An enormous mass was sinking beneath the waters, and the Nautilus, missing none of its death throes, was descending into the depths with it. 一个巨大的物体正往水里下沉,为了不错过看到它垂死的样子,鹦鹉螺号跟着它一起

发表于:2018-12-06 / 阅读(87) / 评论(0) 分类 《海底两万里》中英双语有声读物

No one is unaware of the name of that famous English shipowner, Cunard. 英国著名的船主苟纳尔的名字是没有一个人不知道。 In 1840 this shrewd industrialist founded a postal service between Liverpool and Halifax, 这位精明的企业

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Their volume and power increased with the depth of the waters. 它们的水量和强度随着海水深度的增加而增加。 I then understood the role played by these waves, which trap air in their flanks and release it in the depths of the sea wh

发表于:2018-12-31 / 阅读(80) / 评论(0) 分类 《海底两万里》中英双语有声读物

Chapter 21 A Mass Execution 第廿一章 大屠杀 The way he said this, the unexpectedness of this scene, 尼摩船长这位怪人在这个意外的场合, first the biography of this patriotic ship, 首先平叙了这艘爱国船只的历史, t

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From what country is that ship? 那艘船是哪个国家的? You don't know? Fine, so much the better! At least its nationality will remain a secret to you. Go below! 您不知道?好啊!太好了!它的国籍,至少对您来说,是个谜。

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Our sole difficulty, Captain Nemo went on, lies in our staying submerged for several days without renewing our air supply. 唯一的用难是潜入水底好几天,尼摩船长立即又说。不能调换我们船上储藏的空气。 That's all? I a

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What rage then drove us against these monsters! 于是我们对这些怪物愤怒至极! We lost all self-control. 我们再也忍无可忍。 Ten or twelve devilfish had overrun the Nautilus's platform and sides. 十几条章鱼侵入了鹦鹉螺号

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This was just one more of those insoluble problems that kept welling up in my mind! 这仍是那些不断出现在我的脑海里的悬而未解的问题之一。 Captain Nemo reentered his stateroom, and I saw no more of him for a good while. 尼摩船

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Leaving Old Bahama Channel, which is fourteen leagues wide by 350 meters deep, the Gulf Stream moves at the rate of eight kilometers per hour. 从巴哈马运河出来时,海湾暖流在14里宽、350米深的范围内以每小时8公里的速度流动

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I'll confer with him, Ned. 我去问问他,尼德。 When? the Canadian asked insistently. 什么时候?加拿大人固执地问。 When I encounter him. 当我碰到他时。 Professor Aronnax, would you like me to go find him myself? 阿龙纳斯

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No, Ned, I replied, it isn't worth more. 不,尼德,我回答,我的生命不是更有价值。 Nobody could be better than a kind and generous man like yourself! 谁也不能比善良仁爱的人们更优秀,而您正是这种人! All righ

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After two hours of energetic work, 经过两小时的努力工作, Ned Land reentered, exhausted. 尼德兰疲倦不堪地回来。 He and his companions were replaced by new workmen, 他的同伴们和他,由别的人员替代, including Conse

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Captain Nemo had picked an odd time to philosophize. 尼摩船长选择这时候来作这种哲学思考,真是太离奇了。 All in all, this reply told me nothing. 总之,他的答复对我没有什么帮助。 May I learn, sir, I asked him, w

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Noon arrived without the orb of day appearing for a single instant. 中午到了,日光仍是一瞬也没有现出。 You couldn't even find its hiding place behind the curtain of mist. 人们甚至不可能认出它在这雾幕后面所在的位置。

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The next day, March 20, it stopped snowing. 第二天,3月20日,风雪停了。 The cold was a little more brisk. 天气比较寒冷一些, The thermometer marked -2 degrees centigrade. 温度表是零下二度。 The mist had cleared, and on t

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In the water, their ideal element, I must say these animals swim wonderfully thanks to their flexible backbones, narrow pelvises, close-cropped hair, and webbed feet. 我得说,它们在海水里面生活环境优越,这些脊骨活动,骨盘狭窄

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Made of solid ivory, without striations, harder than elephant tusks, and less prone to yellowing, these teeth are in great demand. 是人们争求的珍品。因此这些海马受到意外过度的猎龋不久就要被消减到最后阶段了, Acco

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It was an arduous climb over sharp lava and pumice stones in the midst of air often reeking with sulfurous fumes from the smoke holes. 我们是在充满喷火口所发出的流磺气体的大气中,沿着尖利的火石和浮石的石层,作艰苦

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It's marvelous, I replied, and I truly see, captain, how right you are to use this force; it's sure to take the place of wind, water, and steam. 真了不得。我答,船长,我很明白您使用这种原动力的理由,因为这原动力是可以

发表于:2019-02-25 / 阅读(187) / 评论(0) 分类 《海底两万里》中英双语有声读物

A MOMENT LATER we were seated on a couch in the lounge, cigars between our lips. 一会儿,我们坐在客厅的一张长沙发上,各人嘴里叼着雪茄。 The captain placed before my eyes a working drawing that gave the ground plan, cross se

发表于:2019-02-25 / 阅读(169) / 评论(0) 分类 《海底两万里》中英双语有声读物