音标:[teik] ; 柯林斯词典等级:1 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
vt. 拿, 取, 抓, 带领, 获得, 就座, 接受, 吃, 吸引, 采取, 乘, 需要, 花费
vi. 吃掉对方棋子, 抓住, 起作用, 依法获得财产
n. 拿, 取, 收成, 奏效
n. the act of photographing a scene or part of a scene without interruption
v. carry out
v. require (time or space)
v. get into one's hands, take physically
词型变化:过去式 : took ; 过去分词 : taken ; 现在分词 : taking ; 第三人称单数 : takes ; 名词复数形式 : takes



  1. Please take the trash to the garbage can.请将垃圾拿到垃圾筒去。
  2. Take money from the bank when needed.需要时,把钱从银行里取出来。
  3. We are ready to take your order.我们随时准备执行您的命令。
  4. It takes a lot of money to live in that city.要住在那个城市需要花不少钱。
  5. The journey from London to Oxford takes about an hour and a half.从伦敦到牛津大约需要一个半小时。
  6. Bob did not take the job because it was a blind alley.鲍勃没有接受此职,因为它没有发展前途。
  7. I hope you will take the advice in good part.我希望你能愉快地接受这劝告。
  8. How am I supposed to take that remark?我应该怎么理解那话的意思?
  9. I shall take literature and mathematics this spring.今年春天我要修文学及数学。
  10. How long will it take me to get there?到那儿要花多长时间?
  11. She took another sip of tea.她又喝了一小口茶。
  12. I take this seriously. It's a matter of principle.我对此很认真。这是原则问题。
  13. She always takes the bus in order to save some money.为了可以节省钱,她总是搭乘公车。
  1. Love includes gives and takes.爱情包含着给予和索取。
  2. The lioness brought her take to her baby.母狮子把捕获的猎物叼给了狮宝宝。


