音标:[bєә] ; 柯林斯词典等级:1 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 熊
vt. 忍受, 支承, 产生, 怀有, 通过卖空使跌价
vi. 忍受, 结果实, 压挤, 行进, 转向
n. massive plantigrade carnivorous or omnivorous mammals with long shaggy coats and strong claws
n. an investor with a pessimistic market outlook; an investor who expects prices to fall and so sells now in order to buy later at a lower price
v. have
v. move while holding up or supporting
词型变化:过去分词 : born ; 现在分词 : bearing ; 过去式 : bore ; 第三人称单数 : bears ; 名词复数形式 : bears



  1. The hunter slashed at the bear with his knife.猎人挥刀向熊猛烈砍去。
  2. The bear has lived up to his reputation for stupidity.这只熊果然名不虚传,笨得出奇。
  1. I can't bear young people casting away their youth.我无法忍受年轻人虚掷青春。
  2. Girls whom can get easily may be hard to bear.容易追求的女子,也许很难忍受。
  3. The shelf, too weak to bear all the books, collapsed.架子太不结实了,无法负荷所有的书,就被压塌了。
  4. They will bud and blossom and bear fruit.它们将萌芽,开花和结果。
  5. "A-bomb, H-bomb and nuclear-powered submarine"两弹一艇
  6. He was born to an affluent family.他生在富裕人家。
  7. It is said that wisdom is born with a man.有人说智慧是与生俱来的。


