While grazing these rocky slopes lost under the waters, I still spotted some seashells, tube worms, lively annelid worms from the genus Spirorbis, and certain starfish specimens. 在掠过那些敞在水底下的岩石斜坡的时候,我仍然看到~

发表于:2018-12-31 / 阅读(85) / 评论(0) 分类 《海底两万里》中英双语有声读物

There were American triggerfish for which nature has ground only black and white pigments, 还有一些大自然给它们涂上黑白颜色的美洲箭鱼; feather-shaped gobies that were long and plump with yellow fins and jutting jaws, sixteen-de

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Its slanting fins drew it to depths of 2,000 and 3,500 meters. 船的纵斜机板把船带到了2000至3500米的深海中。 There animal life was represented by nothing more than sea lilies, starfish, 在那里,有生命的动物就只有海百合、

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It was about eleven o'clock when Ned Land drew my attention to a fearsome commotion out in this huge seaweed. 大约11点时,尼德兰提醒我注意大海藻丛中有着一阵阵可怕的骚动。 Well, I said, these are real devilfish caverns, an

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People not only claimed these devilfish could drag ships under, 人们不仅说这些章鱼能把船只拖走, but a certain Olaus Magnus tells of a cephalopod a mile long that looked more like an island than an animal. 而且还有一位名叫奥拉

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I stared in my turn and couldn't keep back a movement of revulsion. 我上前一看,忍不住感到一阵恶心。 Before my eyes there quivered a horrible monster worthy of a place among the most farfetched teratological legends. 在我的眼前,游

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And indeed, unless this reef had an engine in its belly, how could it move about with such prodigious speed? 理由是:除非这暗礁在腹部有一架机器,不然的话,它怎能这样快地一会儿到达这里一会儿又到那里呢? Also

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Finally, at noon, we were plowing the waves of the Red Sea. 到了中午,我们就走在红海里面了。 The Red Sea: that great lake so famous in biblical traditions, seldom replenished by rains, fed by no important rivers, continually drained b

发表于:2019-01-27 / 阅读(80) / 评论(0) 分类 《海底两万里》中英双语有声读物

Here we are, Professor Aronnax, Captain Nemo then said. You observe this confined bay? 阿龙纳斯先生,我们到了,尼摩船长说,现在您可以看见这狭窄的海湾。 A month from now in this very place, the numerous fishing boats of

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We're going, Mr. Ned, where the captain's fancy takes us. 尼德兰师傅,随船长的意思,他愿意带我们到哪里,我们就到哪里。 His fancy, the Canadian replied, won't take us very far. 随船长的意思,加拿大人回答,那他

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Meanwhile Ned Land pulled the captain clear. Uninjured, the latter stood up, went right to the Indian, quickly cut the rope binding the man to his stone, 可是,尼德兰立即把尼摩船长拉起来。船长没有受伤,站起来,走到那个印

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We walked by ourselves, genuine loiterers stopping or straying as our fancies dictated. 我们各走各的路,随自己的意思,或停下,或走开。 For my part, I was no longer worried about those dangers my imagination had so ridiculously

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There sponges grew in every shape, globular, stalklike, leaflike, fingerlike. 在这一带海水里面,生长着各种形状的海绵,脚形海绵、卅状海绵、球形海绵、指形海绵。 With reasonable accuracy, they lived up to their ni

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I stood up and could clearly observe the Canadian's adversary. This dugong--which also boasts the name halicore--closely resembled a manatee. 我站起来,很清楚地看见加拿大人的对手。这海马又名为儒良,很像海牛。 Its oblo

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It took pulleys of great strength to hoist this dugong onto the platform. 把这条海马拉到大船的乎台上,必须使用力量很大的起重滑车。 The beast weighed 5,000 kilograms. 它重五千公斤。 It was carved up in sight of the C

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And what thinks our friend Conseil? Ned Land asked. 康塞尔朋友怎样想呢?尼德兰问。 Your friend Conseil, the fine lad replied serenely, has nothing to say for himself. 康塞尔朋友,这个老实人安静地回答,康塞尔朋友没有

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That's also well put, the Canadian replied. 您这些话很正确,加拿大人回答说, But your proviso applies to any escape attempt, whether it happens in two years or two days. 但您提出的这一点可以应用到所有逃走的计划上面

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No, but I can back away from the fireplace producing it. 不能,不过我们可以离开这产生热力的地方。 So it's outside? 那么,这热是外来的。 Surely. We're cruising in a current of boiling water. 不错。我们现在在滚沸的

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If, on the other hand, we do know every living species. 这说法还是比较今人情服的。 We must look for the animal in question among those marine creatures already cataloged, and in this event I would be inclined to accept the existence of a

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All right then! Imagine this weapon to be ten times stronger and the animal ten times more powerful, launch it at a speed of twenty miles per hour, multiply its mass times its velocity, and you get just the collision we need to cause the specified ca

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