  1. The fish don't seem to be taking.看起来今天鱼不上钩。
  2. China's new ways may take.中国新的方法可能奏效。
  3. The dye took immediately.马上着色了。
  4. That novel didn't take.那本小说不受欢迎。
  5. Fish take best after rain.雨后最易钓鱼。
  6. Dry fuel takes readily.干燥的燃料极易着火。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. She went out of the room, taking the flowers with her.她走出了房间,带着花。
  2. The teacher took the students on a tour through the art museum.老师带学生去参观美术馆。
  3. Don't forget to take your umbrella when you go.你走时别忘了带伞。
  4. Take these books home with you tonight.今晚把这些书带回家去。
  5. A transitive verb takes an object.及物动词要有宾语。
  6. The flight took two hours.这一航程花了两小时。
  7. These things take time.这些事情需要时间去做。
  8. This cake takes six eggs.这种蛋糕要用六个鸡蛋。
  9. It takes a lot of doing.这事情做起来很费工夫。
  10. She plans to take a course in applied linguistics.她打算学习应用语言学课程。
  11. Did you take history at school?你在学校修过历史吗?
  12. Mrs. Biggs is ill and will be unable to take you today.比格斯夫人病了,今天不能给你们上课了。
  13. Someone took my hat by mistake.有人错拿了我的帽子。
  14. He reached up to the third shelf of the bookcase and took down a dictionary.他把手伸到书柜的第三层,取下一本词典。
  15. Take the railing as you go down.你下去的时候,扶着栏杆。
  16. John takes second place in the race.约翰获得赛跑亚军。
  17. Take the doctor's advice and start exercising.你最好接受医生的劝告,开始锻炼身体。
  18. The old couple agreed to take a war orphan.这对老年夫妻同意领养一个战争孤儿。
  19. They took office at a difficult time.他们在困难时刻走马上任。
  20. If it's a better job than you have now, take it.如果那份工作比你现在的好,你就该去干。
  21. The car takes five people comfortably.这辆车可舒服地坐五个人。
  22. The shelf just takes the books.这个架子正好装下这些书。
  23. This bottle takes a litre.这个瓶子可以装一升。
  24. How much petrol will the car take?这车子可以装多少汽油?
  25. He took the hard punishment with his head high.他毫不畏惧地忍受严厉的处罚。
  26. These strawberries look nice—I'll take 3 kilos.这些草莓看起来不错,我买3公斤。
  27. I will take two pounds of sugar.我要买两磅砂糖。
  28. The customer tried on two dresses and took both.顾客试了两件衣服,都买下了。
  29. We plan to take a house in the country for the summer.我们计划夏天时在乡下租一栋房子。
  30. He won't take pineapple juice.他不肯喝菠萝汁。
  31. The tourist took some instant food and hot water.这个游客就热水吃了些方便食品。
  32. After getting up in the morning, he usually goes outdoors to take the air.他早晨起床后,通常到室外去呼吸新鲜空气。
  33. We took a hovercraft across the English Channel.我们乘气垫船横渡英吉利海峡。
  34. He took the subway to the station.他乘地铁到车站去。
  35. Take the elevator to the fourth floor.乘电梯上4楼。
  36. The singer was unwilling to take the center of the stage.这位歌唱演员不愿站在舞台中间。
  37. He gave me a chest X-ray and took my blood pressure.他给我做了胸部透视,量了血压。
  38. The dressmaker took her measurements for a new dress.裁缝为她量了尺寸准备做件新衣服。
  39. The nurse took the patient's temperature.护士为病人量了体温。
  40. The photographer took the children in their party clothes.摄影师为孩子们拍了一张穿着联欢会服装的照片。
  41. I had my picture taken this morning.今天上午我请人给我照了相。
  42. She took down the speech in shorthand.她用速记把讲话记录下来。
  43. The secretary took minutes of the meeting.秘书为会议作记录。
  44. All the students were taking notes at the lecture.上课时所有的学生都在做笔记。
  45. The police took down my name and address.警察记下了我的姓名和住址。
  46. He took my meaning perfectly.他完全领会了我的意思。
  47. How do you take this passage?这段话你怎么理解?
  48. Now you put your idea in those words,I take you easily.现在你用这番话来表达你的意思,我就容易懂了。
  49. She took the news calmly.她听到这消息十分镇静。
  50. He does not take kindly to criticism.他对于批评不能泰然处之。
  51. I take their criticisms very seriously.我对待他们的批评很认真。
  52. Don't take it lightly.不可对它等闲视之。
  53. The event was so unusual and unexpected that we did not know how to take it.这个事件很不寻常,而且突如其来,我们都不知道怎么对付。
  54. You had better take things as they are.你最好面对现实。
  55. All matter takes space.一切物质都占有空间。
  56. The chest of drawers does not take much room.这衣柜占不了多少地方。
  57. She took the degree of Master of Arts at Cambridge.她在剑桥大学获得文学硕士学位。
  58. The criminal was taken by the police within three hours of the crime.在作案三个小时之内罪犯就被警方捕获。
  59. The general believed his men could take the city in about three days.将军相信他的部队大约在三天之后可以攻占那座城市。
  60. What steps have you taken?你采取了什么步骤?
  61. He is always taking other people's ideas.他总是采纳别人的意见。
  62. To achieve his end he took every means he could think of.他不择手段去达到自己的目的。
  63. Take any card from my hand.从我手中随便选一张牌。
  64. She takes the chair at all our meetings.我们的会议都是由她主持。
  65. Who will take the chair at today's meeting?今天的会议将由谁来主持?
  66. Strangers often took her for her own daughter.不熟悉的人往往把她误认成是她的女儿。
  67. My horse took the fence easily.我的马轻而易举地越过了栅栏。
  68. She took the news hard.她为这一消息感到难过。
  69. Will you take a look at my sick child?你愿意给那个生病的孩子看病吗?
  70. The swimmer came to the shore and took a deep breath.游泳者来到岸边,做了一次深呼吸。