  1. She was unable to bear.她忍受不了啦。
  2. Next year the tree will bear.明年这树就要结果了。
  3. Some of the new-planted apple orchards have also begun to bear.有些新开的苹果园也开始结苹果了。
  4. The peach tree bears well.这棵桃树结果子很多。
  5. The peach trees are not going to bear well this year.今年桃树结果不会多。
  6. The lighthouse bears due west.灯塔位于正西方。
  7. At the fork of the road, bear toward the left.到了岔路口再向左转。
  8. The road bears towards the left when it reaches the brigade clinic.这条路通到大队卫生站后渐渐转向左边去了。
  9. To get the door open, you have to bear hard against it.你要用力推门才能把它打开。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. It took two men to bear that stone.要两个人才抬得起那块石头。
  2. His shoulders can bear a heavy load.他的肩膀能挑重担。
  3. A camel can bear burden.骆驼能驮重。
  4. Three helping one another bear the burden of six.三人互相帮忙,能挑得起六个人的担子。
  5. This beam bears the whole weight of the upper floor.这根大梁承受了上面那一层的全部重量。
  6. The delicate handicraft works will not bear rough handling.精致的手工艺品经不起粗鲁的摆弄。
  7. The ice is too thin to bear your weight.冰太薄,承受不了你的重量。
  8. We will bear all the expenses.我们将承担所有的费用。
  9. The government will bear the expenses of these orphans' education.政府将负担这些孤儿的教育费用。
  10. It would be unjust for him to bear personally the great expenses involved.让他个人承担所涉及的巨大费用是不公正的。
  11. In such cases the state bears the loss.在这种情况下则由国家承担损失。
  12. I'm willing to bear the blame for my mistakes.我对自己的错误甘受责罚。
  13. Who will bear the responsibility?谁将承担责任?
  14. Naturally they will have to bear all the consequences.当然他们得承担一切后果。
  15. The captain of the ship bears a heavy load of duty and anxiety at all times.船长肩负着重任,总是忧心忡忡的。
  16. The chief cadre in charge should bear greater responsibility.主要负责干部要多承担一些责任。
  17. This theory will bear examination.这个理论经得起检验。
  18. The matter would bear no delay.这件事情可耽误不得。
  19. The election results just don't bear examination.选举的结果根本经不起检查。
  20. His claim doesn't bear close examination.他提出的要求经不起严密的审查。
  21. The paper does not bear ink.这种纸不适合用墨水书写。
  22. The passage cannot bear such an interpretation.这段文字不宜这样解释。
  23. We must face the trouble and bear it.对这困难我们必须正视,必须忍受。
  24. Surely there is a limit to what one can bear.人的忍耐肯定是有限度的。
  25. They are the first to bear hardships, and the last to enjoy comforts.他们吃苦在前享乐在后。
  26. He bore all hardships bravely.他勇敢地承受了一切苦难。
  27. He bears pain well.他很能忍受疼痛。
  28. She bore the operation satisfactorily.她顺利地熬过了这次手术。
  29. I can't bear the pain any longer.我再也无法忍受这种痛苦了。
  30. She bore the pain with great courage.她以极大的勇气忍受了疼痛。
  31. He bore the pain without a word of complaint.他一声不吭地忍住了疼痛。
  32. Seated beside him,I bore the ordeal for two hours.我坐在他旁边,苦苦熬了两个钟头。
  33. I can't bear the noise.我受不了这吵闹声。
  34. I can't bear this scent.这气味我受不了。
  35. Some people cannot bear the smell of tobacco.有些人受不了烟草的气味。
  36. I can't bear the sound of chalk scraping on a blackboard.我受不了粉笔在黑板上摩擦时发出的刺耳声音。
  37. I cannot bear the sight of that man.看见那家伙我就受不了。
  38. I couldn't bear it if he left.如果他走了,我受不了。
  39. Zoya heroically bore the torture that the Fascists inflicted upon her.卓娅英勇地承受法西斯匪徒加在她身上的酷刑。
  40. She can't bear anyone who is more capable than her.她容不下任何比她能干的人。
  41. The Nobel Medal bears the image of the great Swedish inventor.诺贝尔奖章上有这位瑞典的伟大发明家的像。
  42. A long placard bore the names of all the new recruits.长长一张布告上写着全部新兵的名字。
  43. The letter bears her signature.这封信有她的签名。
  44. This letter bears no date or signature.这封信没有写日期,也没有签名。
  45. This letter bears a wrong address.这信上的地址是错的。
  46. The stone wall bears an inscription.石壁上镌刻着题词。
  47. His face bears the scars of burns.他脸上有几处烧伤的疤痕。
  48. The students all bear their school badges.学生都佩戴校徽。
