fair/square deal 表示“公平交易”,比如:We offered you a fair deal on furniture. 我们卖家具的价钱已经很公道了。
Dialogue Script 3 对话原文 3
Sarah: So, Martin, what have you got?
Martin: Well, there's this clock I was...My vintage clock! How do you have my clock?!
Sarah: YOUR vintage clock? I just paid sixty-five dollars for it.
Martin: Sixty-five? What the...? How did you bargain him down, Sarah? You've never even been to a flea market before!
Sarah: No sweat. It must be my special touch. I think bargaining is in my blood!
Martin: Never underestimate 6 a woman when it comes to bargaining!
1. 对话中,Sarah和Martin在跳蚤市场相遇了,Sarah问Martin淘到了什么东西没有,Martin还对他看上的那个古董钟耿耿于怀,他正打算告诉Sarah他的古董钟,突然看见Sarah手里拿着的正是他没买到的那个钟,很惊讶,语气都变了,My vintage clock! How do you have my clock?! 我的古董钟!你怎么会有我的古董钟的?Sarah觉得Martin真是莫名其妙,明明是自己花钱买的,怎么成了Martin的古董钟了? YOUR vintage clock? 你的古董钟?这里大家要注意词的重音。
2. Sarah花了65美金买下了这个古董钟,Martin更惊讶了,原来那个卖主是少85块钱不卖的呀,所以他说How did you bargain him down, Sarah? 你是怎么砍价的?bargain someone down 或者talk someone down,都表示“跟某人讨价还价,砍价”。Sarah以前从来没有去过跳蚤市场,看来她真是一个天生的砍价能手。她自己也说,No sweat. It must be my special touch. 小意思,这一定是我的特长。
3. No sweat.这个句子表示“小事一桩,小菜一碟”,是说某件事很简单,不需要花费太多的力气就可以解决。touch在这里表示“特殊的能力或技巧”,比如:I can't do the crossword 7 today---I must be losing my touch. 我今天填不出这字谜了,一定是技巧退步了。Has he regained 8 his old touch? 他恢复以前的能力了吗?
4. Sarah还夸自己说I think bargaining is in my blood! 我觉得我有讲价的天赋。something is in one's blood或着run in the blood,在身体之中流有….的血,也就是说某人对某物有特别的兴趣或才能。比如,Most of my family are photographers; it runs in the blood. 我的家人大都擅长摄影,是世传。
5. Martin非常崇拜Sarah,他说,Never underestimate a woman when it comes to bargaining!说到砍价的时候,绝对不能低估女人。underestimate表示“低估,小看”。when it comes to something是指“当涉及某事、某种情况或某种问题”的时候,例如:I'm as good a cook as she is except when it comes to making spaghetti. 我饭做的和她一样好 ,但是我就是做不好意大利面。
- I'll put a flea in his ear if he bothers me once more.如果他再来打扰的话,我就要对他不客气了。
- Hunter has an interest in prowling around a flea market.亨特对逛跳蚤市场很感兴趣。
- He had seen the rip in the book.他看到了书里的裂缝。
- I tried not to rip the paper as I unwrapped it.我把纸打开的时候,尽量不把它撕破。
- I had a bad fall,which put my shoulder out of joint.我重重地摔了一跤,肩膀脫臼了。
- We wrote a letter in joint names.我们联名写了封信。
- They cost ten bucks. 这些值十元钱。
- They are hunting for bucks. 他们正在猎雄兔。 来自《简明英汉词典》
- Don't underestimate the role of theory.不要轻视理论的作用。
- I think a lot of people still underestimate him.我觉得很多人仍然低估了他。
- He shows a great interest in crossword puzzles.他对填字游戏表现出很大兴趣。
- Don't chuck yesterday's paper out.I still haven't done the crossword.别扔了昨天的报纸,我还没做字谜游戏呢。