  71. When I was younger I took a cold bath every morning even in winter.我年轻时,每天早上洗冷水浴,即使在冬天也是这样。
  72. I'm afraid I must take leave now.恐怕我现在得离开了。
  73. Seeing that they were very busy then, we took our leave very quickly lest we should be in the way.看到他们那时太忙,我们很快就告辞了,以免碍事。
  74. On returning I took a run around the village.回来时,我绕着村子跑了一圈。
  75. I shall take a holiday early next month.下月初我将休假。
  76. After visiting the Forbidden City they took a walk through the town.参观了紫禁城之后,他们又在城里游览了一番。
  77. From his youth Nobel had taken a serious interest in literature and philosophy.从青年时代起,诺贝尔就对文学和哲学极为感兴趣。
  78. I'm rather tired; will you take the wheel?我太累了,你替我开车好吗?
  79. The prescribed medicine failed to take effect.医生开的药没有见效。
  80. They invariably take the lead in battles against floods.在抗洪斗争中,他们总是带头的。
  81. We must take the right measures or we shall fail.必须采取正确的措施,不然我们会失败。
  82. Don't take offence; it is only her way.别生气,她这个人就这样。
  83. 1
  84. The medicine is to be taken three times a day.这药日服3次。
  85. Sugar cannot be taken by people suffering from certain complaints.患某些病的人不能吃糖。
  86. After a long fight the town was taken.经过长时间战斗,镇子被攻占了。
  87. The camp was taken and destroyed.营房攻占之后被毁坏了。
  88. I beg your pardon. Is this seat taken?对不起,这个座位有人吗?
S+~+ v -ing
  1. You seem to take giving up pretty easily.你似乎很随便就放弃了。
  2. It was a difficult day for me to take knowing that this is the second year in a row that I've been away for his birthday.我很难相信那是我连续两年在他生日的时候不在家。
  1. I take it that he approves.我想他是同意的。
  2. I take it you will be making a complaint about her behaviour.我想你要对她的行为进行投诉吧。
It ~s/ed+ n./pron. +to- v
  1. It takes a poet to translate Milton.密尔顿的诗歌需要诗人来翻译。
  2. It takes two to make a quarrel.一个巴掌拍不响。
  3. Usually it takes a disaster to make people aware of the dangers of air pollution.通常人们要经历一次灾难才能认识到空气污染的危险。
  4. It evidently takes different amounts of heat to boil water and oil.把水和油煮沸显然需要不同的热量。
用作双宾动词S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.
  1. We ought to take her some food.我们应该给她带点吃的东西。
  2. Painting the kitchen took me all week.油漆厨房花了我整整一个星期。
  3. It takes him half an hour to finish his homework every day.他每天完成作业要用半小时。
S+~+ n./pron. +to pron./n.
  1. She took a cup of tea to him.她给了他一杯茶。
  2. Shall I take your message to her?要我给她带个口信去吗?
It ~s/ed+ pron./n. + n./pron. +to- v
  1. It took him three hours to finish the exercises.他完成这个练习用了三个小时。
  2. It took her longer time than she expected to get a passport.她花了比她预料要长的时间领到护照。
  3. That's a rare set of stamps.How long did it take you to collect them?那是一套珍贵的邮票。你花了多长时间才收集到?
It ~s/ed+ n./pron. +for n./pron. +to- v
  1. It took an hour for the car to come here.这辆汽车开了一小时才到达这里。
用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron. +as/for n.
  1. Will you take me as your partner?你愿意把我当作你的伙伴吗?
  2. Shopping-bag ladies are not very communicative and take general conversation as an intrusion.携购物袋的女士们不大爱说话,她们把一般的交谈视为打扰。
  3. Most westerners who are not Americans will take it as an insult if you ask whether they are Americans.如果你问不是美国人的西方人他们是否是美国人,他们大多数人都会把这看成是一种侮辱。
  4. From his manners of speaking,I took him for a Japanese.从他说话的神态来看,我还以为他是日本人呢。
  5. I'm not going to help you steal a car; what do you take me for?我不会帮你偷车的,你把我当成什么人了?
  6. 1
  7. These first six books can be taken as the pattern of the whole work.这前六本书可以看成是全集的风格。
  8. Mrs. Alice spoke English so well that she was taken for a native.艾丽丝太太英语讲得太好了,以致被认为是英国人。
S+~+ n./pron. +to be n./adj.
  1. I take him to be sincere.我当他是诚恳的。
  2. She took it to be a snake.她把那东西当成蛇。
  3. I take this to be ironical.我认为这是句挖苦话。
  4. 1
  5. By many of the company the newcomer was taken to be a detective.这批人当中的很多人都以为那个刚来的人是侦探。
S+~+ n./pron. +(as) v -ing
  1. Do not take me as urging that it ought to be done.不要把我的意思理解为我在催促这件事应当办。
  2. His father often takes the children climbing and hiking.他的爸爸常带着孩子们出去爬山和旅行。
  1. Our take was up this week.这个星期我们的收入额提高了。
  2. That state's spending has far outstripped its take.该州的支出远远超过收入。
  3. The day's take came to over $500.一天的收入超过500美元。
  4. There is a large take of mackerel.捕到很多鲭鱼。
  5. My friend wants a bigger take of the money.我的朋友想拿这笔钱的大部分。
  6. He will have made do with his take from the night school.他只好靠着教夜校的收入将就度日。
  7. We had to do six takes before the director was satisfied.我们不得不拍了6个镜头才让导演觉得满意。
  8. If there's no take, you must get vaccination again.如果疫苗不起作用,你得再接种一次。
  9. None of your actor's take.别来跟我演戏。
  10. You should have been there to see her take as I announced myself.当我告诉她我是谁时,你真该在场看看她那副样子。
  11. The skin grafting resulted in a complete take.植皮手术完全成功。
  12. The play is a great take.这出戏大受欢迎。
  13. He got the answer on the third take.到第三次,他答对了。