  49. He bore a red badge on his arm.他胳膊上佩戴着红色的臂章。
  50. Many of them bore posters and charts.他们很多人拿着标语牌和图表。
  51. The old man arrived, bearing a large bundle on his head.那位老人到达时,头上顶着个大包。
  52. The bed bore traces of having been slept in.这张床上有别人睡过的痕迹。
  53. All these old novels bear the religions and superstitious characters of the feudal society.所有这些旧小说都具有封建社会的宗教迷信性。
  54. The scene bore all the marks of a country wedding.此番情景具备了乡村婚礼的全部特征。
  55. I bear hatred against no men.我不记恨任何人。
  56. He has always born a profound feeling for his home village.他对自己的家乡一直怀有深厚的感情。
  57. His wife later bore a son and a daughter.他的妻子后来生了一男一女。
  58. She has borne a girl.她生了个女孩。
  59. She has already borne several children.她已经生了几个孩子。
  60. She has borne a child and decided not to bear any more.她已生了一个孩子并决定不再生了。
  61. The credit bears interest at the rate of 2.5 per cent.这笔贷款利率为二厘五。
  62. The chestnut trees begin to bear fruit.这些板栗树开始结果了。
  63. The tree is bearing a lot of apples this year.这棵树今年结了许多苹果。
  64. The tree bears a hard red fruit.这树结一种红色的坚果。
  65. The trees have borne rich fruit.这些树结出了丰硕的果实。
  66. Peach trees have already begun to bear fruit.桃树已开始结桃了。
  67. After a couple of weeks, almost all the cotton plants bore bolls.一两个星期之后几乎所有的棉花都结桃了。
  68. This plant bears many small white blossoms.这种植物开许多小白花。
  69. The soil bears good cotton.这种土壤出产优质棉花。
  70. The 4000-metre-high mountain in this area bears various types of forests.这个区域里的那座4000公尺高的山上有各种类型的森林。
  71. She bears herself nobly.她举止大方。
  72. She bears herself gracefully.她姿态优美。
  73. They bore themselves with dignity.他们举止庄重。
  74. He bears himself very well when he is marching along.他迈步前进时姿态极好。
  75. The soldiers bore themselves well in the battle.战士们在战斗中表现得勇敢。
  76. You have borne yourself bravely in the battle.你在这次战斗中表现英勇。
  77. The boy bears himself without a trace of confusion.这孩子的举止没有一点慌乱。
  78. He bore himself with dignity under such difficult circumstances.他在如此艰难的环境中仍然保持了自己的尊严。
  79. Despite being heckled by the crowd, the leader bore himself with dignity.尽管被众人质问,但是这位领导人仍然表现出神气十足的样子。
  80. She bore herself like a queen.她的举止像女王。
  81. He bears himself like a soldier.他举止像个军人。
  82. 1
  83. He was born by Eve.他为夏娃所生。
  84. Here Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12th,1809.1809年2月12日亚伯拉 罕· 林肯诞生于此地。
  85. He was born on the 19th of June,1967.他生于1967年6月19日。
  86. His eldest son was born in 1962.他的大儿子是在1962年出生的。
  87. In 1949 the People's Republic of China was born.1949年中华人民共和国诞生了。
  88. He was born in 1985 in Tokyo.他在1985年出生于东京。
  89. He was born in Beijing in 1950.他1950年在北京出生。
  90. I was born in the family of a seaman.我出生在一个海员家庭。
  91. He was born of a peasant family.他出身于农民家庭。
  92. He was born of French parents.他的父母是法国人。
  93. He was born to a tailor's wife in Calcutta.他出生在加尔各答,母亲是一个裁缝的妻子。
  94. Mark Twain was born to the Clemens family, in a small Missouri village,November 30,1835.马克·吐温于1835年11月30日出生在密苏里州的一个小村庄的塞·克莱门斯家。
  95. He was born with a good memory.他生来记忆力很好。
  96. Love is born of heart, not mind.爱情产生于情感,而不出于理智。
  97. His wish to become a doctor was born of a desire to help sick people.他想当医生是由于他想帮助病人。
  98. New arts have been born in the course of the history of men.在人类历史发展过程中不断产生新的艺术。
  99. All the costs of the repairs will be borne by our company.修理费用概由本公司负担。
  100. We were borne backwards by the crowd.我们被人群挤到后面去了。
  101. The sound of music was borne on the wind.音乐声随风荡漾。
  102. The sound of the children playing was borne across the garden to the house.孩子们的玩耍嬉闹声穿过园子传入屋内。
  103. The dead man was borne from the room.那人的遗体被抬出房间。
S+~+to- v
  1. Can you bear to hear about it again?你忍心再次听到那件事吗?
