The Nautilus seemed to be standing still. This was due to the lack of landmarks. 诺第留斯号好像是不动了,这是因为水中没有标炽盼缘故。 But streaks of water, parted by the ship's spur, sometimes threaded before our eyes with e

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That's all? 仅仅这个数目吗? That's all, Professor Aronnax, and the calculation is easy to check. 仅仅这个数目,阿龙纳斯先生。并且,很容易用计算来证实。 Now then, I have supplementary ballast tanks capable of shippi

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Fair enough, captain, but if we're going to see, we need light to drive away the dark, and in the midst of the murky waters, I wonder how your helmsman can. 尼摩船长,这个我承认;但是在海中要想看得清清楚楚,一定要有光亮来

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There are no structural deformities to worry about, because the double hull of this boat has the rigidity of iron; no rigging to be worn out by rolling and pitching on the waves; no sails for the wind to carry off; no boilers for steam to burst open;

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Its tanks were manufactured by Cail amp; Co. in Paris, its engine by Krupp in Prussia, its spur by the Motala workshops in Sweden, its precision instruments by Hart Bros. in New York, etc.; and each of these suppliers received my specifications under

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Now then, at the spot indicated on the world map, one of these seagoing rivers was rolling by, the Kuroshio of the Japanese, the Black Current: heated by perpendicular rays from the tropical sun, it leaves the Bay of Bengal, crosses the Strait of Mal

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Meanwhile Ned Land, less dedicated to conchology, questioned me about my interview with Captain Nemo. 这个时候。尼德兰他不是贝类学家问我关于我跟尼摩船长会谈的情形。 Had I discovered who he was, where he came from, where

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THE PART OF THE planet earth that the seas occupy has been assessed at 3,832,558 square myriameters, hence more than 38,000,000,000 hectares. This liquid mass totals 2,250,000,000 cubic miles and could form a sphere with a diameter of sixty leagues,

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Then how do you break free? I asked. 那么,可以自由行动的方法是什么呢?我问。 We use the Rouquayrol-Denayrouze device, invented by two of your fellow countrymen but refined by me for my own special uses, thereby enabling you to risk

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What it meant I was unable to say. 这话是什么意思,那我可说不上来。 These words pronounced, the chief officer went below again. I thought the Nautilus was about to resume its underwater navigating. 说了这句话之后,船副又下到

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Quarto, Conseil went on, unabashed, the apods, with long bodies that lack pelvic fins and are covered by a heavy, often glutinous skin, an order consisting of only one family. Examples: common eels and electric eels. 第四目是无腹鳍鱼,康塞尔

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Finally, at around four o'clock, this marvelous excursion came to an end. 后来,大约四点钟左右的时候,新奇惊人的旅行结束了。 A wall of superb rocks stood before us, imposing in its sheer mass: 一道高大的岩石墙和一大堆

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BY THE NEXT MORNING, November 18, I was fully recovered from my exhaustion of the day before, 第二天,11月18日,昨日的疲劳,完全歇过来了, and I climbed onto the platform just as the Nautilus's chief officer was pronouncing his da

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The Nautilus's general heading was southeast, and it stayed at a depth between 100 and 150 meters. 诺第留斯号所走的大方向是东南方,它所在的深度总是保持在一百米和一百五十米之间。 However, from lord-knows-what whi

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I could make out only its wooded mountains on the horizon, because Captain Nemo hated to hug shore. 我只看到天边满是丛林密布的山岭,因为尼摩船长不喜欢接近陆地,所以我没看见别的。 There our nets brought up some f

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The nets were hauled on board. 鱼网被拉上船来。 They were a breed of trawl resembling those used off the Normandy coast, h 网是袋形的,跟诺曼底沿海使用的很相似, uge pouches held half open by a floating pole and a chain lac

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Questioning the natives, Captain Dumont d'Urville also learned that after La Perouse's two ships had miscarried on the island's reefs, 杜蒙?居维尔详细询问土人,知道拉?白鲁斯在岛附近暗礁上损失了他的两只船后,又造了一

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These are the normal navigational instruments, I replied, and I'm familiar with their uses. 这些是航海家常用的仪器,我答,我知道它们的用法。我现在看见的这个表盘,上面有能转动的针,那不是流体压力计吗?

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Sodium? 钠吗? Yes, sir. Mixed with mercury, it forms an amalgam that takes the place of zinc in Bunsen cells. 是的,先生。钠跟汞混合,成为一种合金,代替本生电池中所需要的锌。 The mercury is never depleted. Only the

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I'm not so certain they'll find it, Captain Nemo replied icily. But be that as it may, you're already familiar with the first use I've found for this valuable force. 我不知道他们是不是总有一无能够找到,尼摩船长冷淡地回答,不

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