take aback( v.+adv. )
    使吃惊,使惊呆 surprise; astonishtake sb aback

    The reply took him so much aback that for a moment he was lost for words.


    The little girl screamed and it took us aback .


    We were all taken aback by the news of the Chairman's resignation.


    Jenny was taken aback by some of the portraits.


    I was taken aback by what I saw.


take after( v.+prep. )
    长得像; 性格类似于 resemble a parent or close relative in appearance or charactertake after sb

    She takes after her mother.


    My great-grandfather is terribly forgetful and I take after him,I can never remember anything.


    Margaret takes after her father in being strong-willed.


    With her light hair and blue eyes Mary seems to take after her mother, but in character she is more like her father.


take against( v.+prep. )
    制止… begin to work or do sth against (sth/sb) so as to prevent or stop it or him〔her〕take action against sb/sth

    They took legal action against him.


    It's time to take action against the rising crime rate in this city.


    Action will be taken against anyone who breaks the law.


take amiss( v.+adv. )
    〈正〉把…理解成恶意,因而生气 become angry for misunderstandingtake sth ⇔ amiss

    Please don't take it amiss if I venture to point out your errors.


    His joke was taken amiss by some of the company.


take apart( v.+adv. )
    拆开; 拆卸 separate a small machine, clock, etc. into piecestake sth ⇔ apart

    Take the watch apart and see if you can find out what's wrong with it.


    One error might make it necessary to take the whole thing apart and start over again .


    He took the machine apart to show every detail of its operation.


    To take the tower apart would mean wasting a lot of labour.


    The reviewer mercilessly took apart the young writer's first novel.


take it as read
    认为没有必要; 可以认为是真的 accept sth as true or right without the need to hear it, talk about it, etc.
take away( v.+adv. )
    〈非正〉使大吃一惊 surprise sb very muchtake sth ⇔ away

    I've just come in to take the dirty dishes away.


    Please don't take your hand away, it makes me think that you don't like me.


    If you can move up behind the gunman you may be able to take his gun away without a fight.


    Not to be taken away.


    These books are for reading in the library, and may not be taken away.


    take sb/sth ⇔ away

    I'd like to take you away for a holiday, but I don't know when we shall be able to afford it.


    That school is terrible; I shall take the child away at once.


    You have no business taking another man's wife away with you.


    What takes you away so early?


    They would allow foreign investors to take away their capital gains.


    The prisoner was taken away by an armed guard.


    take sb/sth ⇔ away from sb/sth

    The child was taken away from its parents on the recommendation of social workers.


    These magazines must not be taken away from the library.


    His Olympic medals and trophies were taken away from him.


    take sth ⇔ away

    This drug should help to take the pain away .


    If you put picric acid solution on a burn it will take the pain away at once.


    I'm sorry, my attention was taken away for a moment.


    take sth ⇔ away (from sth)

    27 take away 3 leaves 24.27


    What is left when you take away 25 from 100?100


    take sth ⇔ away

    I'd like three pieces of chicken to take away , please.


    take sth ⇔ away

    Don't let him take away your freedom to think for yourself.


    take sth ⇔ away

    The shock news quite took my breath away .


take back( v.+adv. )
    (使)回忆起; (使)回到 (cause to) recall earlier experiences to sb; carry back to
take down( v.+adv. )
    记录; 记下 write sth down in order to make a record of it
take for( v.+prep. )
    信以为真; 认为理所当然 consider as true or already settled; accept as a matter of coursetake sth for sth

    Will you take $500 for the car?


    Tom took the blame for his brother's mistake.


    He was ready to take the consequences for his act.


    take a turn for the better

    His illness has taken a turn for the better.


    The weather took a turn for the better in the afternoon.


    take a turn for the worse

    Her illness has taken a turn for the worse.


    The situation in that country is taking a turn for the worse.


    take it for granted that-clause

    I just took it for granted that you had been told about this.


    A teacher cannot take it for granted that his students always do their assignments as required.


    Mr. Richard took it for granted that his son was doing well at school and he felt much relieved.


    We took it for granted that they would come and join us in the discussion.


take from( v.+prep. )
    摘自 remove (sth) from (usually sb or a place)take sth from sth

    This well-known saying was taken from Serve the People .


take in1( v.+adv. )
    对…信以为真 believe sth false
take in2( v.+prep. )
    打(某人)的(身体某部位) hit sb in part of the body
take off1( v.+adv. )
    与(某人)激烈争斗或争吵 fight or argue with sb seriouslytake sth ⇔ off

    I asked you not to put hot cups on the piano; take them off at once, please!


    I can't take the lid off, it's stuck!


    Help me to take this handle off.


    Last night's strong wind nearly took the roof off!


    take sb/sth ⇔ off

    A gentleman takes his hat off when greeting a lady.


    I shall never take off this ring which you gave me until I die.


    Taking off his coat, he jumped into the river to save the drowning child.


    I knew that my father regarded me as a woman instead of a girl, the first time he took off his hat to me when we met.


