The existence of this shore seemed to bear out Commander Maury's hypotheses. 这片陆地的存在好像证明莫利的假设是对的。 In essence, this ingenious American has noted that between the South Pole and the 60th parallel, the sea is cove

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I also saw myriads of those northernmost sea butterflies three centimeters long, which a baleen whale can swallow by the thousands in one gulp. 我又看到有无数北方的触须贝,长三厘米;鲸鱼每一口就吞食它们一大群。 The op

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For two days we visited these deep and deserted waters by means of our slanting fins. 两天内,在这一带荒凉无物的深水中,船都利用纵斜机板下去看过。 The Nautilus would do long, diagonal dives that took us to every level. 诺

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Chapter 16 Shortage of Air 第十六章 缺少空气 Consequently, above, below, and around the Nautilus, there were impenetrable frozen walls. 这样,诺第留斯号的四周,上面下面,都是不可通过的冰墙。 We were the Ice Bank's p

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Objects hanging in the lounge were visibly returning to their normal positions. 悬挂在客厅中的东西分明恢复了它们原来的地位。 The walls were approaching the vertical. Nobody said a word. 墙板接近垂直。我们中间没有谁说

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I found a place near him and waited without speaking. 我站在他旁边,我等候着,不说话。 Noon arrived, and just as on the day before, the sun didn't put in an appearance. 正午到了,跟昨天一样,太阳不出来。 It was sheer

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THE NEXT DAY, March 22, at six o'clock in the morning, preparations for departure began. 第二天,3月22日早晨六点,诺第留斯号准备开走。 The last gleams of twilight were melting into night. 清晨的最后曙光没人黑暗中去了。

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But we ourselves hadn't severed all ties with humanity. 但我们,我们不能与人类隔绝。 For my part, I didn't want my new and unusual research to be buried with my bones. 至于我,我不愿意把我如此奇特新颖的研究和我一起埋

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DURING THE DAY of January 29, the island of Ceylon disappeared below the horizon, and at a speed of twenty miles per hour, the Nautilus glided into the labyrinthine channels that separate the Maldive and Laccadive Islands. 1月29日,锡兰岛远在天

发表于:2019-01-27 / 阅读(95) / 评论(0) 分类 《海底两万里》中英双语有声读物

Agreed, I said. And steam seems to have killed off all gratitude in seamen's hearts. 这样一个秘密要跟它的发明人一同消逝,是多么不幸:尼摩船长并不回答我的话。 But since you seem to have made a special study of this

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Surely, but of great use to the world at large, Captain Nemo said. 不错,不过对全世界很有用。船长回答, The ancients well understood the usefulness to commerce of connecting the Red Sea with the Mediterranean, but they never dreamed

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The Chassepot rifle led to the torpedo, and the torpedo has led to this underwater battering ram, 机枪之后有水雷,水雷之后有潜水冲击机, which in turn will lead to the world putting its foot down. At least I hope it will. 然后一又

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But in the meantime I would have to look for this narwhale in the northern Pacific Ocean; which meant returning to France by way of the Antipodes. 不过,目前我必须到太平洋的北部去找这个海麒麟。这和我要回法国去,却是背

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By then Commander Farragut, Ned Land, and I were on the afterdeck, peering eagerly into the profound gloom. 法拉古舰长、尼德兰和我当时都在尾楼上,聚精会神地凝视着深沉的黑暗。 Ned Land, the commander asked, you've ofte

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Ned Land still kept up the most tenacious skepticism; beyond his spells on watch, 尼德兰总是抱着不肯轻信的态度; he pretended that he never even looked at the surface of the waves, at least while no whales were in sight. 除了轮到他在

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Come on, Conseil! I told him. Here's your last chance to pocket that 2,000.00! 喂,康塞尔,我跟他说,现在是获得两千美元奖金的最后一次机会了。 If master will permit my saying so, Conseil replied, I never expected to win

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Even less likely, Ned. The devilfish is merely a mollusk, and even this name hints at its semiliquid flesh, because it's Latin meaning soft one. 尼德兰,那更不对了。章鱼是软体动物,单是这个名字就已经表明它的肌肉一点也

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So the Abraham Lincoln wasn't lacking in means of destruction. But it had better still. It had Ned Land, the King of Harpooners. 因此,林肯号的歼灭性武器,可以说样样俱全,最妙的是船上还有鱼叉手之王尼德兰。 Gifted

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Thank you, Conseil. Only I must ask you to postpone the question of new year's gifts, and temporarily accept a hearty handshake in their place. 谢谢,康塞尔,不过我要你把新年送礼的问题搁下来,现在暂且好好握一下手作为

发表于:2019-02-17 / 阅读(81) / 评论(0) 分类 《海底两万里》中英双语有声读物

Finally, at five o'clock in the afternoon, laden with all our treasures, we left the island beach and half an hour later pulled alongside the Nautilus. 到了下午五点的时候,我们装上我们所得的财富,离开了这岛的海岸,半小时

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