  2. How can your mother bear to part with you?你妈妈怎么舍得和你分别呢?
  3. I can't bear to see you like this.我不忍看你这样。
  4. Oh,I can't bear to think of it!啊,我简直不忍心去想它。
  5. She couldn't bear to turn around again.她不忍心再转回身去。
  6. She couldn't bear to see others suffer.她不忍看见别人受苦。
  7. She couldn't bear to see animals treated cruelly.她不忍见动物受虐待。
  8. I cannot bear to leave him alone.我不忍心让他独自留下。
  9. He can't bear to be laughed at.他不能忍受被取笑。
  10. She can't bear to watch them suffer.她不忍看他们受折磨。
S+~+ v -ing
  1. Can you bear hearing about it again?再听到这种事情,你能容忍吗?
  2. Some people cannot bear travelling by sea.有的人坐船旅行受不了。
  3. I can't bear making a long journey by bus.坐汽车长途旅行我受不了。
  4. She cannot bear travelling long distances.长途旅行她受不了。
  5. Old people usually can't bear living alone.老人常常忍受不了独居生活。
  6. She couldn't bear seeing others suffer.她不忍看见别人受苦。
  7. I can't bear parting with them.我舍不得和他们分别。
  8. She can't bear being laughed at.她不能容忍被人耻笑。
  9. The words won't bear repeating.这些话不堪重复。
  10. It doesn't bear thinking about.此事不堪设想。
  11. This cloth won't bear washing.这种布不耐洗。
  12. Polyester bears washing.涤纶很耐洗。
  13. I cannot bear his speaking to me in that rude manner.我不能忍受他那样粗暴地对我讲话。
  14. She can't bear him making fun of her.她受不了他拿她开心。
  1. He could not bear that his friends should laugh at him.他受不了朋友们的嘲笑。
  2. He could not bear that they should be so conceited.他们这样自高自大他受不了。
  3. I couldn't bear that Mother should scold me in the face of my friends.母亲当着我朋友们的面骂我,我受不了。
用作双宾动词S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.
  1. I'll bear you company.我和你做伴。
  2. I know you bear him a grudge for acting like that.我知道你因为他的这种行为对他很不满。
  3. I bear him no grudge.我对他没有任何怨恨情绪。
  4. She bears us no prejudice.她对我们并无成见。
  5. She bears us no ill-will.她对我们并没怀有任何恶意。
  6. She bears him hatred.她恨他。
  7. He bore the horse much affection.他对那匹马怀有深情。
  8. She bore him two sons.她给他生了两个儿子。
  9. 1
  10. No man is born a genius.没有人生来就是天才。
用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron. +to- v
  1. I can't bear him to do this.我不能容忍他做这种事。
  2. The old man can't bear anyone in the family to oppose him.这位老人绝不能容忍家里有人违抗他。
  3. She could not bear me to be away.她不忍我离去。
  4. The child couldn't bear me to be away so long.我离开这么久孩子受不了。
  5. I couldn't bear the girl to be seized and taken away by the nobleman.我无法忍受让那贵族将女孩抢走。
  6. He could not bear his company to be attacked like that.他不忍看同伴受到这样的攻击。
  7. Could you bear your favourite child to be ruined?你能忍心看着你心爱的孩子被毁掉吗?
S+be born+ adj./n.
  1. He was born wise.他生来就聪明。
  2. He was born shoulder-high after his victory.获胜之后,他被人们举过肩。
  3. He was born an orator.他是个天生的演说家。
  1. The bear attacked me from behind.熊从背后袭击我。
  2. The bear is a large, heavy animal with thick fur.熊是体大而笨重、皮毛很厚的动物。
  3. The black bear is larger than the panda.黑熊比熊猫大。
  4. The bear eats fruit and insects as well as flesh.熊吃水果,昆虫,也吃肉。
  5. Don't sell the bear's skin before one has caught the bear.不要熊未到手先卖皮。
  6. Look at the bear, how funny it is!看那只狗熊,多可爱!
  7. Look, that polar bear is very big.看,那只北极熊多大!
  8. There are two bears in the zoo.动物园中有两头熊。
  9. They went out to hunt bears.他们出去猎熊了。
  10. Some animals, including bears, only half-hibernate.有些动物,包括熊,只是半冬眠。
  11. There is a ban on hunting bear in the country.这个国家有禁止猎熊的禁令。
  12. Yesterday was a bear market.昨天是熊市。
  13. He is a perfect bear.他是一个十足的鲁莽汉。
  14. That man is as cross as a bear.那个人脾气极坏。
  15. She is nice, but her husband is such a bear that nobody likes him.她是一个好人,可她的丈夫却脾气暴躁,没有人喜欢他。
  16. That boy was a bear at mathematics.那男孩是一个数学天才。
  17. The rally in U.S. futures yesterday encouraged pre-holiday bear covering.昨天美国期货回升,促使卖空者在假日前补进。