    You've done a remarkably fine job — I take my hat off to you!


    take sth ⇔ off

    In order to save the seriously wounded soldier, the surgeon decided to take off his left leg.


    take sb ⇔ off

    Before the ship sank, all the passengers were safely taken off.


    take off

    The six boys got into the car and took off for the drug store.


    I'd like to take off for the country as soon as I've finished work tomorrow.


    take sb/oneself ⇔ off

    The director has taken the visitors off to his office.


    Take yourself off, you're not wanted here.


    take off

    The tiger took off from the ground with a powerful spring.


    Watch that bird taking off from the branch!


    take off

    A helicopter is able to take off and land straight up and down.


    We took off so smoothly that the passengers could hardly feel it.


    take off

    The attack will take off from our position near the harbour.


    take sth ⇔ off

    The early morning train is being taken off for the summer.


    The 5 a.m. train has long been taken off.


    take sth ⇔ off

    It is said the concert has been taken off.


    The play was taken off after only three performances.


    take sth ⇔ off

    We have taken the fish off, as it was not good.


    take sth ⇔ off

    I'm so pleased that I've been able to take off all that weight and get into my good clothes again!


    They took off 25 percent discount for each article.


    take sth ⇔ off

    The government has promised to take off the new tax as soon as possible.


    take sth ⇔ off

    I'd like to take next Monday off to visit my sister in hospital.


    I'm going to take a week off next month.


    You need a break. Why not take a fortnight off from work?


    take sb ⇔ off

    Bob likes to take his teachers off.


    Bill took off Winston Churchill to perfection.


    The children do like to take off the new teacher, who has a noticeable manner of walking.


    take sb ⇔ off

    The captain decided to take Snow off and try a slower bowler.


    take off

    After a slow start, the plan soon took off and was accepted by all the directors.


    The circle of supply and demand should soon take off as the country's trade position improves.


    take off

    We must provide some really interesting new courses where the students can really take off.


    Many young people take off on loud music.


    take sb ⇔ off

    She was taken off by a rare tropical fever some years ago.


    take oneself off

    A quarrel was developing between husband and wife; it was high time I took myself off.


    take off the gloves

    Watch out for trouble when the director takes off the gloves to his Board!


take off2( v.+prep. )
    坐下休息 sit down and rest
take on1( v.+adv. )
    拉走 drag away
take on2( v.+prep. )
    冒险; 碰运气 attempt sth in spite of the possibility of failure; take a risktake sth on v-ing

    Let's go to Mary's house.We can take a chance on her being there.


take out( v.+adv. )
    找到做某事的简便方法 find an easy way to do sth
take out on( v.+adv.+prep. )
    发泄 express one's feelings by making suffertake sth out on sb

    Every time he had a bad day at work he would come home and take it out on his wife and children.


take over( v.+adv. )
    接管; 接替 accept sth from (sb else)take sth ⇔ over

    The strikers took over the factories.


    She took over his work after his departure.


take to (v.+prep.)
    觉得某事容易学 think it easy to learntake sb to sth

    We usually take the children to school in the car.


    The children were taken to Richmend Memorial Hospital for examination.


    take to sth

    The criminals took to the hills to escape from police.


    take sb to sth

    Father is ill, so he's taken to his bed.


    take to sb/sth/v-ing

    He took to Sally from the moment he met her.


    She thought she would be nervous looking after the horses but she soon took to them.


    We ask him if the Russians would take to golf.


    Bill took to drink while he was a sailor.


    He has recently taken to staying in bed of a Sunday morning.


    take to sth/v-ing

    After a few years as a teacher he left the profession and took to journalism.


    He took to repairing watches in his spare time.


    take to sth

    He took to French as though it had been his native language.


    Father tried to teach John to swim, but John didn't take to it.


take up( v.+adv. )
    有力地支持〔维护〕… support sb's idea or argumenttake sb/sth ⇔ up

    Take care not to take up the hot coals with your bare hands.


    He took up the telephone receiver and began to dial.


    Taking up a child under each arm she ran out of the fire.


    take sth ⇔ up

    The men are coming tomorrow to take the stair mat up, ready for our move.


    This old tree will have to be taken up by its roots.


    Half the road surface is being taken up to lay new electric wires.


    take sb/sth ⇔ up

    Who will take breakfast up to your mother?


    Please take these letters up to the main office.


    take sth ⇔ up

    This kind of paper claims to be able to take up more liquid than any other kind.


    take sth ⇔ up

    It's very difficult to take up a dropped stitch in this pattern.


    take sth ⇔ up

    Now the fashion tells us all to take our skirts up again!


    take sth ⇔ up

    It can take up the whole afternoon to prepare a meal.


    The table takes up too much room.


    That big clock will have to go, it takes up too much space in the small hall.


