Just then the chief officer drew the captain's attention anew. The latter interrupted his strolling and aimed his spyglass at the point indicated. 这个时候,船副重新又要船长小心注意。船长停下脚步来,把望远镜向所指的夭

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THE NEXT DAY I woke up with my head unusually clear. Much to my surprise, I was in my stateroom. 第二天,我醒来,头脑特别清爽。令我十分吃惊的是,我竟在我的房中。 No doubt my companions had been put back in their cabin

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The light from our glass coils produced magical effects at times, lingering on the wrinkled roughness of some natural arch, 我们的蛇形玻璃管中的光学,照在这些天然的凹凸不平的拱形建筑物上面, or some overhang suspended

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And, contrary to custom, it executed such a maneuver several times during that day of January 19. 这种方式跟往常不同,在1月19日这一天做了好几次。 The chief officer would then climb onto the platform, and his usual phrase would r

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NIGHT FELL. I went to bed. I slept pretty poorly. Man-eaters played a major role in my dreams. 黑夜来临,我睡了,睡得很不好。鲛鱼在我梦中起了重大的作用, And I found it more or less appropriate that the French word for sh

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One was short and stocky, powerfully muscled, broad shouldered, robust of limbs, the head squat, the hair black and luxuriant. 一个是身材短小,筋肉发达,两肩宽阔,躯体壮健,坚强的头颅,蓬蓬的黑发。 the mustache heav

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I felt involuntarily reassured in his presence, and this boded well for our interview. 我看见这个人在面前,心中自然而然地觉得很安定,我预料我们的会谈将很顺利。 Whether this individual was thirty-five or fifty years

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What strange power was carrying us along? 把我们带走的是什么奇异的力量? I felt-or at least I thought I did-the submersible sinking toward the sea's lower strata. 我感到不如说我以为感到这船正向海底最深的地方下沉。

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Although our cell was large, we obviously had used up most of the oxygen it contained. 虽然牢房还算宽大,但很明白,我们已经消耗掉了里面大部分氧气。 In essence, over an hour's time a single human being consumes all the ox

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I realized, moreover, that Ned Land's brooding was getting him madder by the minute. 我看得出尼德兰因为脑子里想得太多,变得更加激动了。 Little by little, I heard those aforesaid cusswords welling up in the depths of his gulle

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On the contrary, professor, the harpooner replied, not wanting to give in. There is something we can do. 正相反!教授,鱼叉手答,他坚持自己的意见,一定要干一下。 Oh? And what, Mr.Land? 哎!尼德兰师傅,干什么呀?

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But even so, was the man going to let us die of starvation, locked up in this cramped prison, 但是,他把我们关在这狭小的牢房里,不给我们饭吃。 exposed to those horrible temptations to which people are driven by extreme hunger?

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Gentlemen, he said in a calm, penetrating voice, I speak French, English, German, and Latin with equal fluency. 先生们,我会说法语、英语、德语和拉丁语。 Hence I could have answered you as early as our initial interview, 我本来可

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This man expressed himself with perfect ease and without a trace of an accent. 这人说法语一点不费力,没有任何土音。 His phrasing was clear, his words well chosen, his facility in elocution remarkable. 他用的句子很正确,词汇

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It's an immense wilderness where a man is never lonely, because he feels life astir on every side. 在这汪洋浩瀚的大海中,人们不是孤独的,园为他们感到在自己周围处处都有生命在颤动; The sea is simply the vehicle

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But this sea, Professor Aronnax, he told me, this prodigious, inexhaustible wet nurse of a sea not only feeds me, she dresses me as well. 阿龙纳斯先生,这海, 这奇妙的、取之不尽的生命泉源,不仅仅给我吃的,并且还给我穿

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In the center of this room stood a table, richly spread. Captain Nemo indicated the place I was to occupy. 餐厅的中间摆着一桌丰盛的菜。尼摩船长指给我坐的位于。 Be seated, he told me, and eat like the famished man you must be

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This was plain speaking. 这话说得十分干脆。 A flash of anger and scorn lit up the stranger's eyes, and I glimpsed a fearsome past in this man's life. 这人眼中闪出愤怒和轻蔑的光芒,我看得出这个人的生活中一定有过一

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Captain Nemo, I told my host, who had just stretched out on a couch, this is a library that would do credit to more than one continental palace, 尼摩船长,我对刚在沙发上躺下的主人说,这样一个图书室,就是放在大陆上的宫

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In the first group: organ-pipe coral, gorgonian coral arranged into fan shapes, soft sponges from Syria, isis coral from the Molucca Islands, sea-pen coral, wonderful coral of the genus Virgularia from the waters of Norway, various coral of the genus

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