bear along (v.+adv.)
    推着…前进 cause (sb/sth) to move forward by pushing heavilybear sb/sth ⇔ along

    The crowd bore us along.


    He was borne along by the crowd.


    The boat is borne along by the tides to the shore.


bear away (v.+adv.)
    (被某种情感)驱使; 左右 be seized (by a feeling)bear sb/sth ⇔ away

    She bore away the first prize in the singing competition.


    We bore away the championship in the table-tennis tournament.


    The young boxer bore away the prize.


    Jim bore away most of the prizes at the races.


    He bore away the first prize in the men's singles.


    bear sb/sth ⇔ away

    It took ten cars to bear the wedding guests away.


    A horse-drawn carriage was coming along the road to bear away the royal party.


    The ambassadors to the emperor bore away great gifts.


    bear away

    When all the people were on board, the boat bore away.


    bear sb ⇔ away

    Lady Alice was borne away with joy when her child was given back to her.


bear back (v.+adv.)
    使人回想起 bring back to mindbear sb/sth ⇔ back

    It was he who bore back the latest news.


    His own cry, which clattered down the silent ravines, was borne back to his ears in the countless repetitions.


    bear sb/sth ⇔ back

    We bore back the crowd to let the ambulance pass.


    The attackers were borne back.


    bear back

    The crowd bore back so that the ambulance could pass.


    bear sb/sth ⇔ back

    The sight of the garden bore back the days when we lived in Paris.


bear down (v.+adv.)
    把…拿下来,搬下来 take awaybear sb/sth ⇔ down

    The heavy coat seemed to bear him down.


    The heavy burden bore him down.


    What a bumper harvest! The stalks are borne down with the weight of the rice ears.

    真是个大丰收! 稻穗重得把稻秆都压弯了。

    bear sb/sth ⇔ down

    He bore down his opposition.


    We bore down the enemy.


    The indubitable evidence we produced bore down our opponents in the debate.


    Eventually, after much dogged fighting, our troops bore down all resistance.


    After two hours' heavy fighting, we bore down the enemy's resistance.


    The defendant was borne down by the weight of evidence.


    The enemy on the hill were borne down by our massive attack.


    bear down

    Far from being discouraged, he actually bore down.


    We are sure to fulfil the task ahead of schedule if everyone bears down.


    He ran behind the other competitors most of the way, but in the last 50 yards he bore down and overtook them.


    The driver bore down with all his strength to control the car when the wheel stuck.


    The nurse will tell you when to bear down.


    bear sth ⇔ down

    The boys climbed the ladder to pick the apples off the tree and then bore them down.


bear down on〔upon〕 (v.+adv.+prep.)
    责骂,责罚 scold, reprimand, punish
bear in (v.+adv.)
    抬进 take inbear sb/sth ⇔ in

    They bore in his body.


bear in mind
    记住,考虑 remember to consider, take account ofbear sth in mind

    I'll bear your advice in my mind.


    This should always be borne in mind.


    Yet there is an other point to be borne in mind.


    bear in mind that-clause

    He didn't do the job very well, but you must bear in mind that he was ill at the time.


    As generation gap exists, we must bear in mind that the younger people might not like that idea.


    Please bear in mind that they are our enemy.


    He has born in mind that you hurt him.


    You must bear in mind that some of those plants are poisonous.


bear in on〔upon〕 (v.+adv.+prep.)
    使…切实地意识到 bring to the attention ofbear sth in on〔upon〕 sb

    〔说明〕 本短语中bear的宾语通常为that从句,此时常用“It is/was borne in on〔upon〕 sb+that-clause”句型。

    It was slowly borne in on me that he would never return.


    Slowly it was borne in on the citizens that the enemy had surrounded them.


    It must be borne in upon you all that such behaviour will not be tolerated.


bear in with (v.+adv.+prep.)
    驶向 run or tend towardsbear in with sth

    The ship is bearing in with the land.


bear off (v.+adv.)
    驶离 (of a boat) to move awaybear sb/sth ⇔ off

    The bird seized the insect and bore it off to its nest.