    Writing in another language demands so much effort that it takes up all my attention.


    take sth ⇔ up

    When does the Minister take up his office?


    I hope to take up my new duties as your chairman at the next meeting.


    take sth ⇔ up

    At the age of sixty he took up the study of Russian.


    When did Joan first take up music?


    I wish I'd never taken up smoking.


    take sb ⇔ up

    Jane will be lucky if she is taken up by the famous singer.


    Beckett was taken up by Joyce before becoming a famous writer.


    take sb/sth ⇔ up

    The train stops here to take up any further passengers, and then goes fast all the way to London.


    take sth ⇔ up

    Joan took up the story when her sister forgot the next detail.


    I put the telephone down and took up my work again.


    take sth ⇔ up

    All the other children in the bus took up the song.


    The whole crowd took up the shout.


    take sth ⇔ up

    I'd like to take the boy's case up with a good lawyer.


    I'll ask the next speaker to take up your suggestion.


    take sth ⇔ up

    I'd like to take up your offer of a ride into town.


    take sb ⇔ up

    I must take you up here,I cannot agree.


    You won't get far with your statement before the chairman takes you up short!


    I took him up sharply when he mentioned the wrong date.


    take sth ⇔ up

    The girls will take up a collection at the end of the concert.


    take sth ⇔ up

    When can we take up the new shares?


    He kindly offered to take up the note of my debt.


    take up

    The boat has been in the water a long time, and the boards have taken up.


    take sth ⇔ up

    Take up those loose ropes, your tent will fall down!


    This part of the machine is for taking up the film.


    These wires must be taken up or the machine will not work.


    take up arms against sb/sth

    All the young men of the village offered to take up arms against the neighbouring people who kept attacking them and stealing their cattle.


    take up a attitude〔position〕

    Once he's taken up a defensive attitude, it's difficult to persuade him that there's nothing to be afraid of.


    I wonder if he really means that, or if he's just taking up a position on the matter.


    take up the cause of sth

    More people are beginning to take up the cause of children's rights.


    take up a challenge

    He said you can't possibly finish in time; are you going to take up his challenge?

    他说你未必能按时完成; 你打算接受他的挑战吗?

    take up sth for sth

    Someone has to take up the cudgels for children's rights, as the children are helpless to do it themselves.


take up with (v.+adv.+prep.)
    对…发生兴趣,致力于; 忙于 take interest in sth; put one's heart into sth; be busy with sthtake up with sb/sth

    She has taken up with the fellow she met in London.


    She has taken up with some very strange people.


    Frank has taken up with Lucy lately.


    He has taken up with a bunch of pleasant, hardworking friends.


    take up with sb/sth

    He is not one to take up readily with new ideas.


    take up with sth

    She took up with the idea of becoming a musician.


    take sb up with sth

    He can't help, he's too taken up with his own problems.


    He's very taken up with his new job.


    I am quite taken up with the author's style.


on the take
    受贿; 伺机吞噬〔攫取〕 take a bribe; wait to capture or snatch sth


用作动词 (v.)
  • take a back seat占一不显眼的位置,谦让
  • take a bad picture不上镜头,拍出照片不好看
  • take a bad turn恶化,变坏
  • take a bite咬一口
  • take a blinder死
  • take a boldness胆敢,擅行
  • take a bow鞠躬
  • take a break小做休息
  • take a bribe收受贿赂
  • take a chance冒险,碰运气
  • take a cup of tea拿来一杯茶
  • take a curtain谢幕
  • take a dare接受挑战并打算干
  • take a decision作决定,下决心
  • take a dive假装被打倒了
  • take a drive坐汽车出游
  • take a drop too much喝醉,酗酒
  • take a fancy to爱上,爱好
  • take a favourable turn变好,转好
  • take a fence越过篱笆
  • take a flat in town在城里租一套房间
  • take a flight飞行,飞翔
  • take a glance at看一看
  • take a hack at尝试
  • take a hand in参加,插手
  • take a hint接受暗示
  • take a hop做一次短途飞行
  • take a horn饮酒
  • take a joke忍受别人开的玩笑
  • take a journey旅游
  • take a leak小便
  • take a light lunch午餐吃得少
  • take a long time费时间
  • take a look at看一看
  • take a matter对待一件事
  • take a measurement of测量,量出
  • take a nap睡午觉
  • take a new view of an affair对某事有新的看法
  • take a notion异想天开地要
  • take a paper订阅一份报纸
  • take a photo拍照
  • take a picture照相
  • take a poor view of不赞成
  • take a powder逃走,跑掉
  • take a reading读取
  • take a rest休息一下
  • take a ride兜风,坐车,骑自行车,骑马
  • take a right turn向右拐
  • take a risk冒险
  • take a seat就座,入座
  • take a shine to喜欢上
  • take a shoot抄近路,走捷径
  • take a short cut抄近路,走捷径
  • take a shower洗淋浴
  • take a side with支持,赞助
  • take a sip of the wine呷一口酒
  • take a stand依据,主张
  • take a strong line干得起劲
  • take a suggestion接受建议
  • take a toss从马背上摔下
  • take a train乘火车
  • take a trip旅游
  • take a view观察
  • take a vote表决
  • take a walk散步
  • take a warning得到警告
  • take a wife娶妻
  • take a wrong train误乘火车
  • take aim瞄准
  • take an account of记录,并列
  • take an airing作户外体操,郊游
  • take an alarm注意到有危险的前兆,惊恐
  • take an attitude of采取…的态度
  • take an average over把…平均起来
  • take an examination参加考试
  • take an example举例子,做个榜样
  • take an interest感兴趣
  • take an item会意
  • take an oath宣誓,立誓
  • take an objection反对
  • take courage拿出勇气
  • take cover隐藏起来
  • take different position采取不同的立场
  • take directions接受指示
  • take instructions接受指示
  • take lodgers接纳房客
  • take lodgings租寓所
  • take medicine服药
  • take one's bearings判断自己的位置,观察形势
  • take one's choice选择
  • take one's colour from仿效,模仿
  • take one's courage in both hands勇往直前,敢作敢为
  • take one's departure出发,动身
  • take one's drops私下饮酒,纵酒
  • take one's duty代替…的工作
  • take one's exit出去,离去
  • take one's heels跑开,溜掉
  • take one's hook逃走
  • take one's leave道别,告别
  • take one's measure打量或揣度…的品德、才智等
  • take one's mind of对…不注意
  • take one's name in vain讨论某人,作伪誓
  • take one's own course一意孤行
  • take one's own life自杀
  • take one's part站在某人一方,帮助某人
  • take one's route to到…去
  • take one's stand采取立场,表示意见
  • take one's turn轮到
  • take one's way towards向…走去
  • take one's word相信某人的话
  • take poison服毒
  • take private pupils招几个学生在家里教
  • take shelter隐藏起来
  • take snuff用鼻子吸〔闻〕
  • take steps采取步骤
  • take substantial casualties遭受重大伤亡
  • take the advice接受意见
  • take the axe by the handle拿住斧柄
  • take the blame承担过错
  • take the book取书
  • take the case接受案子
  • take the chair主持开会
  • take the chairs拿椅子
  • take the city使全城轰动
  • take the count打败,下台
  • take the crown登王位
  • take the defensive取守势
  • take the egg胜,赢
  • take the field开始作战
  • take the first opportunity一有机会就
  • take the floor参加讨论,起立发誓
  • take the ground搁浅
  • take the head带头
  • take the high hand专横
  • take the horse(马)怀孕
  • take the huff见怪
  • take the initiative倡导,采取主动
  • take the labouring oar担任最困难的工作
  • take the money取钱
  • take the offensive取攻势
  • take the part of支持
  • take the part of the hero饰演男主角
  • take the phrase理解短语
  • take the place of取代,替代
  • take the position主张
  • take the post接替职务
  • take the punishment接受惩罚
  • take the rap代人受过
  • take the remark听取意见
  • take the same opinion持相同的主张
  • take the shortest way home走最近的路回家
  • take the six o'clock train乘6点钟的火车
  • take the smoke into one's lungs把烟吸进肺里
  • take the stage出现
  • take the stand of...采取…立场
  • take the throne登王位
  • take the trouble竭力,费力
  • take the upper hand占上风
  • take the water下水
  • take the wind得利益,占上风
  • take the word开始说话
  • take things (the way) they come承受一切
  • take two hours花两个小时
  • take affectionately领会深情,产生柔情
  • take calmly处之泰然,不激动
  • take ceremoniously就职礼仪隆重,娶妻讲究礼节
  • take consciously自觉领会
  • take coolly处之泰然
  • take correctly理解得不错
  • take forcibly强行侵占
  • take graciously采取礼貌态度
  • take indiscriminately无选择地采用
  • take invariably起作用不变
  • take kindly乐意接受
  • take lightly轻视
  • take literally函索记录,照定义理解
  • take ostensibly可公开采用
  • take ostentatiously除去浮夸风,不得虚饰
  • take recklessly乱花费,采取鲁莽态度
  • take reluctantly勉强采用
  • take roughly粗略摘录,产品粗糙不受欢迎
  • take selfishly消除利己主义,摒弃自私心理
  • take seriously认真接受,认真地对待
  • take sparingly节约花费,爱惜采用
  • take unhesitatingly立即获得,迅速取走
  • take voluntarily自动记录,自发接受
  • take voraciously贪吃贪喝
  • take along带领,携带
  • take apart把(某人)叫到一边,拆开,严惩
  • take a toy apart把玩具拆开
  • take back带回,归还
  • take down放下,取下,拆掉;把…记录下来
  • take down the speech把讲话记下来
  • take in吸入,留(某人)寄宿,看到,注意到;完全明白,欺骗(某人)
  • take in the situation看清形势
  • take off拿下,脱下,起跳,起飞,减价
  • take on承担(工作、责任等),雇用(工人),接纳(学生),呈现出
  • take on more men招收更多的工人
  • take over接任,接管
  • take over the chairmanship接任主席职务
  • take up占用,接受,培养,开始对(某学科、嗜好或职业)产生兴趣
  • take up linguistics选学语言学
  • take after father像父亲
  • take as a compliment把…当作恭维
  • take as a personal matter把…看成个人的事
  • take as a sign of friendship把…看作友好的表示
  • take office as chairman担任主席
  • take sb by the hand拉住某人的手
  • take by surprise大出(某人)意料之外
  • take sb by the throat扼住某人咽喉
  • take sb for a fool把某人当傻瓜
  • take sb for a ride带某人去兜风
  • take sb for a walk带某人去散步
  • take sth for granted认为某事当然
  • take sb in one's arms抱住某人
  • take sth in one's hand手里拿着某物
  • take sb into one's confidence把某人当作知心人
  • take sth into account考虑到某事
  • take sth into consideration考虑某事
  • take sth into the house把…搬进屋里
  • take sth off the bill从账单中扣除…
  • take sth off the shelf从架子上把…取走
  • take sb on one's shoulder扛起某人
  • take a freighter to Europe乘货船到欧洲去
  • take sb to court起诉某人
  • take sb to dinner带某人去赴宴
  • take sb to the art museum带某人去艺术博物馆
  • take sb to the station送某人去车站
  • take sth to the library把…送到图书馆
  • take to an offer接受提议
  • take to bad habits染上恶习
  • take to one's bed上床
  • take to drink沉湎于酗酒
  • take to fishing对钓鱼着迷
  • take to gambling到赌场去赌博
  • take to the lifeboat登上救生船
  • take to the streets走上街头
  • take sb under one's wing保护某人,帮助某人
  • take sth up with a pair of pincers用钳子钳起某物
  • take with a smile笑着接受
用作名词 (n.)
  • make a take猎获
  • pull in a take获得一笔收入
  • select the takes选择镜头
  • shoot a take拍摄一个镜头
  • a great take of fish大量捕获的鱼
  • double take先是怔住接着恍然大悟的反应
  • large take大量的猎获物
  • slow take反应迟钝
  • the best takes拍摄得最成功的镜头
  • box-office take票房收入
  • farmer's take农民的总收入
  • take from tourism旅游业的收入
  • take in a year一年的总收入