    The raiders bore off many of the local girls.


    A horse-drawn carriage was coming along the road to bear off the royal party.


    bear sth ⇔ off

    He bore off all the prizes.


    We bore off the championship in the table-tennis tournament.


    The clever boy bore off every prize.


    Our army bore off the palm in the battle.


    bear off

    Is everyone on board?Let's bear off, we have no time to waste.


    We followed the course until the afternoon, then we bore off to the eastward.


bear on〔upon〕 (v.+prep.)
    指向; 瞄准; 用于 point in the direction of
bear out (v.+adv.)
    证明,证实 support the truth ofbear sb/sth ⇔ out

    He will bear me out in what I advance.


    John will bear me out.


    If I tell the judge that I wasn't there, will you bear me out?


    I'm sure my friend will bear me out in all that I have said.


    I am sure he will bear me out in what I have said.


    He will bear me out that I actually saw it.


    I'm sure you will all bear me out that far too much money has been spent on this project already.


    Facts will bear out the statement.


    Modern findings do not bear out the old belief that the earth is flat.


    I'm afraid that the results bear out my earlier suspicions.


    All these facts have borne out the hypothesis.


    The investigation bears out my own theory.


    The results of the experiment bear out your theory.


    What he said bears out my argument.


    The school does not bear out the claims made of it.


    His success bore out the fact that the key to success is hard work.


    She recently won a beauty contest, which bears out the fact that she is one of the prettiest girls in town.


    The prisoner's story was borne out by his wife.


    It has been borne out by statistics.


    This expectation is not borne out.


    Her account of what happened is simply not borne out by the facts.


    His decision was borne out by the fact that most of the people were young.


    bear out wh-clause

    I hope you will bear out what I tell them.


    The developments of events bore out what he had said.


    Time will bear out what I've said.


    This bears out what you said.


bear to (v.+prep.)
    相像 bear a resemblance tobear sb/sth to sb/sth

    The vehicle bore me to the capital.


    The carriage bore us to our destination.


    The passers-by bore the wounded driver to the hospital.


    Sadly, the men bore the dead child to his mother.


    A line of servants entered, bearing food to the guests.


    bear a resemblance to sb/sth

    What a remarkable resemblance she bears to the famous actress!


    The finished book bears no resemblance to the material I sent.


bear up (v.+adv.)
    打起精神,坚持下去 encourage; keep one's spirits; carry onbear sb/sth ⇔ up

    The old bridge can hardly bear up its own weight now.


    The sticks are strong enough to bear up the weight of the roof.


    bear up

    Bear up!Bear up!


    Tell her to bear up.


    In view of the death of her husband, she's bearing up as well as can be expected.


    The news of her mother's death was a great shock to her, but she bore up bravely, going on doing her work well.


    There's no need to be unhappy.You must try to bear up.


    How are you today?—Not very well, but managing to bear up.


    She bore up well during her convalescence.


    Tom bore up bravely during his father's illness.


    How is she bearing up after her illness?


    How is Mrs.Smith bearing up after the death of her husband?


    The young girl bore up well after her dad and granny were killed by the aggressors.


    How can you bear up when you face so many difficulties?


    bear sb/sth ⇔ up

    The aid should bear them up.


    The timely aid from the old workers bore us up.


    He tried to bear up her spirit.


    The famous poet was borne up by love of his motherland.


    He was borne up by a strong sense of responsibility.


    bear up against〔under〕 sth

    It is particularly difficult to bear up against the midsummer heat in Wuhan.


    The bridge can bear up against the force of the current.


    He bore up well against his father's death.


    In spite of his tiredness he bore up well against the fatigue.


    He bore up well against all these misfortunes.


    This ship will bear up under strong winds.


    We should always bear up under stress.


    Mrs.Lewis is bearing up under her great sorrow.


    Some of the older patients bear up under pain more easily than the younger ones.


    I don't know how she continues to bear up under the strain of having to look after her invalid mother.


bear with (v.+prep.)
    耐心等待 wait for with patience
be a bear for
    在…方面很顽强的人 an indomitable person in some respect
like a bear with a sore head
    脾气坏; 情绪恶劣 irritable, bad-tempered


用作动词 (v.)
  • bear a heavy burden负重荷〔重担〕
  • bear a heavy load负重荷〔重担〕
  • bear a loss承担损失
  • bear charges负担经费
  • bear consequences承担后果
  • bear expenses承担费用
  • bear one's weight承受重量
  • bear responsibility承担责任
  • bear the stone抬起石头
  • bear the supplies驮着补给品
  • bear a person容忍某人
  • bear a severe test经受严峻的考验
  • bear examination经得住检验
  • bear exploitation受剥削
  • bear handling经得起摆弄
  • bear hardship忍受艰难困苦
  • bear inquiry经得起查问
  • bear investigation值得调查
  • bear misfortunes忍受灾难
  • bear no comparison with...与…不能相比
  • bear no delay耽误不得
  • bear oppression受压迫
  • bear pain忍受痛苦
  • bear punishment忍受处罚
  • bear repeating值得重复
  • bear scrutinizing经得起检查
  • bear such an interpretation适宜这样解释
  • bear test经受住考验
  • bear the blame受责备
  • bear the heat耐热
  • bear the manner容忍那样的态度
  • bear the noise忍受吵闹声
  • bear the ordeal经得起严峻考验
  • bear the scent忍受这气味
  • bear the smell忍受这气味
  • bear the sound忍受这声音
  • bear torture忍受折磨
  • bear two explanations容许两种解释
  • bear washing耐洗
  • bear a complaint心中有怨气
  • bear a grudge怀恨在心
  • bear an affection怀着爱慕的感情
  • bear an affection for sb对某人怀着爱慕的感情
  • bear deep feelings怀有深厚感情
  • bear hatred怀恨
  • bear love怀有爱慕之情
  • bear love for...怀着对…的爱
  • bear forest有森林
  • bear interest生息
  • bear sb company与…作伴
  • bear sb goodwill对…怀着善意
  • bear sb ill feeling对某人有恶感
  • bear sb ill will对某人心怀恶意
  • bear sb's advice in mind记住某人的忠告
  • bear a boy生一个男孩
  • bear a daughter生一个女儿
  • bear a girl生一个女孩
  • bear a lot of apples结许多苹果
  • bear a son生一个儿子
  • bear sb child为…生孩子
  • bear blossoms开花
  • bear cotton bolls结棉花桃
  • bear fruit结果实
  • bear good cotton出产优质棉花
  • bear the market拉跌市价
  • bear a badge佩戴徽章
  • bear insignia佩戴标志
  • bear a sword佩着剑
  • bear a gentle look有和善的面孔
  • bear a hand帮忙
  • bear a reputation有信誉
  • bear a revolver带着左轮手枪
  • bear a sign有记号
  • bear a title具有头衔
  • bear an amiable expression带着和蔼的表情
  • bear an evil look带着一副凶相
  • bear an expression of...带着…的表情
  • bear an inscription有题词
  • bear arms带着武器
  • bear designs of...有…样的设计图案
  • bear false witness做假见证
  • bear little relation没什么关系
  • bear many meanings含有多义
  • bear mosquito bites有蚊虫叮的斑点
  • bear much relation有很大关系
  • bear news传播消息
  • bear no date没有日期
  • bear no relation没有关系
  • bear resemblance to与…有相似之处
  • bear some relation有一些关系
  • bear the charts拿着图表
  • bear the image有像
  • bear the marks有痕迹〔标志〕
  • bear the poster拿着标语牌
  • bear the scar有伤疤
  • bear the traces带有痕迹
  • bear the words带有字
  • bear wounds有伤痕
  • bear again再生
  • bear any long不再忍受
  • bear hard沉重地压着
  • bear hardest影响最严重
  • bear left朝左
  • bear right朝右
  • bear well结果很好
  • bear west位于西方
  • bear bravely勇敢地忍受
  • bear coldly冷冷地忍耐
  • bear directly直接影响
  • bear extremely极端地忍耐
  • bear heavily困苦不堪,沉重地压着
  • bear heroically英雄般地忍受
  • bear hurriedly仓促地承担
  • bear manfully男人气概地忍耐
  • bear nobly举止高尚
  • bear oppressively残酷地忍受
  • bear patiently耐心地忍受
  • bear personally个人承担
  • bear philosophically冷静地忍受
  • bear recklessly轻率地忍受
  • bear severely严重影响
  • bear stiffly极度地忍耐
  • bear stoically安然地忍受
  • bear untimely过早地结果
  • bear valiantly勇敢地担负
  • bear along推着…向前
  • bear away驶离,赢得,夺走
  • bear back带回到
  • bear down送下来,压倒,压服
  • bear off赢得,夺走
  • bear out证实
  • bear up支持,拥护,撑持下去
  • bear up one's spirit情绪好起来
  • bear down on〔upon〕冲向,向…逼近
  • bear in with驶向,驶近
  • bear against否决
  • bear hatred against怀着对…的仇恨
  • bear at带着
  • bear by佩着,产生
  • bear for怀着
  • bear from由…生的
  • bear in生于
  • bear of出身
  • bear on〔upon〕佩戴着; 与…有关,涉及
  • bear on an important case同一个重要案子有关
  • bear to带有
  • bear to the right向右转
  • bear with宽容,容忍
用作名词 (n.)
  • catch a bear捕熊
  • tame a bear驯熊
  • black bear黑熊
  • brown bear棕熊
  • polar bear北极熊,白熊
  • white bear白熊
  • grizzly bear灰熊
  • the Great B-大熊座
  • the Little B-小熊座
  • ice bear白熊
  • teddy bear绒毛玩具熊
  • bear cat小熊猫,力大勇猛的汉子
  • bear market熊市
  • like a bear with a sore head脾气坏,情绪恶劣
  • bear for hard work能吃苦耐劳的人
  • be a bear for在…方面顽强的,倔强的