  • Small boats being used to ferry the takes of fish to the..steamer.

    出自:Daily Telegraph
  • Clouds and..sun succeeded each other, like takes in a film.

    出自:W. Golding
  • An unprecedented sum but peanuts in terms of the movie's ultimate take.

  • The Turks had taken two Castles in Hungary.

    出自:A. Lovell
  • They're not taking me alive.

    出自:J. Wain
accessory tympanal membrane
analog switching circuit
annular scleritis
anodized natural aluminium colour
Asian-dollar market
asymptotically normal and unbiased estimator
autonomous okrug
auxiliary plane of projection
belt hold
butt welding type
capillary ascent
cardiac insufficiencies
cesium cobaltous sulfate
contention for shared recources
conveyor belts
deflecting bar
design hourly demand of hot-water
detecting unit
donkey vote
double dotted minim
economic doldrums
el core
equatorial cleavage
eyelid retractor
floppy disk/hard disk
forced ramming
frequency stability analyzer
Gongylonema pulchrum
high end
Hodler, Ferdinand
humble detaching hook
integrated catalog algorithm
interactive dump formatter
Jones number
long cell
lowest position of cross rail
macaca iruss
marry beneath you
nematic liquid crystal
network data model
normal atmospheric temperature
Nyiru, Mt.
pentobarbital sodiums
percentage relative humidity
primary nasalcavity
processor multiplexing mechanism
queuing model
quinaldine blue
racial empowerment
recording of ballots
registered borrower
REN sleep
reserve fund for major repairs
root of tongue
roughing-the-clock job
Saarinen, Eliel
scaly lentinus
sell Robin Hood's pennyworth
shifting time
Sir Stephen Harold Spender
software design interactive
space multispectral scanner
specified mcr
storage distribution element
target acquisition radar
unilluminated hemisphere
van eycks
Washington, DC
waterborne clause
with distrust