  • This great soldier..was no better than a Low Dutch bear.

    出自:Ld Macaulay
  • On his bak he bar..Anchises.

  • This pope Leo..bare but seauen and thirtie yeeres of age.

    出自:R. Holinshed
  • I bear a charmed life, which must not yield To one of woman born.

  • Music was borne in from the next room.

    出自:E. Waugh
  • I met a child beside a river, Who asked if I would bear him over.

    出自:T. Blackburn
  • We all have our crosses to bear.

    出自:K. Laffan
  • Forgiveness, horse! Why do I rail on thee, Since thou..Wast born to bear?

    出自:Richard II,Shakespeare

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all embracing budget
Bell's theorem
blue boy
Boltzmann brain
bus-quiet signal
Chaerophyllum villosum
conjugate liquids
conveyer pawl spring
counter-balance piece
cream purifier
crop pest
developmental anatomies
Donder's butter
draw-bar test
Ehretia microphylla
elbow chair
equivalence of types
equivalent series resistance
evenness of dye
experimental mathematical programming system
female genital organs
food prices
fuel atomizing burner
ground-glass finder
guinea worm
hydraulic down-stroke press
imaging sensor
in-flight camera calibration method
intermediate technologies
lateral cervical fistula
ligg. anularia digitorum pedis
line-focus filament
lod (lydda)
makeup water pretreatment
microwave refractometer
multiplexer interface
on-line magnetic tape
peak-load condition
planing machine operator
polyarch spindle
put words in someone's mouth
radial-thrust ball bearing
raptorial limb
resaw mill
RF receiver
rotatores spinae
safety installations
short ciliary nerve
simple trough
single-volute pump
small-world networks
star scanner
sulcus sagittalis
sutura ethmoideomaxillaris
traveling-wave tubes
tread surface
turn-on transition
upturn in business